The Impact of the Bauxite Boom on People and Planet

bauxite mining and aluminum production on local communities. 1. The bauxite mining industry and its customers need to uphold free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) of Indigenous and local communities, including the right to withhold consent to the development of bauxite or aluminum infrastructure. The industry also must


Since the early years of the 20th century, Zambia's economy has been dominated by the core industrial and mining zone of the Copperbelt (Smart et al., 2015). With time, mining has spread to the North-Western Province of the country. The mining sector has undergone three main

Evaluating the environmental and economic impact of mining …

For instance, minerals such as gold, diamond, bauxite, and crude oil deposits have contributed enormously to most countries' economic fortunes (Yankson, 2010; ... Though there are significant economic benefits of mining, however, mining can also cause severe negative environmental impacts such as contamination of water bodies, ...

Extended Cost Benefit Analysis of Bauxite Mining and …

Extended Cost Benefit Analysis of Bauxite Mining and Processing in the Central Highlands of Vietnam Trinh Phuong Ngoc1,*, Hoang Xuan Co2 1Tan Trao University, km6 Trung Mon, Yen Son, Tuyen Quang, Viet Nam 2VNU University of Science, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 334 Nguyen Trai, Hanoi, Vietnam

Determining the Price of Minerals

There are three primary comparability or economically relevant factors that are particularly relevant to consider when applying the comparable uncontrolled price (CUP) method to …

Effects of Bauxite Mining on Community Livelihood and …

Bauxite mining exploration has left many communities in deplorable conditions, ranging from low levels of livelihood sustenance to poor health facilities and poor road …


follows: "The bauxite mining operations aim to restore pre-mining environment and the respective conditions; this can be a self-sustaining ecosystem consisting of native flora and …

Patrece Charles | Public health impacts of bauxite-alumina …

While the economic importance of the bauxite-alumina industry has been established, development must include considerations for the health of the people in adjacent communities. ... Residents who live in the proximity of bauxite mining areas, residue disposal areas (mud lakes), haul roads, and processing facilities have frequently and ...

Red Dirt: A legacy of damage. | The bauxite-alumina …

The bauxite-alumina industry has a legacy of damage to people, communities and our forests. Bauxite mining in Jamaica is a significant driver of...


5 2.1 Pre- and Post Mining Land Use 6 2.2 Case Study: Bauxite Mine Rehabilitation in Brazil 6 2.3 Rehabilitation Workforce 7 3 SOCIAL DIMENSION & LOCAL COMMUNITIES 7 3.1 Social and Economic Benefits of Bauxite Mining 7 3.2 Population Density, Displacement and Origin of Mine Workforce 8 3.3 Involvement of Local Communities 8 4 ENVIRONMENTAL ...

Bauxite and Alumina Industry Impacting Positively on Economy

As the country's third highest earner of foreign exchange, with approximately US$1 billion in annual gross earnings, the bauxite and alumina industry continues to be a vital contributor to the Jamaican economy.

Amrun Bauxite Project, Cape York, Australia

The project generated approximately 1,200 jobs during the peak construction phase and supports the existing workforce of roughly 1,400 employees and contractors at Rio Tinto's Cape York bauxite operations. …

The Discussion of Mining Bauxite Under the Coal …

It is also very important to carry out scientific mining of bauxite in Chejiazhuang Mine, no matter from the perspective of the sustainable development of the enterprise itself and the industrial policy of Shanxi …

Indigenous forest livelihoods and bauxite mining: A case …

Bauxite mining is the region's main economic driver and employer of local Indigenous people. However, ... The retention and/or repurposing of mining infrastructure could benefit mining companies through decommissioning and rehabilitation cost savings. For example, some infrastructure would ideally be utilised for Indigenous community-based ...

Bauxite Mining Process Analytical Solutions

Economic benefits are: ... Waste management is extremely important for sustainable and hazard free mining and refining of bauxite. Malvern Panalytical solutions support the frequent monitoring of particle size, mineralogy of an elemental composition of red mud to promote its settling and filtering properties and the optimal consumption of ...

