The wastewater source of 4# tailing pond in Dexing copper mine consists of alkaline flotation pulp and acid mine drainage (AMD) from the nearby opencast mine.
The mine is located 170 kilometers (110 miles) southeast of Chile's port city of Antofagasta, in the hyper-arid northern Atacama Desert at an elevation of 3,050 meter (10,010 feet) above sea level. This astronaut photograph features a large impoundment area (image center) containing light tan and gray waste materials ("spoil") from of the ...
Dexing copper mine, with an annual output of about 120,000 tonnes of copper ore, was expected to add another 41,000 tonnes of copper ore after the expansion is completed, the agency said.
An investigation of concentrations of copper, cobalt and cadmium minerals in soils and mango fruits growing on Konkola copper mine tailings dam in Chingola, Zambia. Arch. Sci. 1, 2–5 (2017).
The Dexing copper mine is the largest open pit copper mines in Asia, with mining and beneficiation history stretching back more than half a century; consequently it has large amounts of ore tailings.
Elevation is a measurement of height above sea level. Elevation typically refers to the height of a point on the earth's surface, and not in the air. Altitude is a measurement of an object's height, often referring to your height above the ground (such as in an airplane or a satellite).
In this study, the authors employed synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry, with a specific emphasis on the small baseline subset (SBAS) InSAR technique, to delve into …
[Objective] In order to understand the interaction between heavy metal contamination and microbial diversity better, 16 wild field samples including tailing samples, near grain and vegetable soil samples were obtained from the 4 # tailing site of Dexing copper mine, Jiangxi province, China. On the one hand, number of culturable heterotrophic bacteria in samples was counted …
At the end of 2022 the dam crest elevation will be 973 meters above sea level, corresponding to heights of 172.5 meters and 164.5 meters for the East Dam and West Dam, respectively. The permitted elevation of 997 meters above sea level (corresponding to …
Based on 20 copper mine tailings dam failures, we found that ~ 38% of the tailings volume stored in the dams was released into the environment, whereas 24% of the stored …
The Dexing Copper Mine, located in Shangrao, Jiangxi Province, China, is Asia's largest open-pit copper mine and second in the world. The mine has a rich copper reserve, …
We are the first to apply the copper stress vegetation index (CSVI) on a remotely sensed image and the purpose is to verify the effectiveness of CSVI at the satellite-image scale. The study area was located at the Dexing Copper Mine, Jiangxi Province, China. First, the data preprocessing for the Hyperion image was conducted, including bands removal, radiometric …
The No.4 tailings pond of the Dexing Copper Mine is the second largest in Asia. The tailing pond is a dangerous source of man-made debris flow with high potential energy. In view of the lack of effective and low-cost global safety monitoring means in this region, in this paper, the time-series InSAR technology is innovatively introduced to monitor the deformation …
The largest copper mine in China and one of Asia's largest is Jiangxi Copper's Dexing, which covers an area of more than 4,000 ha and has an annual output of more than 100,000 t, accounting for about a quarter of the country's copper output at its peak. In late 2021 leading Chinese autonomous mining truck technology group TAGE Idriver and Jiangxi Copper …
The Dexing Copper Mine is the largest outcrop copper mine in China, and the Dawu River crosses this mine area and drains into the Le'an River (Wu et al. 2009). The Yishan Lead-Zinc Mine is located ...
Dexing Copper Mine in Dexing City is the largest open-pit copper mine in Asia and one of the eight super-large porphyry copper mines with reserves of more than 10,000 tons in the world.
SBAS-InSAR Based Deformation Monitoring of Tailings Dam: The Case Study of the Dexing Copper Mine No.4 Tailings Dam. Sensors 2023, 23(24), 9707; ... what rate of movement would trigger an alarm level? ... Also, show some critical dimensions on Figure 2. Is the height really 208 meters? Text on line 505 and 506 - "...expansion coefficient of the ...
This study re-assess the environmental impacts of the Dexing copper mine (the largest open-pit copper mine in Asia) on the Lean river and its two tributaries (the Dawu river …
Action Date Notes Link; article xml file uploaded: 8 December 2023 10:55 CET: Original file-article xml uploaded. 8 December 2023 10:56 CET: Update-article pdf uploaded.
Our altimeter determines the altitude above sea level in meters. This is also known as altitude above mean sea level (AMSL). The reference point for this measurement is sea level, which is why it's referred to as altitude above sea level. When someone asks about altitude, especially in the European region, they usually mean altitude above mean ...
Abstract: The Dexing copper mine is the largest open pit copper mines in Asia, with mining and beneficiation history stretching back more than half a century; consequently it has large amounts of ...
The dam heights in instances of lead mine tailings pond failures ranged from 5 to 45 m, with the average being 19.2 m and the median being 15 m. Both the average and …
This means that we obtained an ideal detection effect; (2) the surface-mining area was increasing from 1986-2020 in the Dexing copper mine, and the accumulation of mining damage is approximately ...
Assessment of heavy metal concentrations in roadside soils and plants around the Dexing copper mine: implications for environmental management and remediation Environ Monit Assess . 2024 Feb 10;196(3):251. doi: 10.1007/s10661-024-12422-7.
Located in Dexing City, Jiangxi Province, China (Fig. 1), the Dexing copper mine stands as the largest open-pit copper mine in the country (Jiang et al., 2021b). Initiated in 1958, the mine has witnessed over three decades of continuous, large-scale open-pit mining. ... which ranged between 1.24 and 5.31%, indicating a high level of precision ...
The wastewater source of 4# tailing pond in Dexing copper mine consists of alkaline flotation pulp and acid mine drainage (AMD) from the nearby opencast mine. ... the measured concentrations of heavy metals in the leachate would represent a maximum of the leaching level under the same conditions, when higher temperature was examined in the ...
The Dexing copper mine is located in Dexing City, Shangrao Region of Jiangxi Province in China (29°02′N, 117°43′E). The study area covers 100 km 2, within an elevation range of 65–500 m, and over a terrain characterized by low hills with slope angles of 20–40°. The groundwater level of the area is approximately 30 m.
While a few millimeters of sea level rise per year may seem small, scientists estimate that every 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) of sea level rise translates into 2.5 meters (8.5 feet) of beachfront lost along the average coast. It also …
The city is situated around 2 meters below sea level and the lowest point in the ... point in the whole country is the tri-border area (a place where the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany meet) – 323 meters above …
Dexing copper mine (DCM), situated in Jiangxi Province of China, is 200 km away from provincial capital city Nanchang.Mining production of DCM started in 1965 by underground mining. The open pit operation started in 1971, and currently produces some 36 million tonnes of crude ore annually, which positions among the largest open pit copper mine in Asia.