1450mm 6 Hi cold rolling mill

1450mm 6hi cold rolling mill . 1. Its usage. To roll high quality cold rolled steel coil( plain carbon steel) 2. Brief Introduction: The production of this unit is to roll hot rolled coils with the thickness of 2.0~4.5mm into high precision cold rolled coils with the thickness of 0.18~1.5mm through several time of rolling. The scale of the ...

Hot Strip Mill Rolls, Cold Strip Mill Rolls, Section Mill Rolls

Shan Dong Rolling Mill Technology Co.,Ltd is a professional design, development, production, sales and after-sales high-tech enterprise. Our company has the professional technical personnel, the precision production equipment, the super production capacity, for the customer to build the first-class environmental protection, the energy-saving production equipment.

20 Hi Cold Rolling Mill

20 High Mills are used for high-speed production of cold rolled strip for both ferrous and nonferrous metals. The system impressive accuracy tolerances deliver performance levels …


KRAKATAU STEEL BAB II PROSES PRODUKSI UNIT COLD ROLLING MILL (CRM) 2.1 Flow Chart Produksi Proses canai dingin secara spesifik ditandai dengan adanya proses reduksi terhadap tebal material melalui beberapa pasang roll tanpa ada proses pemanasan (dingin). Proses ini menghasilkan permukaan strip yang halus dan lebih keras.

Cold Rolling Mill Automation System

The mill rolls a wide variety of products, including 3XXX, 5XXX, and 6XXX aluminum alloys at exit gauges down to 0.0055 inch. It is the only cold mill in the plant and makes all breakdown, intermediate and finish passes.

2 Hi Cold Rolling Mills

The 4Hi Cold Rolling Mills are used for rolling of coils, sheets and plates of all types of metals and alloys like Stainless Steel, Mild Steel, Brass, Copper, Cupro-Nickel, Aluminum etc.

Hot Rolling And cold rolling process | PPT

13. Advantages Of Hot Rolling Process Hot rolling can greatly reduce energy consumption and costs. The metal plastic deformation is high during hot rolling, and the deformation resistance is low, which reduces the energy consumption of metal deformation. Hot rolling can improve the processing performance of metals and alloys. That is to say, the …

PRODUCTS|Sendzimir Japan, Ltd.

HIGHT QUALITY Higher quality and more accurate products by our better and more precise control technology.. Now adays thin plate cold rolling mill requires rolling quality that produces thinner and higher precision plates. We are proud to be known as innovators in the rolling mill industry, and we are always looking ahead for challenging new technical developments.

Hot Rolling Mill Plant – TMC_EN

6-High Cold Rolling Mill; 18-High Cluster Mill; Skin Pass Mill; Tension Leveller; Roller Leveller; Scale Breaker; Thin Gauge Leveller; Pay Off Reel & Tension Reel; Side Trimmer; Multi Leveller; Flying Shear; Laser Welder; Magnesium …

4 Hi Cold Rolling Mills, Output thickness 2 mm to 0.15 mm

Our technologically developed 4 Hi Cold Rolling Mills are used for shaping large pieces of metals such as billets, blooms and slabs. It has the capability to treat the wide range of strip widths; output thickness can reach 0.15mm, with mill speed of up to 1400 meters per minute.

20Hi cold rolling mills

DMS 20Hi EcoMill for stainless steel features advanced strip cooling and flatness control systems to ensure increased rolling speed, maximum strip width and minimum thickness. WORLD RECORDS: Minimum strip thickness: below 30 …

Bar & Wire Rod Rolling Mill Manufacturers

We are China manufacturer of Steel Rolling Mill, Wire Rod Mill, TMT Rebar Mill, Electric Arc Furnace, Flying Shear, Cold Strip Rolling Mill, Continuous Casting Machine and spare part. We can supply designing, manufacturing, installation, and commission of the equipment with "turn-key" service. We can also design, manufacture and revamp other non-standard equipment …


Cold Rolled Steel Strip is produced, as the term suggests by the further rolling of strip produced by the hot strip mills. Prior to cold rolling, the mill scale has to be removed, normally by the Pickling Process which uses mechanical manipulation (around small diameter rolls) and acid to dissolve the surface scale.

