
26 rowsThe following Professions can use the ingots for …

LOTRO Crafting Guide: Resource Tracking and …

In the case of a Prospector getting metal ores (needed for weapons, armour, and jewelry) or Forester getting wood (needed for bow and staff type weapons and musical instruments), it is almost identical. Therefore, …

How to Unlock a Fourth Crafting Profession in LOTRO

How to Add a 4th Crafting Profession in LOTRO. Open the crafting panel and press the "Add More" button. The LOTRO Store will open on the "Profession Slot Unlock" screen. Purchase the item. Important! In your bags you have a Profession Slot Unlock Item. Right click it to consume it. Your crafting panel now has a nice shiny "Train More ...

Item:Ancient Steel Ingot

This item is used by a Master Metalsmith as a component for the following: Medium Master Crest Large Master Crest Master's Sharp Chisel Master's Sharp Riffler Tools of the Master Armourer Tools of the Master Armsman Tools of the Master Explorer Tools of the Master Historian Tools of the Master Tinker Tools of the Master Woodsman Tools of the …

LOTRO Best Professions (Ranked)

As a prospector, the last of the three gathering professions, you will mine ore, gather gems, find dye salts, and other crafting components in the ore nodes throughout Middle-Earth. The components gathered as a prospector can be used in the Metalsmith, Weaponsmith, and Jeweller professions, making this a very useful profession to have.

Item:Chunk of Ancient Silver Ore

Craft Information. Profession: Prospector Resource Spawn: Ancient Silver Deposit Crafting Level: Master (Tier 5) This item is used by a Master Prospector as a component for the following: Ancient Silver Ingot View the Prospector Master Recipe Index for more details.. Drop Information. Five Chunks of Ancient Silver Ore are often looted from chests and corpses found at the …

Ancient Iron Deposit

Resource Information. Ancient Iron Deposits are Tier 5 (Master) ore resource nodes; using the skill Track Mines helps to find them. Prospector's Tools must be used by Prospectors to extract resources from this deposit. The common resource that can be found is: Chunk of Ancient Iron Ore The rare resources that can be found are:

LOTRO Crafting Professions Guide, Gathering, Tools

How to Train LOTRO Crafting Professions. Starting to craft is as simple as speaking to the right NPC. There is then a tutorial per crafting profession which you can choose to do. Master/Mistress of Apprentices. You can train for crafting by finding a Master- or Mistress of Apprentices. The first ones you encounter will depend on your starting ...

Item:Ancient Nickel Ore

Profession: Prospector. Resource Spawn: Ancient Iron Deposit. Crafting Level: Master (Tier 5) This item is used by a Master Prospector as a component for the following: Ancient Nickel Ingot. View the Prospector Master Recipe Index for more details.

Item:Ancient Nickel Ingot

Profession: Prospector. Crafting Level: Master (Tier 5) Recipe: Ancient Nickel Ingot Recipe. Standard Recipe Result: Ancient Nickel Ingot. Critical Success Result: 2 Ancient …

Item:Chunk of Ancient Iron Ore

Craft Information. Profession: Prospector Resource Spawn: Ancient Iron Deposit Crafting Level: Master (Tier 5) This item is used by a Master Prospector as a component for the following: Ancient Iron Ingot View the Prospector Master Recipe Index for more details.. Quest Information. This item is a selectable reward for the quest [50] Valuable Heartwood - Repeatable.


Crafting Guild. Crafting Guilds are Reputation factions that grant advantages in recipe execution. Reputation is increased by bartering special crafted items. Membership in a Crafting Guild used to be exclusive - you can be a member of 2 crafting guilds at a time (as of Update 25).. Metalsmiths of any character level, and at least Expert level in Metalsmithing, are …

Item:Ancient Nickel Ingot Recipe

From Lotro-Wiki. Jump to navigation Jump to search Ancient Nickel Ingot Recipe . Requires: Master Prospector crafting ability Ancient Nickel Ingot : Master Craft XP Earned: 8 Tool Required: Prospector's Tools Facility …

Lore-master Skills

Pet Summoning and Command Skills. The Lore-master may summon Pets to aid them in battle. Only 1 Pet may be active at a time. 3 Pets are gained through leveling, 3 are gained through traits in the Keeper of Animals trait tree, and 1 is gained by specializing in the Ancient Master.Lore-masters have several command skills they can use to control their Pets.

