Induction furnace slag is a basic slag that is different from blast furnace slag which is an acidic slag. Therefore, IFS is non-toxic, non-poisonous and non-corrosive, compared to the acidic BFS ...

(PDF) Applicability of Induction Furnace Steel Slag in RC …

Induction furnace steel slag can be used in concrete columns. ... including copper an d steel slag, can all . be reused to tackle this issue instead of consuming natural resources [1-3].

A Review of Comprehensive Utilization of Copper Slag of …

The electric furnace method, the vacuum depletion technology, and the electric field enrichment method are all physical ways to separate the copper in the copper slag; they have an effect on the metal droplets only but are not applicable to the copper oxide and copper sulfide in the copper slag.

Recycled Smelter Slags for In Situ and Ex Situ …

Slag, a byproduct of metallurgical smelting processes, is a mixture of metal oxides, silicon dioxide, and different compounds [1,2,3,4,5].It is produced from raw ore combustion or the extraction of specific minerals from smelting …


Here, however, the slag still contains some percentage of copper and it is treated in a slag concentrator, where rest of the copper is recovered as a slag concentrate and fed back into the smelting furnace. In KCM's Nchanga smelter, the Flash Smelting fur - nace slag is first reduced in a slag-cleaning furnace to a degree, where iron content ...

Process of Copper Slag Reduction in an Electric Furnace and …

Key to implementing modifications aimed at improving the copper slag reduction process is a thorough understanding of its kinetics and thermodynamics. Electric resistance furnaces are used for this process, and for more intensive copper removal, arc resistance furnaces are used.

Resource Utilization of Copper Slag with a Focus on

Reduction. The reduction process for copper slag is typically followed by magnetic separation [].Depending on the temperature and intensity of reduction, it can be classified as direct reduction, deep reduction, and smelting reduction []monly used reducing agents include coke, biomass carbon, and natural gas [31, 32].The reduction process converts ferrous …

Treatment of Residues from the Copper Industry with an …

Induction furnaces display the most commonly used vessel for the direct recycling of copper residues. The copper content of the input materials should be above 97% in order to prevent the formation of slag, which can have a …

Density Tuning in Conjunction with Pelletizing of Reductants …

High-efficiency reduction of Fe3O4 particles in molten copper slag is the key for recovering slag-entrained copper, although restrained by the sluggish reaction kinetics of commercial powdery reductants with low density. ... Z3050 × 16/1; Shenyang, China) to a medium-frequency induction furnace. Wang et al. 24 used a high-temperature ...

Modelling of copper (I) oxide reduction in a copper slag …

Figure 1: Tuyere and purging plug arrangements in a slag cleaning furnace that are considered in the study. Figure 2: (a) Capillary plug integrated into furnace lining.

Alternatives of Copper (I) Oxide Reduction in a Copper …

Reduction in a Copper Slag Cleaning Furnace Goran Vukovi´c, Anton Ishmurzin, Juergen Schmidl, Bojan Zivanovi´c, and Bernhard Handle Abstract As environmental, energy saving, and legislation considerations are becoming ever more important, there is evidently a demand for further improve-

Recovery of Copper, Lead and Zinc from Copper Flash Converting Slag …

The optimum slag cleaning conditions were determined as follows: reductive agent coke dosage of 6%, 2% pyrite addition of converter slag weight and smelting at 1350°C for 3 h. ... copper-zinc concentrate and matte of the blast furnace on the content of copper and magnetite in converter slags. The content of Cu in the slag was decreased from 2. ...

Minimization of Copper Losses in Copper Smelting Slag During Electric

The produced slag from each of the two slag blows is transferred to the slag cleaning furnaces (along with flash furnace slag) for cleaning prior to discharge, while the high copper slag from the ...

Efficient Recovery of Copper and Cobalt from the Matte–Slag …

During ISA copper smelting process, ISASMELT furnace discharges a large amount of matte and slag mixture and the separation of them has an important influence on the recovery of valuable metals. This paper presented a reduction-sulfurization sedimentation process for recovering copper and cobalt from the matte–slag mixture of ISA furnace. Firstly, …

Control of Slag and Insoluble Build-up in Melting …

Melting Methods. Coreless Induction Furnaces: The coreless induction furnace is a refractory lined vessel with electrical current carrying coils that surround the refractory crucible. A …

Reclamation of Induction Furnace Slag by Separation of …

Reclamation of Induction Furnace Slag by Separation of Metal and Slag using Pulverizing System Mrunal V. Deshmukh Dr. A. G. Matani PG Student Associate Professor ... clean and well-controllable liquefying procedure contrasted with most different method for metal softening. Foundries utilize this kind of heater and now additionally more iron ...