Cold rolling mills and skin-pass mills for ultimate surface …

If you want to achieve the ultimate surface quality and optimum material characteristics, you need the best available technology. With guaranteed performance, record-breaking achievements, and more than 100 references - including GIGA steel production - our range of DMS 20Hi Cold Rolling and Skin-Pass Mills provide world-leading solutions for processing carbon, stainless …

Cold Mill Rolls | Work Rolls | Backup Rolls

Psrolls - We are manufacturer of rolls and roll assemblies complete with bearing assemblies & other components manufacturing. cold mill rolls, work rolls, backup rolls, backup rolls sleeves, induction hardened rolls. rolls for cold rolling mills, …

Rolling Mills: 6 Different Types of Rolling Mills [Images & PDF]

The 20 high rolling mill from ANDRITZ Metals Germany is mainly used for cold rolling of metal strip to thinnest final gages and wide range of strip width. The special feature in a 20 high mill is the relation between work roll diameter and …

20-Hi Reversing Carbon Steel Cold Rolling Mill

We're well-known as one of the leading 20-hi reversing carbon steel cold rolling mill manufacturers and suppliers in China. Please feel free to buy high quality 20-hi reversing carbon steel cold rolling mill in stock here and get quotation from our factory. Also, customized service is …

Rolling mill meaning in Hindi

Usage : Two years later, a hot - rolling mill was set up for the production of brass sheets; the cold - rolling mill followed much later in 1950. उदाहरण : बेलन मिल अनाज को आटा में पिसने के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है। [pr. {}] (Noun) +3

4-Hi Rolling Mill | Cold Rolling Mill

AGC 4-hi rolling mill control accuracy, especially suitable for high precision cold-rolled strip production. Production line process Front coiler→(Unloading car)→Machine front device→ 4-hi main rolling mil→ Machine after the device→After the coiler (Unloading car)→according demands to arrange the uncoiler, Starting straightening ...


The first producer and excellent cold rolled mill for all customers and a contributor to society. TCRSS is proud to be the first manufacturer in Thailand to produce superior quality cold rolled steel sheets. Our products perfectly reflect TCRSS's total commitment to excellence in quality using world-class technological resources and the newest ...

Research on the service life of bearings in the gearbox of rolling mill …

As a result, the degradation and failure of bearings can lead to unplanned shutdowns of the entire rolling mill system. Since on-site cold rolling mills work usually in non-steady lubrication rolling conditions originating form variations of multiple parameters, the uncertainty affecting bearing performance in a cold rolling mill transmission ...

4 Hai Pabrik Penggulung Dingin Berkelanjutan

kualitas tinggi 4 Hai Pabrik Penggulung Dingin Berkelanjutan dari Cina, 4 Hai Pabrik Pengerolan Dingin Berkelanjutan Produk, dengan kontrol kualitas yang ketat Pabrik Penggulung Dingin Berkelanjutan 380V pabrik, menghasilkan kualitas tinggi pabrik penggulungan dingin CE …

Sundwig 20-high cold rolling mill

The history of the Sundwig 20-high rolling mill begins in the first half of the last century, when Sundwig (now ANDRITZ Metals Germany) developed a multi-roll cold rolling mill in 1930. Just a few years later, the first alligator-type 20-high rolling mill was built, followed in 1958 by the first 20-high rolling mill in Sundwig Four Column (SFC ...

JSW Cold Rolling Mills | Widest Cold Rolling Mill for …

JSW Cold Rolling Mill is Widest Cold Rolling Mill Manufacturers for Automotive Steel in India. About. JSW Group. Learn about JSW Group and its business facilities in various core sectors of India. JSW Steel. Information about India's leading integrated steel manufacturers with a …

Rolling Mills: 6 Different Types of Rolling Mills [Images

In the rolling process, the job is drawn through a set of rolls due to interface friction, and the compressive forces reduce the thickness of the workpiece or change its cross-sectional area.. The types of rolls used in rolling mills depend upon the shape, size, and gap between the rolls and their contour. Because of workability and limitations in equipment, …

Steel cold rolling mills

The Cold Rolling Mill is the key and pivotal equipment of a Steel Cold Mill complex, where high quality in the cold rolled strip is paramount for both productivity and final product's level.. Drawing from a long list of succesful projects around the globe, MINO has distilled a defenitive design for Single Stand Reversing Mills and Two Stand Reversing Mills.

Cold rolling on a 4 hi reversible mill | PDF

This document provides a 10-step overview of the cold rolling process for steel in a 4 Hi mill. The key steps include: 1) Pickling the hot rolled coil to remove impurities, 2) Water washing, 3) Applying a rust-protective …

Sundwig 4-high cold rolling mill

The 4-high rolling mill from ANDRITZ Metals Germany represents 150 years of experience and state of the art technology for cold rolling mills. Discover our business. ... Strengths and benefits of the 4-high cold rolling mill. Rolling technology for highest quality standards; Proven and sophisticated design, with more than 50 references ...


IHI is one of the major steel cold rolling mill supplier. Our goal is to serve our rich and proven technologies to Customer with satisfaction. Product & Service - Reversing Cold Rolling Mill - Combination Mill (Reduction and Skinpass) - Skinpass Mill - Temper Mill - Tandem Cold Rolling Mill - Plant Examination - Plant Modernization - Plant ...


Similar Listings to - 6 HI COLD ROLLING REVERSING MILL. Rolling Mills. Rolling Mills. IRM Rolling Mills. IRM Rolling Mills. An MDNA Partner. MDNA is an international nonprofit trade association, established in …

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