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Italian Marble and Granite slabs

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It set up the first full-fledged tile unit in Malabar, the first granite factory in 1970, and has the distinction of being the first direct importer of Italian marble in the 1980s. All You Need to Know About Marble, Granite, and Artificial Stones. Expert Advice at One Click!

4 Alasan Marmer Italy Layak Disebut Marmer Terbaik Dunia

Meski banyak negara memiliki tambang yang luas dan mengekspor marmer, namun Italy tetap diakui sebagai sumber dari marmer bermutu tinggi dan mewah. Berikut ini …

4 Alasan Marmer Italy Layak Disebut Marmer Terbaik …

Meski banyak negara memiliki tambang yang luas dan mengekspor marmer, namun Italy tetap diakui sebagai sumber dari marmer bermutu tinggi dan mewah. Berikut ini beberapa alasan, marmer Italy mendapat predikat marmer terbaik di dunia:

Marcolini Marmi: top-quality marble, granite, onyx, and stone

Production and manufacturing of marble, granite, onyx, and other stones according to the best Italian style and tradition. Marcolini Marmi SpA – Made in Italy.

Comparison of Italy's exports of marble, granite, and …

Italy's granite and ceramics exports in 2021 set a record, both in value and quantity. In terms of value, marble exports reached pre-pandemic levels, while quantity is the lowest in five years. However, marble exports have seen a …

In 2022 Italy's natural stone exports surpassed worth of 2.1 …

In 2022 a record outcome for Italian stone industry exports. According to official data processed and published by the CONFINDUSTRIA MARMOMACCHINE Studies Center, last year the sector's total foreign sales of marbles, travertines, granites and natural stones in general – both raw and finished products – in fact increased in value by 13.1% ...


Personal selection, inspection and control of all raw materials from around the world, including India, Brazil, Africa, North America, Australlia, Russia, Sweden, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Italy, …


Personal selection, inspection and control of all raw materials from around the world, including India, Brazil, Africa, North America, Australlia, Russia, Sweden, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Italy, France, Iran, Finland and Spain is initiated.

Marble and stone

those visiting italy for the first time are sure to return home with lasting impressions of the country's exceptional range of marble and stone: From centuries-old monuments and palaces …

Italian marble and the return of exports: a "new spring"

After 2020, a year that saw a large recession in the exports of marble and granite, 2021 brings with it a glimpse of light, a breath of fresh air for an industry that suffered …

Italian marble and the return of exports: a "new spring"

After 2020, a year that saw a large recession in the exports of marble and granite, 2021 brings with it a glimpse of light, a breath of fresh air for an industry that suffered enormously from the impact of COVID-19.

In 2022 Italy's natural stone exports surpassed worth of 2.1 …

In 2022 a record outcome for Italian stone industry exports. According to official data processed and published by the CONFINDUSTRIA MARMOMACCHINE Studies Center, …

Marble and stone

those visiting italy for the first time are sure to return home with lasting impressions of the country's exceptional range of marble and stone: From centuries-old monuments and palaces to stunning modern spaces, Italy is a veritable showcase for these durable building materials.

Comparison of Italy's exports of marble, granite, and …

Italy's granite and ceramics exports in 2021 set a record, both in value and quantity. In terms of value, marble exports reached pre-pandemic levels, while quantity is the …

Growth for Italy's natural stone exports confirmed: +13.9

With regard to export markets, according to the CONFINDUSTRIA MARMOMACCHINE statistical report, from January to September 2022 the top buyer of blocks of marble, granite and natural stones extracted in Italy was China which – although backsliding by 7.5% from the record levels registered in 2021 – totaled 141.2 million in imports (or 50% of ...

Italian marble company

Ferrari marmi is a supplier for italian marble, granite and natural stone slabs and a partner for specific processing of stone materials.

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