Electric Slag Cleaning Furnace

With 's Outotec Electric Slag Cleaning Furnace, the cleaning of smelting furnace slag is carried out using surface coke reduction in an electric furnace. The circular or rectangular electric furnace is operated in batches and equipped with three or more Söderberg electrodes.

Benefits of Using Induction Furnaces for Melting Copper

Induction furnaces have emerged as a game-changer in the realm of copper melting, offering a versatile and efficient solution for foundries.This article explores the advantages and benefits of using induction furnaces specifically designed for copper melting, shedding light on their power regimes, reliability, cleanliness, and energy efficiency.

Sustainable and Comprehensive Utilization of Copper Slag: …

Large amounts of copper slag are produced every year and major fractions of it are currently disposed, not withstanding the multiple ways the material can be used. Application of the slag is often limited by the presence of hazardous elements and their leaching behavior so they can potentially pollute soil, surface water and underground water. To remove such …


The copper slag cleaning in an electric furnace is based on slag reduction and settling of copper matte inclusions. Copper recovery depends on the slag temperature, degree of magnetite reduction and slag residence time. The formation of solid buildup on the furnace hearth leads to the decrease of furnace volume and slag residence time, affecting

Copper Smelting Slag Cleaning in an Electric Furnace …

Copper Smelting Slag Cleaning in an Electric Furnace by Using Waste Cooking Oil YONGGANG WEI, TIFU ZHANG, BO LI, and SHIWEI ZHOU In view of the non-renewable reductant resources and carbon neutralization in the process of copper slag cleaning in an electric furnace, this study proposed to use waste cooking oil as reductant to replace fossil …

Induction Furnace Melting

The melting process of induction furnace is relatively simple. Taking smelting alloy steel as an example, after tapping of the previous furnace, furnace body shall be maintained first, including cleaning residue, checking erosion, and repairing furnace lining, and then furnace burden should be prepared and loaded for melting.

Controlling Slag Defects, Insoluble Buildup in …

Viscous non-metallic slags can negatively affect coreless, channel, and pressure-pour furnaces, causing slag formations on the furnace and/or inductor walls. The adhesions and/or build-up interfere with melting, thereby …

Selecting the Right Unit for Efficient Induction …

Channel furnaces were originally developed to melt brass but now are commonly used for copper, bronzes, zinc, aluminum and iron. Coreless furnaces are commonly used for virtually all metals. Channel furnaces …

Utilization of induction furnace steel slag based iron oxide

Metals and metal oxide-based nanocomposites play a significant role over the control of microbes. In this study, antibacterial activity of iron oxide (Fe2O3) nanocomposites based on induction furnace (IF) steel slag has been carried out. IF steel slag is an industrial by-product generated from secondary steel manufacturing process and has various metal oxides …

Managing Coreless Induction Furnace Slag Build-Up

Fluxing of melting furnaces will eliminate slag build-up on coreless induction furnace sidewalls, improve slag fluidity, reduce melting costs by improving electrical efficiency, keep furnace volumes and ladles constant, and improve refractory life. What fluxes do is analogous to soap and water: Water alone will not clean grimy hands.

Control of Slag Defects and Insoluble Buildup in Melting …

How slag additives and fluxes work. new sodium-bearing flux (to be referred to as Na-BF) has been developed that controls and minimizes buildup in pouring ladles, melting furnaces, pres …

Reduction of Magnetite from Copper Smelting Slag in the …

Abstract Through the reduction reaction of Fe3O4 and graphite rod, the viscosity of slag was reduced and the settlement of matte in slag was promoted. The reduction of Fe3O4 in copper slag by a graphite rod was studied and the kinetics of the reduction process analyzed. The results show that the content of Fe3O4 decreased with increase in reduction temperature …

Cupola Furnace Slag: Its Origin, Properties and Utilization

A cupola furnace is the most frequently used furnace aggregate for cast iron production. A by-product of the production of cast iron in cupola furnaces is cupola slag. Its amount is 40–80 kg per 1 tonne of the produced cast iron, and that is one of the reasons why this material is not as favoured as, for example, the blast-furnace slag. The purpose of this article …

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