Use of plastic waste in road construction | PPT

26. Vasudevan .R, utilization of waste plastics for flexible pavement, Indian High Ways (Indian Road Congress), Vol.34, No.7. (July 2006). S.S.Verma,(2008),Roads from plastic waste, The Indian Concrete Journal,pp.43-47 Kajal, N K S Pundhir, Sangita and A Chandra(2007), Use of waste plastics and copper slag for low cost bituminous roads, Journal …

New concrete possibilities from waste materials – …

The use of recycled concrete and glass aggregates in concrete production has emerged as a highly promising means of increasing the recycling rate of waste materials – but durability issues have plagued some …

PPT on Green concrete by Pankaj Kumar | PPT

Optimized mix designs mean easier handling, better consistency and easier finishing. 2. Reduction in shrinkage & creep. 3. Green Concrete uses local and recycled materials in concrete. 4. The heat of hydration of green concrete is significantly lower than traditional concrete. 5.

Sustainable Management of Construction and Demolition Materials

Brick, concrete and masonry can be recycled on site as fill, subbase material or driveway bedding. Excess insulation from exterior walls can be used in interior walls as noise deadening material. Paint can be remixed and used in garage or storage areas, or as primer coat on other jobs. Packaging materials can be returned to suppliers for reuse.

Recycled materials | PPT

3. Introduction: Demolition sites & restoration schemes are large amounts of solid waste. Recycling of concrete & other building materials is difficult & uneconomical. It is possible to reuse most of the building materials & components. As the volume of demolition waste is huge allowing the waste to be crushed, processed, & reused as aggregate in building works. The …

Recycled Aggregate Concrete | PPT

4. INTRODUCTION To achieve sustainable issue in construction area, researchers and companies focus on using waste concrete as a new construction material. It is called recycled aggregate which can be produced …

Waste & Recycled Materials in Concrete Technology

It is never discussed before. A very comprehensive & small presentation is pasted here. "Concrete Recyclying cuts down the cost." The presentation will help you to develop an understanding about: Concrete Recycling Importance & Method of recycling Recycled materials from concrete waste.

Waste & Recycled Material In Concrete Technology

Waste & Recycled Material In Concrete Technology: Recycled-aggregate concrete containing fly ash is an example of construction material in harmony with this concept, whereby sustainable construction development is useful with satisfactory performance, in both safety and service of structures, at lower costs and with advantages over ordinary concrete.

Effectiveness of Limestone Powder in Controlling the

Since, LS powder is mostly used as a replacement of cement for avoiding the CO 2 emission; however its incorporation in concrete may influence the shrinkage behavior of the …

Recent Advances in Concrete Technology & Durability …

concrete structures, condition assessment by NDT, repair and rehabilitation. Course Contents: The course is proposed to provide the necessary background and exposure to the participants on (i) Advances in concrete technology (ii) Geopolymer concrete (iii) Ultrahigh performance concrete (iv) Self compacting concrete and eco-friendliness of

Recycling presentation | PPT

19. Vocabulary — RECYLATE – a raw material that is sent to and processed so it can be used to form new products — LANDFILL – where trash is buried between layers of earth — COMPOST – decayed organic material that is used to help plants grow — WASTE MANAGEMENT – the process of dealing with waste of humans and animals — RE …

21.industrial Waste Materials in Concrete | PDF

These materials can reduce the environmental impact of concrete by lowering CO2 emissions and reducing the need for landfilling of industrial waste. The document advocates for the use …

Recycling of End of Life Concrete to New Concrete (PPT)

Civil engineering is rapidly evolving with the natural, political and environmental development. Due to a shortage of natural resources, to sustainable development and environmental certificationsrequire-ments, recycling of aggregates is increasingly valued.Research is done everywhere in the world (in 2016, more than a hundred doctoral subjects were proposed in this …

Recycling of End of Life Concrete to New Concrete (PPT)

There may be six type of building materials: plastic, paper, timber, metal, glass and concrete which can be reused and recycled. This paper examines the rate of reusable & recyclable …

Use of Waste Material in Concrete | PDF | Fly Ash

It also discusses recycling concrete materials and using various mining, industrial, and agricultural wastes as aggregates in concrete. The document discusses the use of waste materials in concrete technology to address the …

Use of Sugarcane Bagasse Ash as Cement Replacement Materials in Concrete

It is observed from experimental analysis that the workability of fresh normal concrete is 7% and 10% greater than recycled aggregates concrete blended with 10% RHA and only recycled aggregates ...

