Ore hardness can be estimated using commercially available standard techniques such as the SAG Power Index (SPI), Bond Work Index (BWI), and JK Drop Weight (JKDW) tests (Bailey et al., 2009 ...
The selected rock sa mple of -80+19 mm size fraction was subj ected to impact crushing ... The Bond work index (BWI) is a well-known method used when selecting comminution equipment, to evaluate ...
This paper reports the effect of performing the impact test on contiguous sections of HQ diameter and NQ diameter core, exploring the hypothesis that the contiguous intervals give equivalent …
BOND LOW-ENERGY IMPACT TEST The Bond low-energy impact test apparatus consists of two pendulum hammers mounted on two bicycle wheels, so as to strike equal blows simultaneously on opposite sides of each rock specimen. The height of the pendulum is raised until the energy is sufficient to break the specimen (Bond, 1947), and then the
• Bond Rod Mill Work Index • Bond Abrasion • Specific Gravity, 2 methods • JK Drop Weight Tests – Data Analyzed by Contract Support Services, Inc. Phillips Enterprises, LLC • Bond Impact Crushing Work Index • Specific Gravity Advanced Terra Testing, Inc. (ATT) • Unconfined Compressive Strength ASTM D 5731
A new testing procedure for studying crushing phenomena, presently being perfected by Allis-Chalmers, is described for the first time. ... The Bond Impact Work Index method has been an industry standard for the determination of crusher power requirements but was originally developed to ensure, that sufficient power was connected to primary ...
Understanding where the work index fits into the family of power-based grinding metrics will help operators correctly apply the work index and avoid making mistakes.
The Bond work index is a measure of ore resistance to crushing and grinding and is determined using the Bond grindability test. Its value constitutes ore characteristic and is used for industrial ...
The Bond's work index of the above rock samples calculated from the Hardgrove index value has shown a variation from 7.7 to 10.3 kWh/sh.t. ... (S1) and Bond's work index, Wi = -18.193 Ln (S1) + 66.747 has been found. The brittleness test results may not be very close to the work index values, as in brittleness tests relatively large grains ...
However, the Bond work index (TEST) so determined has to be corrected for conditions encountered in industry that differ from the above conditions. Bond defined eight correction factors. 1. Correction factor: ... avoiding over crushing by using low energy impact or compression and by closing the circuit with a 3327 μm screen.
An impact pendulum that follows strictly Bond's standard for crushability measurement (Bond, 1947, Bergstrom, 1985, Tavares, 2007) has been used, which allows calculating the crushing, or impact, work index.The test consists of dropping two pendulum-mounted hammers simultaneously against individual particles of size ranging from 75 to 50 …
An impact pendulum that follows strictly Bond's standard for crushability measurement [5, 32, 33] has been used, which allows calculating the crushing, or impact, work index. The test consists of dropping two pendulum-mounted hammers simultaneously, each weighing 13.6 kg, against individual particles of size ranging from 75 to 50 mm that are ...
The test determines the Bond Impact Work Index which is used with Bond's Third Theory of Comminution to calculate net power requirements when sizing crushers*. It is also used to determine the required open-side settings (jaw crushers and gyratory crushers) or …
911 Metallurgist can enter the scene and see what you have become blind to. We can fix issues in ways you never thought possible. Our fresh eyes will open new opportunities for your plant. Each mineral processing plant has varied ore types, mining equipment, (crusher, ball mill, flotation, tailings), and management (operating) philosophy.The evaluation and prioritization of variables …
Bond's work index is one of the mostly widely used metrics of mineral grindability. In spite of its ubiquity, users are often not aware of the nuances of the work index family: what are its strengths and weaknesses.
The self-grinding work index is an extension of the concept of Bond work index. It generally refers to the work index calculated by using Bond's fracture theory on the principle of ore crushing energy consumption according to the W, F, and P data of a small or semi-industrial or industrial self-grinding test. In this kind of test, McPherson small self-grinding closed-circuit …
Bond Work Index testing equipment and methods are also provided. The next steps are: (1) to establish standard reference testing ... The Bond Crushing WI Test Equipment and Procedure for Bond Efficiency Determinations (Revised March 26, 2015) B1. The Bond Rod Mill WI Test Equipment and Procedure
This Grindability Test or Bond Ball Mill Work Index Procedure is used to determine the Bond Work Index of minus six mesh or finer feed ore samples. These equation application methods are used to process <1/2″ ore …
test work. Bond work indices, obtained from bench-scale or pilot plant crushability and grindability tests are used in the fol lowing Bond equation (Bond, 1960) to determine the energy required to produce the required size reduction (1 ) Where W is the power requirements (kWh/st), Wi is the work index determined from comminution test ing,
The commonly used grindability tests included in the database are the Bond work indices for ball milling, rod milling and crushing; the drop weight test results A, b, A×b, DWi, Mia, Mic, Mih and ...
The Bond Low-Energy Impact test can be used to determine the Crusher Work index (CWi), also known as the Impact Work Index. The test determines the impact energy at which a …
The Bond crushing work index is a measure of material strength and is determined using a simple twin pendulum apparatus and a standard procedure. The Bond impact test attempts to emulate the crushing action that occurs inside the chamber of jaw, cone and gyratory crushers, where particles may not be broken in the first nipping cycle, but only ...
impact of using a testing mill with a 4-inchX8-inch hand hole door in the shell versus a mill with ... Background The crushing and grinding circuit are the most energy intensive process in a mining project. Improvements in predicting the energy required to crush a given material, and therefore the cost of comminution, would help to mitigate ...
This Table of Ball Mill Bond Work Index of Minerals is a summary as tested on 'around the world sample'. You can find the SG of each mineral samples on the other table. [table "" not found /] Source 1: Table of materials reported by Fred Bond Source 2: Outokumpu, The science of comminution Source 3: Equipment and pipelines
FIGURE 5: BOND ROD MILL WORK INDEX v. UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH 0 100 200 300 400 UCS (MPa) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 WiRM (metric) The lack of fit observed relating the crushing Work Index was expected to carry over to the other Bond Work Indices. Figure 5 displays the plot of rod mill Work Index (Wi RM) versus UCS. These
An analysis of the results shows a direct relationship between the Bond work index and the Denver work index when the Bond test is defined adequately to the Denver lab mill. Comparison of results ...
can be determined using the data generated by a conventional Bond ball mill work index test (M. ib. is NOT the Bond ball work index). M. ic. and M. ih. values are also provided as a standard output from a SMC Test ® (Morrell, 2009). The general size reduction equation is as follows (Morrell, 2004. b): f x f x 2. 1 i i. 4 2 W M x x. 1 (1) where ...
The Bond crushing work index test (sometimes called the "impact work index" test) is noisy, and the difference you observed is perfectly reasonable. The paper by Angove & Dunne (1997) reports a standard deviation in crushing work index tests across laboratories as 4.5.
by calculating an operating work index where the SEC (E), feed size (F80), and product size (P80) are measured, and the work index (Wi) of the operating industrial circuit is then calculated. The operating work index is useful for performing comparisons of energy efficiency that are corrected for different amounts of size reduction. 2.