Comprehensive working condition evaluation of the sintering process …

AbstractReal-time accurate evaluation of the working conditions is crucial for ensuring the process safety and production efficiency in the sintering process. However, existing sintering condition ...

Optimisation model of fuel distribution in materials bed of iron ore …

In this study, the optimisation model of fuel distribution base on numerical simulation was proposed to reduce the fuel consumption of sintering process. The simulation model of sintering process was carried out according to the heat and mass transfer, and the physical and chemical reactions of sintering.

Recent progress in sustainable and energy-efficient …

The ultimate goal of the iron ore sintering process is to maximize the sinter productivity, strength, and reducibility (which are related to the energy consumption in the …

Soft-measuring models of thermal state in iron ore sintering process

The typical sintering process is portrayed in Fig. 1, the raw materials are filled into the moving pallet after mixing and granulating, and the solid fuels in mixture bed start to burn when the pallet passing through the ignition hood.The negative pressure is formed inside the wind-boxes caused by the main exhauster, which leading larger amount of gas pass by the …

Operational and environmental assessment on the use of charcoal in iron

The sintering process is a well-established process in use at integrated steel making plants. It consists of an agglomeration through an oxidizing/reducing fusion of iron ore fines (sinter feed) and fluxing agents (lime, limestone, etc.) as well as re-circulated materials (dust, sludge, etc.) at temperatures between 1200 °C to 1400 ° C. A carbon based solid fuel is …

Iron Ore Sintering Part 1. Theory and Practice of the Sintering Process …

Iron ore fines are the main source for sinter, and the chemical composition of the iron ore fines, together with the thermal conditions that blends are subjected to, plays an important role in forming the primary melt during the sintering process and accordingly determines the sinter structure and quality.

Disposal of zinc extraction residues via iron ore sintering process…

The iron ore sintering process has the capability to handle and utilize complex raw materials, allowing for the reasonable utilization of zinc extraction residue. The addition of zinc extractant has been found to improve the sintering index, metallurgical properties, and gaseous pollutant emissions without significant negative effects. ...

Application of coalbed methane assisted iron ore sintering: …

Currently, steel production in China is dominated by the BF-BOF route, and sinter is an indispensable high-quality raw material for blast furnace ironmaking (Wang et al., 2019).The energy supply for the iron ore sintering process relies on coke breeze or anthracite under conventional conditions, and hydrogen-rich gas is considered as "bridge fuel" for carbon …

Sintering: A Step Between Mining Iron Ore and …

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the sintering process converts fine-sized raw materials, including iron ore, coke breeze, limestone, mill scale, and flue dust, into an agglomerated product, …


The document discusses the sintering process used at the Rourkela Steel Plant in India. It describes how iron ore fines, limestone, dolomite and other raw materials are blended and formed into nodules. ... Parameters affecting sintering Iron ore size: The granulometry of iron ore fines, used in sintering, has a great influence on sinter plant ...

Ni-based diamond composite coatings: preparation process

Ni-based coating, a kind of surface material, is characterized by high hardness, outstanding wear resistance, and excellent corrosion resistance. Ni-based coatings doped with hard phases can improve the coating quality. This is an important topic in related fields. Compared with traditional Ni-based coatings, Ni-based coatings doped with a hard phase have …

Identification of working conditions and prediction of FeO …

The iron oxide (FeO) content had a significant impact on both the metallurgical properties of sintered ores and the economic indicators of the sintering process. Precisely predicting FeO content possessed substantial potential for enhancing the quality of sintered ore and optimizing the sintering process. A multi-model integrated prediction framework for FeO …

Effects of Particle Size of Coke on Iron Ore Sintering Process …

Coke breeze is the main heat source in sintering process. Its combustion yields enough amounts of heat which melts the sinter mix. One of the factors that significantly affect the course of coke breeze combustion is its grain size [1,2,3].It is known that fine-grained coke reduces permeability of the sinter mix and the use of coke breeze with particle size below 1 …

Operating mode recognition of iron ore sintering process …

Sintering is a thermal agglomeration process, and its main raw materials are iron ore, returning sinter ore, fluxes, and coke (Fernández-González, Ruiz-Bustinza, Mochón, González-Gasca, & Verdeja, 2017).The high energy consumption and serious pollution associated with the sintering process have always been an important concern of iron and …

Prediction of sinter yield and strength in iron ore sintering process

The iron ore sintering process was simulated and computational domain was the same as the configuration of a sinter pot as shown in Fig. 1. Entrance of the sinter pot was defined as a velocity inlet. The magnitude of velocity was obtained from the experimental gas-flow rate [7]. The bottom of the sinter pot was set to be pressure outlet which ...

