Hip Replacement Surgery: Procedure, Risks, & Recovery

Hip replacement surgery is a procedure in which a doctor surgically removes a painful hip joint and replaces the worn-out bone and cartilage with an artificial joint (implant). The...

Total Hip Replacement

In a total hip replacement (also called total hip arthroplasty), the damaged bone and cartilage is removed and replaced with prosthetic components. The damaged femoral head is removed and replaced with a metal stem that is placed into the hollow center of the femur.

Hip Replacements

Hip replacement surgery, or hip arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure in which an orthopaedic surgeon removes the diseased parts of the hip joint and replaces them with new, artificial parts. These artificial parts mimic the function of the normal hip joint.

Total Hip Replacement: Types, Procedures, Recovery, …

A total hip replacement replaces your entire hip joint. The replacement is made up of four parts: Cup or socket: A cup-shaped artificial piece replaces the socket of your hip (acetabulum).

Hip replacement

Mayo Clinic doctors with training in bone and joint surgery (orthopedic surgeons), arthritis (rheumatologists), physical medicine and rehabilitation, and imaging techniques (radiologists) work together as a team to treat people who have hip replacement surgery.

Hip replacement

During hip replacement, a surgeon removes the damaged sections of the hip joint and replaces them with parts usually constructed of metal, ceramic and very hard plastic. This artificial joint (prosthesis) helps reduce pain and improve function.

Hip Replacement Surgery: How it Works, Recovery Time

Hip replacement is the removal and replacement of portions of the pelvis and femur (thighbone) that form your hip joint. It is performed primarily to relieve hip pain and stiffness caused by hip arthritis.

Hip Replacement (Hip Arthroplasty)

Total hip replacement: A surgeon will replace your whole hip with a prosthetic joint. They'll replace the top (femoral head) of your thighbone (femur) and the socket it fits into (acetabulum). Almost all hip replacements are total hip replacements.

Total Hip Replacement Surgery

Total hip replacement is a step-by-step surgery to replace the hip socket and the ball at the top of the thighbone (femur). Doctors use metal, ceramic, or plastic replacement parts. The parts may be attached to the bones in one of two ways. They may be: Cemented to the bone. Uncemented. These parts have a porous coating that the bone grows into.

Hip Replacement Surgery Basics

Hip replacement surgery removes damaged or diseased parts of a hip joint and replaces them with new, artificial parts. The goals of hip replacement surgery are to relieve pain, help the hip joint work better, and help you move better.

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