Recycling of Concrete

Groningen case. Concrete with recycled aggregate is durable. Compressive strength of samples after freeze-thaw cycle and control samples in water. Reuse of old cement paste. Cement …

(PDF) Concrete using recycled aggregates

Worldwide, cities generate about 1.3 billion Tonnes of solid waste per year. Building materials account for about half of all materials used and about half the solid waste generated worldwide.

Lowering Carbon Footprint of Concrete Construction

THE WORLD'S GATHERING PLACE FOR ADVANCING CONCRETE Concrete as a Building Material CONCRETE is already one of the most sustainable building material, compared to timber, steel, asphalt, etc: • Lower embodied energy • Using local materials • Better life cycle / durability • Thermal mass and energy efficiency • Light reflectivity

Recycled Materials in Concrete

Concrete is the most popularly used construction material (Jonkers et al. 2010).The materials inherent properties with regard to compressive strength, relative durability, workability, fire resistance, and the feasibility to adapt these properties makes concrete a primary technological solution within the designers' tool-box (Meyer 2009).. However, its use is not …

E waste recycling | PPT

Only 15-20% of e-waste is recycled, with the rest going to landfills and incinerators. This improper disposal has negative effects on human and environmental health as electronics contain toxic heavy metals. Recycling e-waste through sophisticated processes recovers valuable and scarce materials like gold, silver, and lead while avoiding pollution.

Concrete 3D technology in sustainable …

3D concrete (3DCP) is an innovative construction technique that enables the creation of complex and customized structures. This technology offers advantages such as reduced waste ...


5 INTRODUCTION Concrete made with Portland cement,water admixtures and aggregates comprises in quantity the largest of all man made material Historically whenever new compounds were produced,or waste materials accumulated in industries,they were incorporated as one of ingredients of concrete. Typical examples are fly ash phosphogypsum,blast furnace slag, saw …


Therefore, use of recycled concrete aggregate showed acceptable performance with respect to mechanical properties. The recycled aggregates obtained from waste concrete are more angular and have higher absorption and specific gravity than natural coarse aggregates and it resulted in increased strength and improved load carrying capacity.

Concrete 3d [1] | PPT

The printer extrudes a mix of cement and recycled materials layer by layer. It weighs over 120 tons and took 6 months to develop. 3D allows construction to be done faster, cheaper, and more sustainably by recycling waste materials. Large buildings like skyscrapers are expected to be built this way in the future. Read less

Sustainable concrete | PPT

Sustainable concrete uses less energy and produces fewer carbon emissions than regular concrete. It incorporates waste and recycled materials like fly ash and slag to replace portions of cement. Using these supplementary cementitious materials can increase sustainability by reducing embodied energy and carbon in the concrete.

Eco friendly-concrete (Green Concrete) | PPT

It outlines various strategies for green concrete including increased use of recycled materials and supplementary cementitious materials. Specific materials that can be used in green concrete include fly ash, GGBS, …

self compacting concrete | PPT

2. By the early 1990's, Japan has developed and used SCC. Self compacted concrete is highly engineered concrete with much higher fluidity without segregation and is capable of filling every corner of formwork under its self weight . Thus SCC eliminates the vibration for the compaction of concrete without affecting its engineering properties. As of the …


Recycling building and demolition debris has become crucial as the construction industry strives to be sustainable. These green methods have been strengthened by the introduction of new building ...

(PPT) Recycled concrete using e-waste.pptx

This paper presents an overview of the published literature on the use of E-waste in concrete. Effect of E-waste on the properties of concrete such as compressive strength, split tensile …

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