Recent advances in iron ore sintering

Sintering is the most economic and widely used agglomeration process to prepare iron ore fines for blast furnace use. Owing to the depleting reserves of traditional high grade iron ore, there have been considerable …

(PDF) Iron Ore Sintering: Process

Sintering is a thermal agglomeration process that is applied to a mixture of iron ore fines, recycled ironmaking products, fluxes, slag-forming …

Modelling and analysis of the combustion behaviour of …

The combustion behaviour of solid fuels – for example, coke and biomass char – is an important consideration in iron ore sintering as it determines heat availability for the melt formation process. This behaviour is influenced by the presence of an adhering layer of fine material around the fuel particles.

Theory and Practice of Sintering of Iron ore – IspatGuru

Sintering of iron ore is a generic term which is used to describe the process whereby a sinter mix (raw mix or green mix) of iron ore fines, fluxes, fuel (coke breeze) and plant return fines (e.g. mill scale, blast furnace dust, and returned sinter fines etc.) are converted into a particular form of agglomerate.

Nadilla Kurnia on LinkedIn: USIMINAS is one of the largest …

The sintering process is typically one of the main sources of emissions at ... to start negotiations on financing the construction of an iron ore briquette plant worth up to $282.9 million in ...

Operating Mode Recognition Based on Fluctuation Interval Prediction …

Finally, experiments are executed with the data collected from a factory. The results indicate that it can effectively predict the fluctuation interval of the BTP, and then successfully recognize the operating mode. In this article, the proposed method provides a valid reference to control the stable operation of the iron ore sintering process.

Emission reduction research and development of PCDD/Fs in the iron ore

Iron ore sintering process is the second to the municipal waste incinerator toxic pollutants emission source and more than 50% of dioxin emissions are from sintering process in the iron and steel industry (Cang et al., 2014; Cieplik et al., 2003). However, due to the sintering flue gas has the characteristics of complex composition, large flow ...

The optimization of parameters for controlling iron ore sintering

The optimization of parameters for controlling iron ore sintering process based on maximum satisfaction, Liu Yunlian, Li Xinjun, Gao Dan

Thermal analyses of the sintering reactions of iron ores

You, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Jiang, T. 2014: Behavior of SO2 in the Process of Flue Gas Circulation Sintering (FGCS) for Iron Ores Isij International 54(1): 37-42 Eng Loo, C.; Tame, N.; Carlson Penny, G. 2012: Effect of Iron Ores and Sintering Conditions on Flame Front Properties Isij International 52(6): 967-976

Three dimensional mathematical model of the iron ore sintering process

Therefore, sintering and blast furnace processes offer good opportunities to decrease the CO 2 emissions since mall decreasing of the coke breeze consumption and bonding agent used in iron ore sintering process could decisively contribute to decrease the environmental load of the steelmaking industry.

Application of deep learning in iron ore sintering process: a …

In particular, the sintering process is one of the highly energy-intensive stages of the ironmaking process, which relies mainly on coal and coke for the entire combustion …

Iron Ore Pelletizing Process: An Overview | IntechOpen

The iron ore production has significantly expanded in recent years, owing to increasing steel demands in developing countries. However, the content of iron in ore deposits has deteriorated and low-grade iron ore has been processed. The fines resulting from the concentration process must be agglomerated for use in iron and steelmaking. This chapter …

Model predictions of important bed and gas properties during iron ore …

Title Model predictions of important bed and gas properties during iron ore sintering Creator Zhou, Hao; Zhao, Jia Pei; Loo, Chin Eng; Ellis, Benjamin George; Cen, Ke Fa

A fundamental study of the co-combustion of coke and …

Title A fundamental study of the co-combustion of coke and charcoal during iron ore sintering Creator Zhao, Jiapei; Loo, Chin Eng; Yuan, Jinliang; Wang, Fu; Wang, Jiatang; Zhang, Houcheng; Miao, He

Clean recycle and utilization of hazardous iron-bearing waste in iron

DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2018.04.032 Corpus ID: 13677231; Clean recycle and utilization of hazardous iron-bearing waste in iron ore sintering process. @article{Gan2018CleanRA, title={Clean recycle and utilization of hazardous iron-bearing waste in iron ore sintering process.}, author={Min Gan and Zhiyun Ji and Xiao-hui Fan and Xu-ling Chen and Yang Zhou …

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