Gypsum mining spoil improves plant emergence and growth …

We assessed the effects of gypsum mining spoil (GS) on PHE immobilization in soils and on plant emergence, survival, and biomass production by applying generalized linear …

[PDF] 6.35 Dealing with Gypsum Karst Problems: Hazards, …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "6.35 Dealing with Gypsum Karst Problems: Hazards, Environmental Issues, and Planning" by A. Cooper et al. Skip to search form Skip to main content Skip to account menu. Semantic Scholar's Logo. Search 221,431,880 papers from all fields of science ... Nanjing Gypsum Mine, or NGM, is encountering some ...

Identification and Assessment of Hazard of …

This study includes natural hazards and environmental problems caused by gypsum on and near the soil, water, and structures.

Impacts for half of the world's mining areas are …

Climate change isn't the only problem associated with coal mining, for example 1 . In Indonesia, the world's biggest coal exporter, ...

Improving the recovery of constructed mine soil profile with …

Flue gas desulfurization gypsum (FGDG) is a by-product generated in the combustion of coal. This solid residue has the potential to be applied to the soil and help to reduce acidity and provide nutrients to soils impacted by surface coal mining. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate nutrients and heavy metals in soil and plant tissue and the …

History Of Phosphate Mining In Florida Fraught With Peril

In 1997 a dam atop a gypsum stack at a Mulberry Phosphates fertilizer plant broke during heavy rains, spilling 56 million gallons of acidic wastewater into the North Fork of the Alafia River. ... "Piney Point is one example of the problem, but it's not the only one. ... setting off a mining rush where Hardee, Hillsborough, Manatee, and Polk ...

Mining and biodiversity: key issues and research needs in …

2. The many ways mining activities impact biodiversity. Mining affects biodiversity at multiple spatial scales (site, landscape, regional and global) through direct (i.e. mineral extraction) and indirect processes (via industries supporting mining operations, and external stakeholders who gain access to biodiversity-rich areas as the result of mining).

Redalyc.The use of gypsum mining by-product and lime …

The use of gypsum mining by-product and lime on the engineering properties of compressed earth blocks Dyna, vol. 81, núm. 188, diciembre-, 2014, pp. 42-51 ... and serious economic and environmental problems. Mining of industrial minerals is a special case as far as mining waste generation is concerned, since they are mostly inert

Giant sinkholes in a South Dakota neighborhood leave some …

In court documents, the state traced the area's mining history to the 1900s, noting a company that mined underground and on the surface before 1930.

Identification and Assessment of Hazard of …

This study includes natural hazards and environmental problems caused by gypsum on and near the soil, water, and structures. These are karst-specific deformations (caves, fractures, cracks) naturally occurring in gypsum …

Environmental impacts of the gypsum mining operation at …

The impacts of quarrying of the gypsum deposits on the environment at Maqna, Tabuk, were evaluated by intensive field studies including in situ testing, mapping and sampling of gypsum and well water. Field and laboratory tests were made to determine the engineering properties including tensile and compressive strengths, unit weight, fracture spacing and the …

Technological solutions for mining of off-balance …

been tested and realized at the gypsum mine of the Additional Liability Company "Siniat". 1 Introduction Natural gypsum global production was about 150 million tons in 2018. Leading countries in ... problems for many mining regions of solid minerals [1-4]. In each case, this problem is 2 E3S Web of Conferences 168, 00064 (2020)


In most open pit gypsum operations, benches are drilled and blasted using ammonium nitrate as the explosive. Because gypsum is so soft, most drills can drill through it at a rate of roughly 23 ft per minute. Sometimes the drill holes …

Environmental risk assessment of industrial byproduct …

The results show that (1) during repeated contact of the three types of industrial waste gypsum with the leaching medium, the pH levels changed, and the changes in pH afected the leaching...

Upgrading of medium-grade celestite ore with varying gypsum …

(NH4)2SO4 can be used with success as a leachant to remove gypsum contained in celestite ores. The process, which is applied before flotation, provides an upgraded feed and problems related to the simultaneous flotation of CaCO3 and SrSO4 are reduced. The process is independent of the gypsum content of the feed so that each leaching stage decreases the …

Environmental risk assessment of industrial byproduct gypsum …

Industrial by-product gypsum was mainly composed of CaSO 4 • 2H 2 O [12], which has reached a discharge of 212 million tons a year in China, but the comprehensive utilization rate is only 40% ...

