Indium Alloy as Cadmium Brush Plating Replacement

One potential replacement for cadmium is indium because, as it oxidizes, indium also exhibits the desired semi-conductive properties and may allow alloys of indium to be a possible cadmium ...

Indium Corporation Introduces Cutting-Edge, …

Indium Corporation Introduces Cutting-Edge, High-Reliability Alloy for Solder Paste June 14, 2024. Indium Corporation® is proud to introduce Durafuse® HR, a new high-reliability alloy used for solder paste, developed …

Galvanic Corrosion of Dissimilar Metals

INDIUM: Not all metals play well together. And this spills over in to the world of electronics and the materials used therein. A relatively new and relevant example came about with the advent of RoHS and the desire to …

Indium Corp. Indalloy® 204 In-Pb Solder Alloy

In-Pb Solder Alloy, Indalloy's #7, #10, #150, #204, #205 and #206 comprise a group of lead-indium solders designed to cover the temperature range of 165°C-275°C. All have the minimum gold-leaching characteristics of lead-indium as well as good

Indium Corp. Indalloy® 290 In-Ag Solder Alloy

RoHS Compliant Adhesives for Solder Replacement Master Bond offers RoHS compliant, electrically conductive systems to replace lead soldering. ... Nonferrous Metal; Indium Alloy; Solder/Braze Alloy. Material Notes: Indium with silver added to improve strength. Has the wettability and low-temperature malleability of indium. Particularly useful ...

Indium Facts

Indium vs. Corrosion: Indium resists corrosion when exposed to water, but it does not resist acidic and alkaline solutions. Gallium-Indium Alloy: An alloy of gallium and indium remains liquid at room temperature, making it a non-toxic replacement for mercury. References. Alfantazi, A. M.; Moskalyk, R. R. (2003). "Processing of Indium: A ...

Overview of InFORMS

INDIUM: In the world of electronics manufacturing, especially in high-stress applications like power modules and electric vehicle inverters, ensuring the reliability and durability of solder joints is crucial. This is where InFORMS® comes into play, offering a revolutionary solution to the challenges posed by other solder materials.

Microstructure and mechanical properties of indium–bismuth alloys …

Application of a low-temperature soldering process is preferred in developing wearable and flexible electronic devices because of the temperature sensitivity of unconventional polymer-based substrates or other low-heat budget materials. In this context, indium-based alloy has advantages such as low melting point, wettability, and thermal-fatigue resistance. In …

Indium Corporation's Patented BiAgX®: A Drop-In Replacement …

Indium Corporation's Patented BiAgX®: A Drop-In Replacement for High-Pb Solders June 25, 2015. Indium Corporation's newly-patented BiAgX ® solder paste technology is the only low-cost, lead-free replacement solder paste that is customer-proven to survive JEDEC/IPC J-STD-020 MSL1 preconditioning in specific devices without delamination.. BiAgX …

Improved ferroelectric and endurance properties of Hf

The ferroelectricity in HfO 2-based thin films offers a potential alternative to non-volatile memories and logic devices.Special top electrodes such as nitride metal serving as a mechanical capping layer are used to induce the ferroelectricity in HfO 2, which hinders the extensive application of HfO 2 ferroelectrics. Indium-tin-oxide (ITO) is a transparent, highly …

Dartmouth Student Asks Questions About SACm® Solder Alloy

Alloys consisting primarily of tin (Sn) with small amounts of silver (Ag) and copper (Cu) (SAC alloys) performed most similarly to SnPb. Because 63Sn37Pb is a eutectic alloy (meaning that when it melts, all phases of the alloy melt at one temperature), a near eutectic composition was the first to be adopted, SAC387, containing 3.8% Ag and 0.7% Cu.

Indium | Metals & Alloys | Products made by …

Compared to conventional tin-lead solders, indium alloys exhibit lower crack propagation and improved resistance to thermal fatigue. Indium will reduce gold scavenging that can occur with tin-based solder on gold or gold-plated parts. …

Indalloy291 Solder Bar

Indalloy®291 is a direct replacement to the previously patent-protected Sn100C ®* alloy. Indalloy 291 is commonly used in wave soldering and reworking processes as a no-silver, lead …

Indium Alloys & Solders

Indium alloy solders enable assembly of semiconductor, photonic and microwave packages/devices. FEATURES & BENEFITS. Indium imparts it's unique properties in many …

AIM Specialty | Global Manufacturer of Specialty …

AIM Specialty manufactures solder preforms in all standard and custom alloys, including pure indium, indium alloys, gold-tin, and lead-free alloys. AIM can produce solder preforms in any size/shape, including washers, rectangles, …

Indium Corp. Indalloy® 233 Pb-Sb-Sn Solder Alloy

Pb-Sb-Sn Solder Alloy, Intermediate temp solder. Creep resistant. Advertise with MatWeb! ... RoHS Compliant Adhesives for Solder Replacement Master Bond offers RoHS compliant, electrically conductive systems to replace lead soldering. These epoxy and silicone adhesives offer low volume resistivity, low outgassing and high temperature resistance ...

