Phosphate Beneficiation Production Line

Phosphate ore can be divided into siliceous type, calcareous type, and siliceous (calcium)-calcium (silicon) type. Flotation is the most important beneficiation method for apatite. According to the different properties of phosphate ore, Zhengkuang Machinery designs the following process flows: flotation + magnetic separation combined flow, grinding + classification + flotation flow, …

Effect of ionic species on the performance of apatite flotation

The apatite recovery of each flotation test was calculated by Eq. (1). (1) R a p (%) = M C ⋅ x a p, C M F ⋅ x a p, F × 100 where R ap is the apatite recovery, M F is the mass (g) fed into the column, M C is the mass (g) of the floated fraction, x ap,F is the apatite content in the flotation feed sample, and x ap,C is the apatite content in ...

Effective flotation separation of apatite from dolomite using …

The selective depression mechanism of GA in the flotation separation of apatite from dolomite was investigated using various techniques, including zeta potential, contact angle, UV-vis, FTIR, XPS, ToF-SIMS, and AFM analyses. The results demonstrated that GA increased the hydrophilicity of the dolomite surface and impeded the adsorption of NaOL ...

Analysis of the Effect of Surfactants on the Performance of Apatite …

Given that particle and bubble size, as well as their surface properties, are pivotal in froth flotation, surfactants have been extensively employed due to their impact on bubble size and froth stabilization. This study aimed to investigate the influence of surfactants on the performance of apatite flotation in column. Three different categories of surfactants were …

Effect of bubble size on the performance flotation of fine particles …

Column flotation has been successfully used in apatite concentration due to its better performance than conventional cells, producing froth with better flow characteristics. The gangue entrainment in the froth is decreased and the bubble residence time in the pulp increased, resulting in a better selectivity [4].

The selective flotation separation of apatite from dolomite …

Over the last few decades, conventional fatty acid collectors have consistently demonstrated a high affinity for calcium-rich minerals such as apatite, calcite, and dolomite, making them commonly employed in apatite flotation processes [15], [16].However, the industrial utilization of fatty acid collectors is constrained by their limited selectivity and inadequate solubility under …

Influence of bubble size on performance of apatite flotation …

The success of flotation operation depends on thriving interactions of chemical and physical variables. In this study, the effects of particle size, bubble size and collector dosage on bubble ...

Optimization of Apatite Flotation Using Taguchi Method

The flotation performance (recovery and grade) of apatite particles in a Esfordi Phosphate Complex was investigated as a function of collectors' ratio and dosage, pH, depressant dosage, depressant ...

Flotation of fine apatitic ore using microbubbles

A statistical analysis was performed to quantify the effects of pulp pH, wash water flow rate, circulating load flow rate, initial solid concentration, circulating load addition point …

A Critical Review on the Flotation Reagents for Phosphate …

Flotation is the most widely employed technique to enrich apatite and remove the impurities for the separation of the phosphate ore. The flotation reagents play an important …

Hematite Processing by Flotation

Due to the flexibility of Units and especially the "Sub-A" Flotation Machine, gravity flow can be utilized throughout the mill, thus keeping pumping requirements to a minimum. ... Flotation is carried out in a neutral circuit …

Flotation of fine apatitic ore using microbubbles | Request PDF

In this study, vortex generators (VGs) are adopted to strengthen the turbulence and improve the collection efficiency of fine minerals in pipe flow flotation.

Role of the network structure of illite in apatite flotation

The concave flow curves with the yield stress near zero generally indicated that settling happened in the suspension during the measurements, instead of a shear-thickening flow behaviour, as explained in the prior study (Du et al., 2022). In Fig. 1(a), the addition of ASS had little influence on apatite rheology.

The flotation separation of apatite from dolomite using a …

The flotation performance of dolomite and apatite in... In this work, GJBW, a fatty acid-based agent, was used as an efficient collector to separate dolomite from apatite to …

Calculate Flotation Cell Capacities Volume vs …

An Example of flotation cell capacity and circuit retention time approximation: Estimate the volume of conditioners and flotation cells required to handle 9100 dry tons of ore per 24 hours at 30% pulp solids by weight, with an …

Flotation Behavior and Interface Characteristics of …

One of the key problems to be solved urgently in the reverse flotation of phosphate ore is the effective depression of apatite. However, research on the influence mechanism of acid depressants on the surface …

Calculation of Mineral Formulas for End-Member F-, Cl- and …

Apatite mole fractions of the end-members have been calculated, but with the following stipulation. If the F content of the apatite is 3.767, as is often the case with apatite from carbonatites, then the mole-fraction of FAp is assumed to be 1, with the remainder of the F thought to be present bound to the carbonate radical.

