Sand production may be inevitable in unconsolidated sandstone formation with permeability between 0.5 to 8 darcies (Jon carlson et al., 1992) In addition, reservoirs with low formation strength (<1000 psi) ... are classified as mechanical and chemical one (Dees, 1992). Mechanical methods of sand control include using liners, screens or gravel ...
I take a typical ultra-deep tight sandstone gas reservoir located in Tarim Basin as an example to investigate the rare sand production problem. The situation of sand production was presented, and then conventional analyses were conducted. Six tight sandstone core plugs were selected to conduct rock mechanical tests before and after salt precipitation. Ultimately, …
The sand production rate depends on (1) how much the well pressure is reduced below the critical sand production pressure, (2) the fluid flow rate and the fluid viscosity, and …
There are two mechanisms involve in modeling of sand production, which are mechanical instability including degradation near the wellbore and hydromechanical instability …
Download Citation | On Dec 13, 2023, Kaixiang Shen and others published Numerical Simulation on Coupling Behaviors of Sand Production and Mechanical Response during NGH Exploitation by ...
This incident highlights the importance of development of hydro-mechanical sand production model within hydrate-bearing sediments and understanding of the behavior of hydrate-bearing sediments with the effect of sand production during gas extraction. This extended abstract provides a formulation for the sand production including grain flow and ...
Summary. Sand production is a serious problem in oil and gas wells, and one of the main concerns of production engineers. This problem can damage downhole equipment and surface production facilities. This study presents a sand production case and quantifies sanding risks for an oil field in Iraq.The study applies an integrated workflow of constructing 1D …
The present work is concerned with the formulation of a simple semi-analytical framework for modeling sand production based on a hydro-mechanical description of erosion according to the following assumptions: (i) erosion occurs within the yielded region of the rock, (ii) erosion is governed by a hydro-dynamical law, (iii) the rock undergoes ...
Facebook23Tweet0Pin0LinkedIn0 Sand control is a method to control sand production into a wellbore. This is common requirement for several oil and gas producing wells around the world. There are two situations which …
There are two mechanisms to analyze sand production from the mechanical point of view: shear failure mechanism and tensile failure mechanism. The former is the result of stress action …
mechanical characteristics when subjected to depressurization. In previous field-scale gas hydrate production tests, the sediments exhibited uncontrolled sand production, resulting in premature termination of the well tests [1-2]. Motivated by these incidents, Uchida et al. [3] developed an analytical thermo-hydro-mechanical sand production
This paper summarizes the sand production modeling for onset and volume of sand namely technology that required to improve understanding on sand production and …
Production of the sand becomes a significant problem throughout the life of wells, especially in poorly consolidated reservoirs. This issue frequently leads to tube buckling and abrasion of the ...
According to the continuum theory, a thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) explicitly coupled formulation that considers sand production in GHBS was introduced [15]. Based on this formulation, a numerical sand migration modelling of the sand/mud interbedded reservoir was conducted [16].
Sand production from unconsolidated oil and gas reservoirs is getting increasing attention recently due to the increase of mature fields, from one side, and its higher financial impact on the oil and gas business, from the other side. ... Chemical and mechanical sand control techniques should be considered when producing oil or gas from loose ...
The critical limits for mechanical rock failure and hydrodynamic sand production were defined at sand factors equal to 1 in absolute terms. The sand model results show two distinct gradient points observed for laboratory plots of sand elastic properties: core displacement length defined as the loading point of mechanical rock failure and the ...
In this way both the onset of sand production and the mechanical failure point will be met earlier, that is at lower effective external stress. The cavity failure experiments were simulated theoretically using the numerical code 3DBORE (Papamichos et al. 1996). The simulations are based on a hollow cylinder geometry, which corresponds to the ...
Sand production is a complicated physical process depending on rock mechanical properties and flow of fluid in the reservoir. When it comes to sand production phenomenon, many researchers applied the Geomechanical model to predict the pressure for the onset of sand production in the reservoir.
Increasing Water Production: Sand production may increase or begin as water begins to be produced or as water cut increases. Two possibilities may explain many of these occurrences. ... Probably the most sophisticated approach to predicting sand production is the use of geo mechanical numerical models developed to analyze fluid flow through the ...
This paper examines the hydro-mechanical aspect of the sand production problem and sets the basic frame of the corresponding mathematical modelling. Accordingly, piping and surface erosion effects are studied on the basis of mass balance and particle transport considerations as well as Darcy's law. The results show that surface erosion is accompanied …
An erosion-mechanical model for sand production rate prediction Papamichos, E.; Stavropoulou, M. Abstract. Publication: International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. Pub Date: 1998 DOI: 10.1016/S0148-9062(98)00106-5 Bibcode: …
Sand production can plug tubing, casing, flowlines and surface vessels. It can erode equipment that leads to loss of well control or unwanted fluid emissions.
Hydro‐mechanical erosion models for sand production. E. Gravanis E. Sarris P. Papanastasiou. Engineering, Environmental Science. 2015; Sand production is a complex physical process that depends on the external stress and flow rate conditions as well as on the state of the material.
Section snippets Thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling. The effect of sand migration is included by extending the thermo-hydro-mechanical formulation for hydrate-bearing sediments by Klar et al. 5 In their work, the volume of solids (not soil skeleton) does not change unless thermally induced, based on the fact that soil grains are incompressible. Sand migration, …
The paper discusses sand production from oilfield chemicals-rock interactions, models that are used to forecast sand production, personnel safety, and maintaining production facilities.
Sand production while producing hydrocarbons from a well is a critical issue faced by the oil and gas industry. It is a complex process controlled by several factors, including the mechanical ...
Utilizing a cost-effective screen is an efficient method to combat sand production. Mechanical screens, such as multi-layered filter meshes, slotted liners, roll-up screens, metal s, granules, and ceramic sand filters (Zhou and Sun 2016; Dong et al. 2017), are common options, as shown in Fig. 1. Field cases demonstrate that an appropriate ...
ABSTRACT:. This paper takes a typical ultra-deep tight sandstone gas reservoir located in Tarim Basin as an example to investigate the rare sand production problem. The situation of sand production was presented, and then conventional analyses were conducted. As follow, six tight sandstone core plugs were selected to conduct rock mechanical tests before …
Sand production is a complicated physical process depending on rock mechanical properties and flow of fluid in the reservoir. When it comes to sand production phenomenon, many researchers applied ...
Hydro-Mechanical Aspects of the Sand Production Problem I. VARDOULAKIS 1, M. STAVROPOULOU 1 and R PAPANASTASIOU 2 1Department of Engineering Sciences, National Technical University of Athens, ...