A cross-sectional survey on knowledge and

An estimated 0.5 to 1.5 million informal miners, of whom 30-50% are women, rely on artisanal mining for their livelihood in Tanzania. Mercury, used in the processing gold ore, and arsenic, which is a constituent of some ores, are common occupational exposures that frequently result in widespread environmental contamination. Frequently, the mining activities …

New Gold Mining Operation Set to Begin in Mara, Tanzania

The company has now submitted an application to the Ministry of Energy and Minerals of Tanzania license department for a license to begin a medium scale gold mine operation at its Kinyambiga Project, Kanuga Village, Mara Region in North Tanzania. The Primary Mining License for the Kunaga site covers 3.45 square kilometres and according to the ...

Natural Resource Conflicts as a Struggle for Space: The Case of Mining

Keywords: mining, conflicts, space, Tanzania, Africa RIMCIS – International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 4 No.3 November 2015 pp. 271-292

The Socio-economic Determinants of Child Labour in …

labour especially in small scale gold mining across regions in Tanzania. The Geita and the Manyara regions stand out as having the highest level of child labour due to having small scale gold mining activities that make them to have 56.4 per cent and 53 per cent respectively. At the other end of the spectrum lie the Mbeya and Njombe regions ...

Who owns and controls Tanzania's lucrative gold …

The mines are North Mara, Buzwagi, Bulyanhulu, Tulawaka, Golden Pride(Resolute Ltd), and Geita Gold Mine. African Barrick Gold(ABG), a profit-making company with over $1 billion in revenue and a market …


Bulyanhulu gold mine, Tanzania – Barrick's two gold mines in Tanzania, North Mara and Bulyanhulu, boosted their combined output to 547,000 1 ounces in 2022, achieving another step towards their potential Tier One 2 …


Baseline Situation of the ASGM in Tanzania Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) directly employs more than 1.2 million people (about 3% of the total national population), constituting more than 90% of the mining labour force in the country, and supporting indirectly about 7.2 million people. The ASGM sub-sector

A cross-sectional survey on knowledge and perceptions of …

Background: An estimated 0.5 to 1.5 million informal miners, of whom 30-50% are women, rely on artisanal mining for their livelihood in Tanzania. Mercury, used in the processing gold ore, and arsenic, which is a constituent of some ores, are common

'Centres of excellence' for artisanal and small-scale gold …

With World Bank support, Tanzania recently established several COEs including two for the artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) sector. Because the majority of …

Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) in …

There are approximately 1.5 million people directly involved in Tanzania's Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) sector. Tanzania first legalized ASGM in 1995 after recognizing the sector's poverty-alleviating …

Gold Mining in Tanzania – Production and Export

Statistics show that Gold mining in Tanzania amounted to 48.4 tonnes of gold in 2019, this is from both professional large scale and artisanal gold mining in Tanzania. This figure represents an increase in the 39.3 tonnes …

Transitioning towards sustainability in artisanal and small-scale gold

Transitioning towards sustainable development has emerged as a fundamental challenge of our time. This translates into the need to transform current practices of production and consumption in order to achieve environmental and socio-economic sustainability in all stages of production, including natural resource extraction in the Global South (Giurco et al., 2022; …


Bulyanhulu is situated in north-west Tanzania, in the Kahama district of the Shinyanga region, approximately 55 kilometres south of Lake Victoria and 150 kilometres southwest of the city of Mwanza. Bulyanhulu is a narrow-vein gold mine containing gold, silver and copper mineralisation in sulphides.

Geita, Tanzania

The underground mining method used at Geita is a combination of longitudinal open stoping and transverse open stoping. A brief history. In 1936, the first Geita deposits were discovered and by 1966, three mines had produced almost 1Moz of gold.


All amounts expressed in US dollars. BULYANHULU GOLD MINE, Tanzania – Barrick Gold Corporation (NYSE:GOLD) (TSX:ABX) – Barrick's North Mara and Bulyanhulu gold mines have sustained their strong performance …

Buckreef Gold Project, Tanzania

The Buckreef gold mine was estimated to contain 19.2 tonnes (t) of proven and probable reserves grading 1.54g/t of gold, as of May 2020. Mining method. The Buckreef gold mine is an open-pit mining operation involving conventional drilling, blasting load and haul. The project targets high-grade oxide reserves at or near the surface.