Theoretical study on plasmonic applications of Gallium alloy …

There are particular alloys (e.g., Gallium-Aluminium system) which do not have stability in bulk phase but can be alloyed in nanosystems. Eutectic Gallium-indium alloy NPs have been extensively studied among Ga alloys for its relatively lower melting point (15.4 °C) than Ga (29.75 °C) [9, 10]. In the present study, some of these prevalent ...

Mineral Commodity Summaries 2024

Researchers have developed a more adhesive zinc oxide nanopowder to replace ITO in LCDs . Hafnium can replace indium in nuclear reactor control rod alloys. e Estimated. NA Not available. — Zero. 1 Estimated to equal imports. 2 Price is based on 99.99%-minimum-purity indium, delivered duty paid by U.S. buyers, in minimum lots of 50 kilograms.


We offer over 220 alloys with melting temperatures ranging from 7–1,064°C. Our products are focused on six main alloy families: gallium (Ga), bismuth (Bi), indium (In), tin (Sn), lead (Pb), and gold (Au).


Indalloy®291 is a direct replacement to the previously patent-protected Sn100C®* alloy. Indalloy®291 is commonly used in wave soldering and reworking processes as a low-silver, lead-free alternative to SAC305. ... Keywords: Indalloy®291 indium alloy Application Note wave soldering rework process low-silver lead-free bar solder paste solid ...

Solder Alloys | Solders | Products made by Indium …

Indalloy ® 292. Indalloy® 292 is an alloy engineered to provide advanced reliability for high-performance applications. It has excellent thermal cycling performance at -40/150 ° C conditions, high shear strength, and low solder …

Gallium Indium Tin alloy

Gallium Indium Tin alloy . Release time : Galinstan is a brand-name and a common name for a liquid metal alloy whose composition is part of a family of eutectic alloys mainly consisting of gallium, indium, and tin. Such eutectic alloys are liquids at room temperature, typically melting at +11 °C (52 °F), while commercial Galinstan melts at −19 °C …


Graphene has been developed to replace ITO electrodes in solar cells and also has been explored as a replacement for ITO in flexible touch screens. Researchers have developed a more adhesive zinc oxide nanopowder to replace ITO in LCDs. Hafnium can replace indium in nuclear reactor control rod alloys. e. Estimated. NA Not available. — Zero. 1

Low-Temperature Alloys: Bismuth and Indium

Phil Zarrow: When we think of solder alloys out there in the world, we immediately think, of course, Sn63, Sn62, and obviously the SAC alloys. What can you tell us about low-temp alloys? Carol Gowans: Well, at Indium Corporation, we have over 200 solder alloys in our solder alloy directory. And we've categorized that into six solder families.


germanium, copper, and nickel in your alloy, Indium Corporation strongly recommends following the low-end of the solder pot temperature spectrum and turning the pot off when not in use. ... Indalloy® 291 is a direct replacement to the previously patent-protected Sn100C®* alloy. Indalloy® 291 is commonly used in wave soldering and reworking ...

In90-Ag10 Indium-Silver Solder

RoHS Compliant Adhesives for Solder Replacement Master Bond offers RoHS compliant, electrically conductive systems to replace lead soldering. ... In90-Ag10 Indium-Silver Solder Categories: Metal; Nonferrous Metal; Indium Alloy; Solder/Braze Alloy. Vendors: Available Properties; Specific Gravity, Calculated; Tensile Strength; Adhesive Bond ...

Power Electronics Packaging and Assembly | Indium Corporation

These gallium-based alloys are finding increased use in various applications as a replacement for toxic mercury, which has a high vapor pressure at room temperature; these alloys have reduced toxicity and lower vapor pressure than mercury. ... Continuous Alloy Innovation Indium Corporation continues to grow our portfolio of alloys by developing ...

Indium Corp. Indalloy® 227 Sn-In-Ag Solder Alloy …

Category : Metal, Nonferrous Metal, Solder/Braze Alloy, Tin Alloy Material Notes: Pb free solder can be used as a replacement for 63Sn 37Pb, 62Sn 36Pb 2Ag and 60Sn 40Pb in that it has similar physical and mechanical properties. Not for use over 100°C due to 118°C Sn/In eutectic.Information provided by the manufacturer, Indium Corporation.


The high density of bismuth (9.80g/cm3) makes it a good choice as a replacement for lead (11.35g/cm3) in applications where density is important. Some bismuth-based alloys will also …

Graphene: Almost The Ideal Replacement for …

Graphene, a single layer of atoms thick, combines transparency with conductivity, making it an obvious choice for research into ITO replacement - it could even be considered the perfect material, at least in theory. There are …

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