Depending on physical and chemical behaviour the PGEs are divided into two subgroups: IPGE (Ir, Os, Ru) and PPGE (Pd, Pt, Rh). Platinum group elements show strong …
A review of the behaviour of Platinum Group Elements within natural magmatic sulfide ore systems. The largest and most significant type of geological deposit of platinum group …
Platinum-group elements (PGE) and gold are a promising tool to assess the processes of mantle melting beneath the subduction zones.
The Platinum Group Elements (PGE: Osmium, Iridium, Ruthenium, Rhodium, Platinum, and Palladium), also known as platinum group metals and platinoids, are transition …
A Review of the Behaviour of Platinum Group Elements within Natural Magmatic Sulfide Ore Systems. The importance of semimetals in governing partitioning behaviour. …
Platinum-group elements (PGE) have shown to have a strong affinity for arsenide melts, but little is known about their partitioning behavior between arsenide and sulfide melts.
The fractionation of platinum-group element (PGE) displays evidence of erratic dispersion throughout the intrusion. PGE patterns of chromitites show high Ir and Ru contents, …
The paper considers the current state of Platinum Group Elements (PGEs) geochemistry in the ocean. The behavior of PGEs in the aquatic environment is defined by …
The separation chemistry of the platinum-group metals is among the most complex and challenging of metal separations. A brief description of …
The largest and most significant type of geological deposit of platinum group elements (PGEs) is that associated with magmatic base metal sulfide minerals in layered mafic or ultramafic …