Mining industry in Tanzania

Apart from gold, Tanzania's mining industry benefits from substantial gemstones reserves, including diamonds, ruby, and tanzanite - a blue rare gem extracted solely in the country.

Silica Exposures in Artisanal Small-Scale Gold Mining in Tanzania …

Exposures to respirable crystalline silica from large-scale gold mining operations have been documented in the past.(4,5) However, we were unable to locate any published exposure data from small-scale mining operations despite the growth in ASGM over the past decade fueled in part by rising gold prices.(6) Tanzania is a country with significant ...

Artisanal and small-scale mining in Tanzania – Evidence …

Mining is increasingly important in Tanzania for the development of the country's economy. While mining of gold, gemstones (mainly tanzanite) and diamond dominate the sector Tanzania is endowed with a variety of other minerals. The mining sector involves both large-scale mining (LSM) and artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) operations. The

Over 12,000 children rescued from illegal gold mines in Tanzania

More than 12,000 children as young as eight have been rescued from small-scale gold mines in Tanzania in the last three years, but the government admits the issue remains a "serious problem ...

Mining, grievance and conflict in rural Tanzania

In summary, Tanzania's small-scale gold-mining population has grown increasingly agitated over the increasing presence of foreign large-scale mining companies in the country. The source of their grievance is twofold: 1) a policy environment which gives preferential treatment to large-scale miners at the expense of small-scale miners; and 2 ...

OneMine | Gold Mining in Tanzania

All gold occurrences in Tanzania are of Precambrian age and in geological settings similar to gold deposits in other parts the world. The three main areas of interest are perhaps the least prospected of areas of gold mineralization in Precambrian rocks in non- aligned, or market economy nations. Historic production exceeds 77.660 kg (2.5 million oz). Current results by …

Extracting Sovereignty: Capital, Territory, and Gold Mining in Tanzania

Request PDF | On Feb 1, 2011, Jody Emel and others published Extracting Sovereignty: Capital, Territory, and Gold Mining in Tanzania | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate


All amounts expressed in US dollars. Bulyanhulu gold mine, Tanzania – Barrick's two gold mines in Tanzania, North Mara and Bulyanhulu, boosted their combined output to 547,000 1 ounces in 2022, achieving another step towards their potential Tier One 2 status in the group's asset portfolio as a combined complex. At the same time, exploration is continuing to …

The Recent Explosive Growth of Gold Mining in …

A spurt in gold mining. Tanzania's gold production has increased by 700% in the last 25 years and Tanzania is the world's 4 th largest gold producer. One of the largest gold companies in the country is Acacia Mining. …

Buckreef Gold Overview

Gold Mining in Tanzania Tanzania is the 3rd largest gold producer in Africa after Ghana and South Africa, and accounts for 1.3% of the total global gold production in 2021. Tanzania's gold reserves are estimated at about 45 million ounces and Tanzania's annual gold production stands at around 50t per year. Gold exploration is mostly centered on the greenstone belts […]

Tanzania: leading gold producers

"Market share of gold mining producers in Tanzania in the financial year 2018/2019, by production volume." Chart. March 31, 2020. Statista. Accessed October 14, 2024. https:// ...

Tanzania: Five Largest Mines in 2021

Geita Mine in Mwanza, was the largest mine in Tanzania, producing approximately 3.54 million metric tons per annum (mmtpa) of Run-of-Mine (ROM) and primarily produced gold (534.67 thousand ounces) in 2021. The Geita Mine is owned by AngloGold Ashanti Ltd, and is due to operate until 2032. The second largest mine with approximately 3.27 mmtpa of ROM and …

Geita, Tanzania

AngloGold Ashanti is rolling out a novel in situ water remediation project at its Geita mine in Tanzania, working with a local Tanzanian/German joint venture partner that will use a process where naturally occurring bacteria directly …

Artisanal and small-scale mining in Tanzania and health …

In Tanzania, it is estimated that more than one million people are directly involved in artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM), which is a subset of the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM). Out of this, approximately 48.27 and 24.13% are men and children, respectively, while 27.60% are women [ 1 ].

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