If your iPhone won't turn on or is frozen

On your iPhone 6s or earlier, including iPhone SE (1st generation): Press and hold both the Home button and the side button or the top button at the same time. Keep holding the buttons until you see the recovery mode screen. When you get the option to restore or update, choose Update.

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Every iPhone release in chronological order: 2007-2024

iPhone model: Release date: iPhone: June 29, 2007: iPhone 3G: July 11, 2008: iPhone 3GS: June 19, 2009: iPhone 4: June 24, 2010: iPhone 4S: October 14, 2011: iPhone 5

Buy iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus

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The History of Every iPhone Model from 2007–2024

With the September 2013 rollout, though, Apple released both the iPhone 5s and the iPhone 5c, ushering in an era of two iPhone releases per year. 2017, 2018, and 2019 each saw the release of three more iPhone models, and …

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