Gypsum Mining Method & Cost

The primary purpose of these papers is to promote the development and conservation of our mineral resources by disseminating technologic information on methods, practices, and results that may be applied to the engineering analysis and solution of mining problems. Gypsum mining in Iowa has been confined to two localities: One, in Webster …

Land demarcation, gypsum mining suspended in Garissa

The gypsum mining was a major contributing factor to the mayhem in the county," Jama noted. The governor said all plots allocations and demarcations will also be suspended until security is ...

Infrastructure and Construction Materials Guide — …

Mining Methods. Most of the world's gypsum is produced by surface-mining operations. In 2022, only three underground gypsum mines were in operation in North America, one each in Indiana and Iowa in the United States and one in …


for centuries. However, in addition to extensive problems related to underground mining, Paris also has natural gypsum karst that has resulted in collapses and the destruction of property (Soyer, 1961; Arnould, 1970; Toulemont, 1984). Within the Paris Basin the geological setting encountered is a gentle syncline where groundwater

Gypsum Anhydrite Mining In The United States

Gypsum Anhydrite Mining In The United States Overview 134K Total Mines; Table 51 Total Mines; Browse 134,153 mining USGS records in the united states. Most records highlight mining opportunities and activity in Arizona, California, and Colorado. Quick Facts. 134,153 records of mining in the united states.

Gypsum in Construction | Types, advantages, disadvantages, …

Gypsum occurs naturally around the world and is mined in places like Thailand, Brazil, Russia, the US and the UK. The substance is soft and white or grey in colour and is extracted with surface mining. After extraction, it is crushed inside industrial machines and then sorted into pieces of different sizes depending on their intended commercial ...

HHGS Aspects of Gypsum

In Cumbria, gypsum was worked as early as 1828 and underground mining started in 1895. Gypsum was formerly produced south of Whitehaven but mining ceased in 1908. In Northern Ireland, gypsum was produced as early as 1812 and the last recorded output was in 1951. ... Grouting of cavities may pose problems by changing the hydrogeological flow ...

Case Study: Gypsum

Hydrosmart resonance technology was applied on a 90mm mineral laden pipe in the main pit at Broken Hill Operations (CBH Resources, Rasp Mine). The existing problem there was gypsum (calcium sulphate) buildup in pipes. This was partly due to calcium oxide added by the operators in order to harvest zinc, lead and silver.


Cement-grade gypsum tolerates higher NaCl (0.5–0.6% maximum) and insolubles (6% has been used). Agricultural uses. Agricultural gypsum is being increasingly used to treat sodic soils, symptoms of which are waterlogging, increased runoff, poor water storage, surface crusting, and problems with cultivation and erosion.

An assessment of the impacts of Gypsum mining on water quality …

In the recent past, Kenya has witnessed increased activity in the extractive industry targeting minerals such as titanium, gypsum and gold to name a few. Mining activities are a potentially important contributor to water contamination. Discussions in the literature on impacts of gypsum mining on water quality are not conclusive because they tend to be site …

Information on Gypsum and Anhydrite in Nova Scotia

A total of 6.3 Mt of gypsum and anhydrite were produced by six companies from eight sites in the Province in 1987. Nova Scotia is the world's most productive gypsum mining area and yet little information was available, at the outset of this project, regarding the Province's gypsum and anhydrite resources. ...

Gypsum | Formula, Properties & Application

Most often, gypsum occurs in layered deposits that can be hundreds of feet thick. It can form as crusts, nodular masses, and as sizeable, clear, well-formed crystals referred to as selenite. Gypsum also forms some of the largest crystals found in nature, as in the caves of the Naica Mine in Chihuahua, Mexico. Uses of Gypsum

Environmental Evaluation of Gypsum Plasterboard Recycling …

Therefore, the recycling of gypsum waste is a contribution to solving future gypsum demand problems. Gypsum is suitable for closed-loop recycling due to its chemical composition. ... This is mainly due to the use of lignite-based electricity and the related usage of lignite mining sites. As a result of the land usage for landfilling and the ...

Environmental Conditions

Gypsum panels should not be installed where they will be subject to direct exposure to water or continuous high humidity conditions. As with all construction materials, gypsum panel products must be installed and stored under specific environmental conditions. Failure to comply with basic application and maintenance requirements may limit the ...

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