Slag-What is it Good for? | U.S. Geological Survey

We looked specifically at ferrous slag, the leftover material from the smelting of iron and steel, in the Chicago-Gary area of Illinois and Indiana. Ferrous slag is currently underutilized. Although the construction industry does use some slag …

The pretreatment of non-ferrous metallurgical waste slag …

The smelting reduction process was a process in which the waste slag was melted in a high-frequency induction furnace to obtain molten iron (Fig. 3), that is, the "FeO" in NMWS was reduced to metallic iron at high temperature (1400–1450 °C) …

Computational fluid dynamic modelling of an electric …

1.. IntroductionElectric smelting is commonly used within the metallurgical industry for recovery of valuable metals from mineral concentrates. Density separation is achieved within the electric furnace that yields a platinum group metals (PGM) containing Ni–Cu–Fe–S matte and slag layer which serves as a sink for oxide and silicate based minerals.

CHAPTER 1: Introduction: Metallurgical Slags

Slags are by-products generated by the pyrometallurgical processing of both ferrous and non-ferrous metal ores and secondary resources (recycling). They are formed during smelting from the reaction of gangue minerals in the furnace feed and fluxes and, possibly, …

Phase Equilibrium Studies of Nonferrous Smelting Slags: A …

Pyrometallurgy is the primary technique for the production of many nonferrous metals such as copper, lead, and zinc. The phase equilibrium information of smelting slags plays an important role in the efficient extraction of metals and energy consumption. The experimental technologies used in phase equilibrium studies are compared. The presentation and applications of the …

Copper Slag as a Source of Iron: An Overview | SpringerLink

Cooling molten copper slag by immersing it in water creates amorphous granulated slag upon discharge from smelting facilities. This granulated slag is typically composed of …

Analytical study on heavy metal output fluxes and source …

An open-air heap of smelting slag is located atop the mountain, which covers an area of 46,775.40 m 2, total mass of approximately 1261.2 kt, ... s and the micro-ecological soil response in non-ferrous metal smelting areas. Sci. Total Environ., 865 (2023), Article 161283. View PDF View article View in Scopus Google Scholar.

Characteristics and source analysis of potentially toxic …

There is a slag yard for non-ferrous metal processing and smelting at the top of the hill in the study area. The majority of the slag is deposited around the slag yard, and part of it moves down with the water flow, while the fly ash spreads in all directions in the air, resulting in high levels of Pb and Zn in the atmospheric fallout.

Vertical migration behavior simulation and prediction of Pb …

The extraction and smelting of metal minerals cause serious heavy metal pollution in agricultural soils, especially in Southwest China, which is rich in mineral resources, and the total number of nonferrous metal mines accounts for about 20% of the country [43], [76].In recent years, wastewater, waste gas, and slag produced during the smelting process of nonferrous …

Stelter International Symposium on Non-ferrous Smelting

SIPS 2024 by FLOGEN Stars Outreach hosts the Stelter International Symposium on Sustainable Non-ferrous Smelting and Hydro/Electrochemical Processing. Topics include lower grade of concentrates trend, the very high-arsenic bearing copper ore challenge, final slag issues, granulation methods, slag cleaning options, advanced control on smelting/converting, …

Heavy Metal Contamination Assessment and Source …

This case study was of abandoned iron slag piles and their surrounding areas in Hechi City, Guangxi Province, known as China's hub for non-ferrous metals. Hechi has rich mineral resources and intense mining and smelting activities, which contribute to severe heavy metal pollution (Tao et al., 2020).

Hunan Fortune Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. focuses …

Our business covers heavy metal treatment, non-ferrous metal smelting, sewage and environmental governance, and other aspects. Over the years, we have provided a large number of environmental protection chemical products and services for various industries, accumulated rich case experience, and provided efficient and reliable solutions for our clients' …

High-temperature wetting behavior between slag and …

This is because the addition of MnO increased the asymmetry of Si–O bonds, which would be beneficial to the spreading of molten slag on refractory, thus exacerbating the slag corrosion. In the non-ferrous smelting system, with increasing the MnO content from 0 to 3%, the melting point of CaO–SiO 2 –MgO–Al 2 O 3 –Cr 2 O 3 slag ...

An efficient approach to utilize copper smelting slag: …

An efficient approach to utilize copper smelting slag: Separating nonferrous metals and reducing iron oxide at high temperature. Author links ... Jiang et al., 2020), transforms the ferrous oxide in the copper slag into magnetite. A beneficiation method is then used to separate the magnetite. The reduction method produces ferroalloys by ...

Effect of As and MgO addition on arsenic vitrification in …

The arsenic (As) vitrification in copper smelting slag derived from the FeO−SiO 2 −Fe 2 O 3 −B 2 O 3 −CaO− Al 2 O 3 −(MgO) system was studied. The vitrification mechanism of As was systematically investigated by XRD, SEM, FTIR and XPS analysis.