Social impacts of bauxite mining and refining: A review

While bauxite mining and refining can contribute to the development of local communities, it has also been found to result in social issues, which will be explored in this paper, as well as …

The Economic Impact of Mining

Mining plays a vital role in the economic development of many countries. The emerging economies are now major players in the production and availability of key commodities such as copper (70%), bauxite (40%), iron ore and precious metals. ... (70%), bauxite (40%), iron ore and precious metals. Mining also has a positive impact on the economy of ...


Bauxite mining is not new in Malaysia. The Malaysian Minerals and Geoscience Department (JMG) reported that bauxite mining has taken place in the state of Johor since early 2000 (JMG, 2018). Bauxite mining operations in Teluk Ramunia, Johor have been operating for more than 17 years without any controversy (Abdullah et al., 2016).

Determining the Price of Minerals

Table 1. The largest producer of bauxite is Australia, and the largest exporter is Guinea, with the product predominantly being sold to China. China is the world's largest consumer of bauxite (to produce alumina), followed by Australia, as seen in Table 2. TABLE 1. Bauxite production and reserves (thousand tonnes)1 Country 2020 2021 2022 Reserves

An assessment of environmental impacts and economic …

In this paper, the comprehensive benefits of multiple aluminum production methods from two perspectives, the alumina production process and the energy mix, were …

An assessment of environmental impacts and economic benefits …

LCA on environmental impacts of aluminum generally in earlier stage focused on a specific process, such as bauxite mining (Norgate and Haque, 2010), ... In terms of economic benefit, the cost of electricity for electrolytic aluminum production in 2030 shows a significant decrease of 6.77%, while the cost of alumina decreases insignificantly, by ...

Chapter 2 Economic Importance of Bauxite Deposits

The economic potential of a bauxite deposit is governed by quality, structural geology, reserves, production technology, and site in respect to transport facilities. Aluminum …

Jamaica needs new economic strategies

Jamaica needs new economic strategies - THE EDITOR, Madam: JAMAICA NEEDS a close examinatio­n of our economic strategies, to move itself from poverty to prosperity. ... The glory days of bauxite mining and the so-called benefits to our small island economy are long gone, and this entire industry needs to be phased out as soon as ...

The Impact of mining on the environment

Mining is a global industry and meets the economic needs of many nations. In modern society, humans are consuming – through their lifestyles increasing amounts of minerals. According to Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the average American now consumes 37 million lbs. of minerals, metals and fuel, over the course of a lifetime!

Environmental Impact of Bauxite Mining and Processing in …

Lloyd B. Coke, Colin C. , Vincent G. Hill, Environmental Impact of Bauxite Mining and Processing in Jamaica, Social and Economic Studies, Vol. 36, No. 1, IMPACT OF BAUXITE-ALUMINA ON RURAL JAMAICA (MARCH 1987), pp. 289-325, 327-330, 332-333

Estimating the economic benefits of mining expansion …

1 Benefits from the expansion of mining 2 2 Benefits of 1 per cent a year higher labour productivity growth 3 2.1 Mining industry real value added and share of GDP 7 2.2 Real mineral commodity prices 8 2.3 Mining value added compared with where it might otherwise have been 9 2.4 Australia's real GDP, with and without mining expansion 10

Jamaica's 'Cockpit Country' Faces Growing Threats From Mining …

But in 2021, Jamaica's minister of Transport and Mining, Robert Montague announced that the government had revised the Special Mining Lease 71 governing the lands in Cockpit Country open to mineral extraction—specifically the lands available for the mining company Noranda Jamaica Bauxite Partners. Noranda specializes in mining and exporting ...

Letter of the Day | Jamaica needs new economic strategies

The glory days of bauxite mining and the so-called benefits to our small island economy are long gone, and this entire industry needs to be phased out as soon as possible. Tourism – We praise tourism as our leading employer …

The Untold Benefits of Mineral Mining in Developing …

The Untold Benefits of Mineral Mining in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Sierra Leone ... especially in rural community's support livelihood and regulate the local economy in mining communities. Revenues generated from mining in the form of taxes, exploration fees, environmental impact assessment and ... 6 Sierramin Bauxite Limited ...

Problems with the Bauxite-Alumina Industry in Jamaica

3. No further bauxite mining permits to be issued anywhere in Jamaica . 4. The urgent development of an exit plan for the bauxite/alumina industry in Jamaica, including options for economic replacement and reparations for the …

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