Thin-layer heap bioleaching of copper flotation tailings …

Thin-layer heap bioleaching of copper flotation tailings containing high levels of fine grains was carried out by mixed cultures on a small scale over a period of 210 d. Lump ores as a framework were loaded at the bottom of the ore heap. The overall copper leaching rates of tailings and lump ores were 57.10wt% and 65.52wt%, respectively. The dynamic shifts of …

About – Critical Metals in Copper Mine Tailings

Arizona has produced ~70 M tons of copper since large-scale mining began in the late 19th century and contains at least another 280 M tons yet to be mined. Current production is ~0.75 …

Preparation and Crystallization of Magnetic Glass‐Ceramics …

Magnetic glass-ceramics with good performance were fabricated successfully by direct sintering, using residues with a small amount of iron after sulfur release and iron recovery from copper ore tailings. Hedenbergite, wollastonite and sekaninaite were formed with traces of maghemite and quartz. Meanwhile, the color of the magnetic glass-ceramics was lighter than …

Nuton: A better way to produce copper

Details of our tailings facilities can be found on our interactive tailings disclosure map. ... This unique technology achieves recovery rates of up to 85% from primary sulphide ore, the most abundant type of copper ore in the world – substantially higher than recoveries achieved by alternative leaching technologies.

The Development of Innovated Complex Process for …

The possibility of selective Cu and Zn leaching from the sample of old pyrite tailings, which is one of the most widespread types of solid waste forming during non-ferrous metal production, using sulfuric acid solutions and water was studied. ... The Development of Innovated Complex Process for Treatment of Old Flotation Tailings of Copper-Zinc ...

Geochemistry of a copper mine tailings deposit in …

This study investigates copper ore tailings deposited in Repparfjorden, Norway in the 1970's. Bathymetric show that the tailings deposit still occurs as a series of cone-shapes and has retained its original shape for four decades. Analytical data of 51 chemical elements show that some of the tailings are spreading, affecting fjord surface ...

Chemical and Mineral Analysis of Flotation Tailings from …

ABSTRACT The study involved the chemical and mineralogical analysis of actual tailings production from Lubin Concentrator Plant (KGHM Polska Miedz SA Group). KGHM Polska Miedz SA Group is the world's leading company that mines and processes sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposits in SW Poland. From the beginning of copper ore mining, …

Development of copper recovery process from flotation tailings …

In order to confirm the effect of FeS2 on copper leaching efficiency and the possibility of applying the optimal conditions to another copper ore treatment, sample A (copper ore excludes FeS2) and sample B (copper ore consists of 0.5% FeS2) were used in the HPL experiments.

Take two: why mine tailings are worth another look

Tailings as a source of minerals and metals. But what's this got to do with tailings? Well, put simply, the production of more metals will generate a lot more waste. For example, according to the IEA, the average copper ore grade in Chile – the world's largest copper producer – in 2019, was 0.7% (see figure 1). That means that, for ...

Removal mechanism of phosphorus in water by calcium …

Modification of copper tailings by calcium hydroxide (CCT) Ca(OH) 2 suspensions with different concentrations were added into conical bottles containing CT respectively. The conical bottles were ...

Ore Minerals and Metal Distribution in Tailings of Sediment …

This study, carried out in tailings from two sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposits in the Lublin-Głogów Copper District in Poland (Kupferschiefer-type deposit) and Zhezkazgan (cupriferous sandstone-type deposit) in Kazakhstan, analysed the mineralogy of copper, zinc, and lead minerals as related to metal accumulation in sediments. Microscopic …

Biosynthesis of copper nanoparticles from copper …

the use of a real effluent obtained from the leaching of sulfide ore tailings is studied for the biosynthesis of copper nanoparticles. For this purpose, the bacterial biomass of Pseudomonas stutzeri was used as a bioreducing agent. The leaching of the chalcopyrite-bearing tailings achieved a copper recovery of 50% in 8 h, thanks to sodium

Enhanced flocculation and sedimentation of copper tailings …

The tailings treatment includes three key aspects: (i) settling efficiency for flocculation and sedimentation; (ii) sediment moisture content for concentration and storage in …

Ore Minerals and Metal Distribution in Tailings of …

ore resources, however, the volume of produced copper considerably decreased (about 230,000 tonnes in 2015) [18]. Mining wastes, collected in the process of sedimentation after ore floatation, are an