Phase Relations of Ferrous Calcium Silicate Slag and its …

ticetheliquidussurfaceoftheso-called fayalite slag obtained at iron saturation (i.e. strongly reductive con-ditions) for both reductive and oxidative conditions. This was despite the fact that most non-ferrous smelt-ing processes and especially those of copper smelting and converting are carried out at intermediate oxygen partial pressure.

Process of Copper Slag Reduction in an Electric Furnace and …

Łukasiewicz Research Network—Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals, Sowińskiego Street 5, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland ... Y.-L. Numerical simulation of coupling multi-physical field in electrical arc furnace for smelting titanium slag. J. Iron Steel Res. Int. 2023, 30, 2194–2209. [Google Scholar] Figure 1. Diagram of data transfer between individual ...

Advances in the use of recycled non-ferrous slag as a …

The major in-situ remediation technologies to prevent leaching of HM from non-ferrous metal tailings and smelting slag heap include microbial geochemical in-situ solidification (Liu et al., 2019a), adsorption of metals, fixation of non-metallic minerals (Bertocchi et al., 2006), anti-seepage technology, in situ mineralization based on ...

Top Blown Rotary Converter (TBRC)-Pyrometallurgy

TBRC is a rotary tiltable furnace for smelting anode slime,WEEE,non-ferrous metal smelting slag and setting slurry to recover gold, silver and other precious metal. It can also treat copper concentrate and secondary material like scrap copper, scrape lead, lead slag, lead dust,etc.

Selenium partitioning between slag and matte during smelting

Copper concentrates usually contain a number of minor as well as precious elements, the control of which in copper smelting processes is often a key to the quality of the anode copper produced and may also have a bearing on the overall economics of the process. During copper smelting, the copper concentrates are partially oxidized to form slag and …

Phase Relations of Ferrous Calcium Sicilate Slag …

In this paper the work carried out by the authors in quantifying through an original physical model the phase relations, liquidus surface, liquidus regions, behavior of solid phases and the effect...


The slag is then dumped and subsequently broken in small pieces. [57] ABSTRACT A process for controlled slow cooling of non-ferrous smelting slags, such as copper slags, for the recovery of the non-ferrous metals contained therein by subsequent crushing, milling and ?otation operations is disclosed. The process comprises the steps of pouring ...

Valorization of lead and zinc slags for the production of …

Lead smelting slag / lead smelter slag constitutes both the primary and secondary slags from the lead extraction industry [4], ... kutnohorite magnesian, and pyrite. The major minerals present in zinc slag include ferrous sulfide, feldspar, and iron olivine, as reported by Duan et al. [22] as shown in the X-ray diffraction (XRD) in Fig. 5.

An efficient approach to utilize copper smelting slag: …

To eliminate the negative effects caused by nonferrous metals when using copper slag in the steelmaking industry, a new scheme was proposed to treat copper slag, involving …


General properties. Ferrous and non-ferrous smelting processes produce different slags. The smelting of copper, lead and bauxite in non-ferrous smelting, for instance, is designed to remove the iron and silica that often occurs with those ores, and separates them as iron-silicate-based slags. Slag from steel mills in ferrous smelting, on the other hand, is designed to …

Value-added recycling of iron and titanium from bauxite …

The TiO 2 content of the slag exceeded even that of titanium slag produced through vanadium titanomagnetite (VTM) smelting. Additionally, the higher ferrous content of the slag would serve as a supplementary heat source (FeO ... From the SEM image of RM smelting slag (shown in Fig. 14), three mineral phases of ferrouspseudobrookite (light gray ...

Feasibility of Recovering Valuable and Toxic …

In total, 35 elements were detected in the samples using electron probe microanalysis. After the treatment, 89.4% of the valuable, toxic, and trace elements gathered in the newly formed matte after maintaining the copper …

A review on lead slag generation, characteristics, and …

However, lead slag only accounts for approximately 5% of the raw ingredients. In a different study, researchers used the lead and zinc smelting slag as the ferrous raw material to produce Portland cement, entirely replacing iron ore (Li et al., 2004). The results showed that the burnability of a mixture of 6% slag had obviously improved.

Resource Utilization of Copper Slag with a Focus on

Reduction. The reduction process for copper slag is typically followed by magnetic separation [].Depending on the temperature and intensity of reduction, it can be classified as direct reduction, deep reduction, and smelting reduction []monly used reducing agents include coke, biomass carbon, and natural gas [31, 32].The reduction process converts ferrous olivine in …

Ferrochrome Slag/Chromite Smelting Slag …

The ferrochrome smelting slag processing program integrates crushing, screening, jigging and dewatering processes. Firstly, coarse crushing is used to crush large pieces of ferrochrome smelting slag to get ferrochrome smelting …

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