Shaking Table Test and Numerical Simulation Study of the

The shaking table (digitally controlled) can input three-dimensional (horizontal + vertical + pitch) excitation. The working area of the shaking table measured 4 m × 3 m, and the maximum load capacity was 10 t, while the maximum horizontal and vertical acceleration were 1.0 g and 0.7 g, respectively. The operating frequency range was 0–50 Hz.

Shaking table tests of a switching power cabinet …

Shaking table test of the effect of an enclosure structure on the seismic performance of a prefabricated subway station. Tunn Undergr Space Technol, 125 (2022), Article 104533. View PDF View article View in Scopus Google Scholar [9] P. Ding, L. Tao, X. Yang, et al.


KEY WORDS: Shaking table test Rocking system Base plate Earthquake response reduction Smart structure 1. INTRODUCTION It is pointed out that effects of rocking vibration (up-lifting response) can reduce the seismic damage of buildings subjected to strong earthquake ground motions [1][2]. Based on this knowledge, we are now developing the rocking

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Shaking table test of the effects of multi‐unit particle …

A series of shaking table tests of a three-storey steel frame with the particle damper system were carried out to evaluate the performance of the system and to verify the analysis method. An analytical solution based on the discrete element method is also presented.

Shaking table test on vibration control effects of a …

DOI: 10.1002/WE.2256 Corpus ID: 116131572; Shaking table test on vibration control effects of a monopile offshore wind turbine with a tuned mass damper @article{Zhao2018ShakingTT, title={Shaking table test on vibration control effects of a monopile offshore wind turbine with a tuned mass damper}, author={Binbin Zhao and Hui Gao and Zixin Wang and Zheng Lu}, …

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Shaking Table Test on Dynamic Damage Characteristics of …

Abstract. This article performs groups of shaking table tests to study the dynamic damage characteristics of the slope that is composed with inclined bedrock, upper overburden soil layer, and weak soil interlayer. The prototype is of the entrance slope of the Mount Zheduo tunnel, which is located in the mountains of the western Sichuan Plateau in China. The test model is …

A Web Accessible Shaking Table Experiment For The …

2. Objective of the Shake Table WebLab The Shake Table WebLab presents an online laborator y that is both interactive and heavily reliant on accelerometer sensor readings. U sing the Shake Table WebLab, students can excite a two-story, 3ft tall structure by vibrating its base while simultaneously monitoring its

Effect assessment for the interaction between shaking table …

To appraise whether the CSI effects can be ignored in shaking table test, a novelty effect assessment is proposed. Two steps are involved in proposing the assessment. The first step is the ...

Shaking table tests in earthquake geotechnical engineering

Although these researches that developed excellent shaking tables, there is a high demand to design and manufacturing a shaking table capable to simulate the seismic load and its effects on the ...

Study on the interaction between shaking table …

The control-structure interaction (CSI) between shaking table and eccentric load is one of the most important reasons causing the accuracy degradation of shaking table test. At present, the eccentr...

Shaking table test on progressive collapse of the double …

Therefore, the effects of infilled walls on double-layer cylindrical reticulated shell was investigated by a series of progressive collapse tests with shaking table. In order to evaluate the seismic performance and the capacity of resisting progressive collapse, the structural dynamic characteristics and response laws were obtained under ...

Shaking Table (Theory OF Gravity Separation) Final

Various series of experiments were conducted to inspect the effect of the table inclination angle and the feed size range on the table performance, grade, and recovery. The assay of the feed ranged from 30 % to 35 % Cr 2 O 3. ... The …

Mechanism study on the interaction effects of …

Wang 12 and Li 26 examined the STTSI effect between dual shaking tables and structures, highlighting the notable influence of the coupling effects between the two shaking tables on the modal strain energy within the frequency range of …

Shaking Table Test

13 rowsA shaking table test is a method used to simulate seismic performance by subjecting structures, such as curtain walls, to scaled ground motions on a shaking table to evaluate their …

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Shaking table tests on the seismic responses of …

A series of shaking table tests were conducted in this study to investigate the effects of the groundwater level on the seismic response of underground structures in coral sand. The dynamic responses, such as the pore water pressure, acceleration, soil pressure, strain and settlement are tested and analyzed for four different groundwater levels.

Damage characteristics and evaluation analysis of tunnel …

To verify and evaluate the boundary effect of the model, the EL Centro wave with a peak acceleration of 0.1 g is applied to the shaking table, and the model's acceleration signals are recorded. In the context of a tunnel crossing the main sliding surface, the analysis of acceleration curves in Fig. 9 indicates that the acceleration waveform and ...

Shaking table test to evaluate the effects of …

A series of 1g shaking table tests were performed to investigate the response of Tabriz subway tunnel, a circle-type tunnels embedded in dry sand, under sinusoidal excitation. Effects of various parameters, including peak ground …

Shaking table tests of seismic-resilient post-tensioned …

On one side and for a small amount, this difference is given by the contribution of the damping effects; on the other side, it is related to the multi-rocking response in shaking table tests [57], [62], which caused a unique dynamic response with contact impacts for a larger number of cycles.

Shaking table test for near-valley underground station: …

Despite their prevalent use, the effect of underground diaphragm walls on the seismic response of stations is not yet fully understood. In this paper, a series of 1-g shaking table tests is designed to investigate the seismic response of a near-valley station with underground diaphragm walls within the elastic range.

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Experimental and numerical study on the seismic response …

Such tasks were composed of (1) performing a shaking table test for a nuclear electric cabinet, (2) proposing and manufacturing a TMD shape design applicable to the target cabinet, (3) confirming the seismic response reduction effect of such TMD on the cabinet using additional shaking table tests, and (4) the establishing and validating ...

Shaking table test for near-valley subway station

A series of shaking table tests were conducted in this study to further investigate the effect of the depth-to-width ratio of the valley on the dynamic response of the valley site, ... A single surface slope effects on seismic response based on shaking table test and numerical simulation. Eng Geol, 306 (2022), ...

Solved A shaking table used to study the effects of

A shaking table used to study the effects of accelerations on electronic equipment undergoes SHM with an amplitude of 200 mm. At what frequency will the maximum acceleration equal 10g? Here's the best way to solve it.

Effect assessment for the interaction between shaking table …

The control-structure interaction (CSI) between shaking table and eccentric load has lately received considerable attention for causing the accuracy degradation of shaking …

Influence of shaking table process parameters on …

Conventional chromite beneficiation plants of India discards large tonnage of chromite values as plant tailing. In the present investigation, a typical chromite beneficiation plant tailing of Sukinda region has investigated by using wet shaking table for the effective utilisation of the natural resource. In this context, the effect of different process variables such as wash water flow rate ...

Shaking table test on effects of ground motion duration …

The effect of dynamic response of liquefied site in the shaking table tests with seismic record after time holding compression is researched in this paper. Results show that when the PGA of the input ground motion is similar, liquefied site may not …

Dynamic responses of steep bedding slope-tunnel system …

For this, the large-scale shaking table tests were carried out to explore the dynamic responses of steep bedding slope-tunnel system under the coupling effect of rainfall and earthquake. Results show that the slope surface and elevation amplification effect exhibit pronounced nonlinear change caused by the tunnel and weak interlayers.

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