Which metal has a melting point of over 3000 degrees …

The transition metal with a melting point of 961.93 degrees Celsius is Tungsten, which has the chemical symbol W. Tungsten is known for its high melting point, making it useful in applications ...

Why Tc and Mn have anomalous melting point as compared …

Transition metals like Tc and Mn have anomalous melting points compared to tungsten because of their different electronic configurations and atomic sizes.

What type of bond holds tungsten?

The bonding in tungsten arises from strong unsaturated covalent bonds between valanced 5d orbitals .Therefor tungsten has a higher melting point (3422 °C) compared to other metals .

What is the freezing point of tungsten?

The reason why Tungsten is better than Carbon for filaments is because, Tungsten has a higher melting point. The melting point of Tungsten is 3695 degrees, as where Carbon has a melting point of ...

What is second highest element for melting point?

The second highest melting point element is tungsten, with a melting point of 3422°C. The element with the highest melting point is carbon, in the form of diamond, which melts at about 3550°C.

Which element of Period 4 has the highest melting point?

The second highest melting point element is tungsten, with a melting point of 3422°C. The element with the highest melting point is carbon, in the form of diamond, which melts at about 3550°C.

Why is the filament of a light bulb made from tungsten?

The metal Tungsten was found to be the best, because of its high melting point (almost 3700 K) and good resistance to electrical current. as it has a high melting point and retains its strength in ...

Which metals have the highest melting point?

Tungsten has the highest melting point of any metal, at 3,422 °C. Other metals with high melting points include rhenium (3,180 °C) and osmium (3,033 °C).

What is the melting point of tungsten steel?

What is the melting point of tungsten steel? Updated: 5/23/2024. Qwertykid ∙ . Lvl 1. ∙ 15y ago. Study now. See answers (2) Best Answer. Copy. 6170 degrees Fahrenheit. Wiki User. ∙ 15y ago.

Which atomic solid has the highest melting point Cu Si Xe Fe?

No, diamond does not have the highest melting point among all materials. Tungsten has the highest melting point of any metal at 3422°C, while carbon sublimes (changes from solid to gas) at around ...

Why is the filament of a light bulb made from tungsten?

Best Answer. Tungsten is used because it has the highest melting point of all the metallic elements. It melts at 3410 degrees Celsius. When current passes through the filament it heats it up. When ...

Transition metal with the highest melting point?

The transition metal with a melting point of 961.93 degrees Celsius is Tungsten, which has the chemical symbol W. Tungsten is known for its high melting point, making it useful in applications ...

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