Persona Partial Knee Replacement | Zimmer Biomet

Building on a clinically proven legacy, 1, 2 the Persona Partial Knee range features personalised, compartment-specific implant shapes that redefine personalisation. Developed from the Persona Total Knee Family, its advanced technology is designed …

Zimmer Biomet

The PERSONA LIZED KNEE® is used for knee replacement surgery. Find a Doctor. Benefits of The Personalized Knee. Designed to replicate your knee. Persona® Knee implant designed to replicate the fit & shape of your natural knee 3,4. Faster recovery with the ROSA® Knee compared to traditional surgery 2,8.

Oxford Partial Knee Replacement | Zimmer Biomet

The Oxford Partial Knee offers surgeons a partial knee replacement that is less invasive and has demonstrated lower morbidity and pain scores when compared to total knee replacement.

Knee Replacement Products

Zimmer Biomet offers surgeons total knee systems, partial knee systems, bicruciate preserving arthroplasty systems and revision knee systems that empower you to offer a patient specific approach for each knee replacement procedure.


ROSA ® Knee Robotic-Assisted Surgery offers a cutting-edge solution that transforms the knee replacement experience by tailoring the procedure to your unique anatomy. Imagine recovering faster, moving with greater ease, and getting back to the activities you enjoy most. With ROSA Knee Robotic-Assisted Surgery, you can benefit from enhanced ...

ROSA Knee System | Zimmer Biomet

The ROSA Robotic Knee Replacement System supports surgeons in performing Total Knee Arthroplasty with features to assist with bone resections and assessment of soft tissue state to facilitate implant positioning intra-operatively.

Persona ® The Personalized Knee

Zimmer Biomet is redefining knee arthroplasty and ushering in a new era of personalization with the introduction of the Persona Knee.

Knee Implants & Replacement Technology Patient Information

Zimmer Biomet has two world-class partial knee implants. In situations where precision, personalization and minimally invasive approaches are particularly beneficial, your surgeon may recommend robotic-assisted knee replacement surgery like the ROSA ® Robot.

Knee Replacement

At Zimmer Biomet, we believe the fit of your knee replacement shouldn't be either. That's why we offer Persona ® Knee, a total or partial knee replacement designed to support your mobility. With the Persona Knee System, your surgeon has multiple options to address your unique anatomy with an optimal fit.

NexGen ® Complete Knee Solution

Standard total knee replacement has four parts (see Diagram below): The femoral component (the product that attaches to your thigh bone); The tibial tray (the product that fits into your shin bone).

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