Item:Chunk of Silver Ore

Craft Information. Profession: Prospector Resource Spawn: Silver Deposit Crafting Level: Journeyman (Tier 2) This item is used by a Journeyman Prospector as a component for the following: . Silver Ingot; View the Prospector Journeyman Recipe Index for more details.. Drop Information. An excellent location for tier 2 nodes is Nan Wathren near …

Iridescent Ore Deposit

Resource Information. Iridescent Ore Deposits are Tier 15 (Umbar) ore resource nodes; the skill Track Mines can be used to find them. Prospector's Tools must be used by Prospectors to extract resources from this deposit. The common resource that can be found is: Chunk of Umbari Iron The rare resources that can be found are: Chunk of High-grade Umbari …

Ancient Silver Deposit

Resource Information. Ancient Silver Deposits are scarce Tier 5 (Master) ore resource nodes; using the skill Track Mines helps to find them. Prospector's Tools must be used by Prospectors to extract resources from this deposit. The common resource that can be found is: Chunk of Ancient Silver Ore The rare resources that can be found are:

4th Profession ... Be careful when you buy it

I was excited about the 4th profession, so that was the first thing I did when I got in to the game yesterday. First off, I had a hard time finding it in the store. Someone pointed out that you can click the button from the crafting window, so I …

LOTRO Best Professions (Ranked)

Mine the ore nodes sprinkled throughout Middle-Earth. As a prospector, the last of the three gathering professions, you will mine ore, gather gems, find dye salts, and other …

Since we no longer have a crafting vocation is prospecting …

These ingredients may be found in Ore nodes, which can only be mined by players with the Prospector profession. The items can drop as loot (more commonly in chests and …

Item:Ancient Nickel Ingot Recipe

From Lotro-Wiki. Jump to navigation Jump to search Ancient Nickel Ingot Recipe . Requires: Master Prospector crafting ability Ancient Nickel Ingot : Master Craft XP Earned: 8 Tool Required: Prospector's Tools Facility Required: Forge: Ingredients: 0/2 Ancient Nickel Ore ...

Lore-master profession with scholar

Tailor to make armor and forester to convert skins to leather is a very good choice. Jeweler to make rings, necklaces, bracelets etc. and also lore-master special items with prospector to harvest the ore and gems needed is a very good choice.

Item:Chunk of Rich Iron Ore

Craft Information. Profession: Prospector Resource Spawn: Rich Iron Deposit Crafting Level: Expert (Tier 3) This item is used by an Expert Prospector as a component for the following: . Rich Iron Ingot; View the Prospector Expert Recipe Index for more details.. Drop Information. Five Chunk of Rich Iron Ore are often looted from chests and corpses found at the ground in …

Since we no longer have a crafting vocation is prospecting …

This way you can harvest wood and ore as you adventure and either feed them to alts with professions that can use them or sell them on the AH. Few things produce wealth faster at the lower levels than harvesting ore and selling it - prices are far higher than other materials as a general rule. Because ore is needed by three professions.

Reputation Crafting List

1 x Ancient Steel Ingot; 3 x Elven steel Ingots; Icon of Heroes ( Tier 5, Rare ) #Required : 1. 1 x Ancient Steel Ingot; 3 x Elven-steel Ingot; 1 x Ancient Nickel Ingot; Ancient Nickel Ingot ( Tier 5 ) #Component. 1 x Ancient Nickel Ore; Please Help me add more quests and locations so we can make an easier

LOTRO Crafting Professions Guide, Gathering, Tools & More

How to Train LOTRO Crafting Professions. Starting to craft is as simple as speaking to the right NPC. There is then a tutorial per crafting profession which you can …


There are many ways to play LOTRO, and many item crafting vocations: Armourer, Armsman, Explorer, Historian, Tinkerer, Woodsman, or Yeoman. In the beginning, an in-game tutorial teaches you about each crafting vocation. As your crafting level rises, you can create increasingly powerful armour, weapons, and jewelry.


Crafting Guild. Crafting Guilds are Reputation factions that grant advantages in recipe execution. Reputation is increased by bartering special crafted items. Membership in a Crafting Guild used to be exclusive - you can be a member of 2 crafting guilds at a time (as of Update 25). x Jewellers of all levels are eligible to join the Jeweller's Guild, but the guild …


Prospectors gather and refine metal ore for the Metalsmith, Weaponsmith, and Jeweller professions. While gathering the ore from resource nodes (also known as mining), …

Guide to the Lore-master

Introduction. The primary role of a Lore-master is to support his allies and weaken his enemies to gain the advantage on the battlefield: . He is the undisputed master of crowd-control, with abilities to stun, daze and root opponents.; The Lore-master also possesses a wide variety of ways to debuff enemies, even in large numbers.; He can also supply his allies with …

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