Use of copper ore tailings

Corpus ID: 124627093; Use of copper ore tailings - As an excellent pozzolana in the preparation of concrete @article{Prahallada2014UseOC, title={Use of copper ore tailings - As an excellent pozzolana in the preparation of concrete}, author={C. Prahallada and B. C. Shanthappa}, journal={International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and …

Geochemistry of a copper mine tailings deposit in …

This study investigates copper ore tailings deposited in Repparfjorden, Norway in the 1970's. Bathymetric show that the tailings deposit still occurs as a series of cone-shapes …

Geochemistry of a copper mine tailings deposit in

This study investigates copper ore tailings deposited in Repparfjorden, Norway in the 1970's. Bathymetric show that the tailings deposit still occurs as a series of cone …

Toward sustainable reprocessing and valorization of sulfidic copper …

To account for copper grade declines, it is assumed that the degradation of copper ore grades follows the power regression relationship according to Crowson (2012). Copper tailings are produced from different mines, and thus it is important to fully characterize the quality and quantity of copper tailings at each site.

Process effluents and mine tailings: sources, effects and

Increasing population levels, growing economies, rapid urbanization and changes in consumption patterns have increased the demand for raw materials such as base and precious metals, leading to growing concerns regarding their availability and the global efficiency of the mine supply chain. Mine tailings, consisting of process effluents that are generated in a …

Sulfuric Acid Granulation of Copper—Nickel Ore Tailings: …

A laboratory scale study was conducted, aimed at finding an effective method for processing fine concentration tailings of copper-nickel ores.

Iron Ore Tailings: Characterization and …

Currently, approximately 1.4 billion tons per year of iron ore tailing wastes (IOT) are generated, mainly in Australia, Brazil, and China. This work describes the characterization and application ...

Research Areas – Critical Metals in Copper Mine Tailings

Using this analysis, we will identify the most promising method(s) of economically reprocessing copper mine tailings to recover critical metals from the tailings sampled and tested.


for high tailings facilities in the deep valleys of the Andes in South America. 2.1 NET PRESENT VALUE ACCOUNTING APPLIED TO TAILINGS MANAGEMENT There is a commonly held perception that transporting tailings as a slurry to a facility is the most economic approach. However, to a large extent this tailings dewatering, density and shear strength, and

A review on 3D printable cementitious material containing copper …

In recent decades, CO 2 emissions from concrete manufacturers have accounted for 5–8% of global total CO 2 emissions. Moreover, the amount of industrial waste created increases year after year. Iron ore tailings (IOT) and copper ore tailings (COT) have been a matter of concern for researchers in recent years as a type of building material.

Geotechnical Properties of Mine Tailings | Journal of …

The CRRs of the iron and copper tailings in this study are similar to other kinds of tailings such as copper tailings and copper-zinc tailings. As mentioned above, the cyclic resistance of soil can also be studied with the CDSS test, and some of the reported data of CDSS tests are also illustrated in Fig. 7. The comparison between the CTX and ...

Leaching of copper from tailings using …

The leaching of copper from the tailings of Baifang Copper Mine in Hunan province in China by aqueous ammonia/ammonium chloride solutions has been studied. The tailings belong to a low-grade and high-alkaline copper ore. The effect of leaching time, the concentration of ammonia, solid/liquid ratio and temperature were investigated. The main important parameters in …

Influence of grading and fabric arising from the initial …

This demands knowledge of the compacted material's response. Thus, the present research assesses the mechanical response of compacted copper ore tailings extracted from two different sampling locations within the dam reservoir (i.e. …

Environmental Risks From Mine Tailings

Tailings are a type of rock waste from the mining industry. When a mineral product is mined, the valuable portion is usually embedded in a rock matrix called ore.

Acidic and Ammonium Sulphate Leaching of Historic Copper Tailings …

Earlier mining operations produced significant amount of low-grade waste tailings during the extraction processes of the valuable ore. In Zambia, there are reportedly more than 45 old tailing dams covering an area of about 9125 ha [], of which with the opening of more new mines, may see more being generated.These tailings present a significant metal resource.

Critical State Analysis for Iron Ore Tailings with a Fine

The formation of layering during the sedimentation process of tailings makes it of great significance to investigate tailings and to analyze their susceptibility to flow liquefaction. In this study, homogeneous iron ore tailings (IOTs) specimens were reconstituted with pure coarser grains and pure finer grains sampled from a typical tailings storage facility. Additionally, an …

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