Recovery of apatite from flotation tailings

Combinations of two different types of collectors, reagent dosages, air flow rate, recycle flow rate and conditioning times are analyzed from experiments carried out in a flotation column to evaluate their effects on the grade and recovery of apatite in the concentrate. ... Selective flotation of apatite from calcite using 2-phosphonobutane-1,2 ...

Influence of bubble size on performance of apatite flotation …

The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of bubble size on the flotation performance of apatite of a low-grade phosphate ore for different particle sizes: fine …

Effects of sulfation on the flotation capacity of oleic acid in …

The flotation separation of apatite from dolomite/calcite still needs to be improved. Commonly, reverse flotation flow is employed to separate apatite from dolomite, in which the apatite is depressed by sulfuric acid (H 2 SO 4) and the dolomite is floated by fatty acids. The major drawback of this flotation strategy is the inefficiency of the ...

Investigating flotation behavior and mechanism of …

The apatite ore was obtained from overflow product of Chaoyang phosphate mine. After air drying, mixing and dividing, the apatite ore was kept in self-sealing bags as the sample of flotation experiments. Chemical compositions of apatite ore were analyzed and the results were shown in Table 2. The results indicated that P 2O

Recovery of apatite from flotation tailings

Recovery of apatite from flotation tailings. Michelly dos Santos Oliveira. 2011, Separation and Purification Technology. See full PDF download Download PDF. Related papers. Alternative Reagents in Phosphate Ore Flotation. Michelly dos Santos Oliveira. Journal of …

Intensification of fine apatite flotation with microbubble …

In this work, a novel membrane distributor in a flotation column is developed to generate microbubbles for the flotation of fine apatite particles. A large number of …

Flotation separation of apatite from calcite based on the …

Traditional reagents of apatite flotation are fatty acid collectors and their derivatives, but the poor selectivity is the prominent problem during the flotation separation process ... A review of recent substance flow analyses of phosphorus to identify priority management areas at different geographical scales. Resour. Conserv. Recycl., 83 ...

The effect of various surfactants on fatty acid for apatite flotation

The effect of the surfactant under various pH on the single minerals flotation (Pulp density: 10%, fatty acid dosage: 200 mg/dm 3, surfactant dosage: 15 mg/dm 3, temperature: 25°C, flotation ...

Mixed Anionic/Non-Ionic Collectors in Phosphate …

14 The Open Mineral Processing Journal, 2011, 4, 14-24 1874-8414/11 2011 Bentham Open Open Access Mixed Anionic/Non-Ionic Collectors in Phosphate Gangue Flotation from Magnetite Fines K. Hanumantha Rao1,*, R. K. Dwari2, S. Lu3 A. Vilinska1 and P. Somasundaran3 1Division of Mineral Processing and Metallurgy, Department of Chemical Engineering and Geosciences, …

Flotation of calcite from apatite of a uranium-carbonate phosphate ore

The most common method to concentrate apatite from carbonate phosphate ore is reverse configuration using fatty acids as collectors and inorganic acids as apatite depressants, such as H 2 SO 4 and H 3 PO 4.This work evaluates the process based on the separation between apatite and calcite by flotation, in bench and pilot scale, using carbon dioxide …

Use of fatty acids with an ethoxylated alcohol for apatite flotation

The flotation tests were conducted using sodium silicate (3 kg/t) versus starch (1 kg/t) for comparing the effect of the depressants on apatite flotation. Soda ash (300 g/t) and sodium tripolyphosphate (150 g/t) were preliminary added to the pulp to precipitate Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ ions and minimise their negative impact on the fatty acids flotation ...

Two-stage reverse flotation process for removal of …

The flotation of dolomite and apatite minerals against the pH range of pH 4.8–9.5 is presented in Fig. 8 at 150 mg/L of collector concentration in the presence of H 3 PO 4 and CaO to both adjust the pH and depress apatite. Evidently, there is a considerable difference between the floatability of the two minerals at acidic and neutral pH but ...

Selective flotation of apatite from iron oxides

The effects of the key variables on the selective flotation of Mt. Weld phosphate ore were studied with the aim of optimizing the flotation process to yield a concentrate of the following specifications: >36% P 2 O 5, <3% Fe 2 O 3, P 2 O 5 (Fe 2 O 3 + Al 2 O 3) >10 at a P 2 O 5 recovery of >70%. The main difficulty was to reduce the iron content in the apatite …

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