Reactivity of flash-calcined illitic clays

The paper discusses the reactivity of flash-calcined illitic clays for application as an alternative source of supplementary cementitious material. Structural and morphological …

Calcined Clay as Supplementary Cementitious Material

Ferreiro et al. analysed the influence of the clay calcination temperature in the flash calcination process and the fineness of raw clay on the workability and strength performance of LC 3. They used two types of clay, which were calcined in two different installations (gas suspension calciner and flash calciner) and at two different temperatures.

Characteristics and applications of flash metakaolins

The energetics and associated carbon footprint of the calcination process are also discussed, and an outlook on clay calcination is presented, discussing the technological advancements required to ...

Flash calcination of kaolinite rich clay and impact of process

Process conditions during clay calcination significantly affect the quality and pozzolanic reactivity of the calcines. For instance, flash calcination is found to produce metakaolin with better pozzolanic reactivity than soak calcination does [7]. There is a lack of modeling effort on flash calcination of kaolinite rich clays.

Production of cementitious materials by flash calcination

The pilot scale flash calciner (POLCAL-2) operates at TRL6 and can be used for thermal treatment of different materials e.g. calcination of carbonic materials (limestone, dolomite, phosphate ore) or activation of clays (kaolin, illite, etc.) or dehydroxilation of metal ores (iron, nickel, titanium, etc.).

Clay Calcination Technology: State-of-the-Art Review by …

Calcined clay; processing; calcination; kiln; flash calciner; low-carbon; energetics; ... The energetics and carbon footprint of clay calcination are also investigated and compared with that of other calcined cement materials. Emerging technologies are also discussed, and potential for the electrification of clay ...

Properties of Flash-Calcined Kaolinite | Clays and Clay …

Flash calcination of a magnesite ore in a free-fall reactor and leaching of magnesia. International Journal of Mineral Processing, Vol. 42, Issue. 1-2, p. 121. ... Flash calcination of kaolinite rich clay and impact of process conditions on the quality of the calcines: A way to reduce CO2 footprint from cement industry. Applied Energy, Vol. 162 ...

polysius® activated clay

The role of activated clay for CO2–low cements. Activated clay plays a key role when it comes to CO2-low cements. In a first step the clay minerals have to be activated in a thermal process at temperatures around 800 °C, leading to an active metaphase of the clay which contributes to the strength development of the final activated clay cement.

Clay Calcining Technologies

Our expert knowledge has shaped the development of two proprietary technologies for clay calcining: FlashCalx™, a suspension calciner, and RotaCalx™, a rotary kiln calcining solution.

Properties, compatibility, environmental benefits and future …

A study by Canut et al. [23] investigated the use of flash calcination for clay calcination and found that higher calcination temperatures can be tolerated. Additionally, Nguyen et al. [24] showed that flash calcination results in a lower amorphous content compared to rotary kiln calcination. However, it is important to note that most clay ...

Impact of calcination technology on properties of calcined …

It presents the results of an experimental program carried out with a kaolinitic clay calcined at a flash calciner and at a laboratory furnace. Calcination brings about a drop in specific surface, and an increase of average diameter due to agglomeration, an effect more pronounced in stationary calcination.

Influence of fineness of raw clay and calcination …

Influence of fineness of raw clay and calcination temperature on the performance of calcined clay-limestone blended cements. Author links open overlay panel S. Ferreiro a, M.M ... Experimental and modelling study of flash calcination of kaolinite rich clay particles in a gas suspension calciner. Appl. Clay Sci., 103 (2015), pp. 10-19. View in ...

Impact of calcination technology on properties of calcined …

Thermal activation of kaolinitic clays takes place when the hydroxyl groups are removed, leading to formation of an amorphous reactive structure. There are several …

Calcination of kaolinite clay particles for cement production…

Flash calcination of the clay is performed in an industrial gas suspension calciner under different conditions and the clay samples before and after calcination are fully characterized. In the measured particle size distribution (PSD) for the raw clay sample (as shown in Fig. 2 ), there is only one major peak, at about 3 μm.

Clay calcination technology: state-of-the-art review by …

This paper, produced by RILEM TC 282-CCL on calcined clays as supple-mentary cementitious materials (working group 2), focuses on the production of calcined clays, presents an overview …

Clay calcining technologies: the rotary kiln approach

Calcined clay capacity then becomes similar to that of clinker production. Case study 2 – converting a wet-pro-cess kiln A mothballed long wet-process kiln was assessed for its potential for clay calcination production. The clay had a 10 per cent LOI, 10 per cent moisture, kaolinite, low-Fe and fine clay. In this case, having a fine feedstock and

Characteristics and applications of flash metakaolins

Flash calcination is an industrial process based on rapid calcination of a material, for only a few tenths of a second. It can be used for different kinds of materials: magnesite ore (Erşahan et al., 1994), limestone (Ying et al., 2000), and Kaol (Davies, 1984, Gaurier, 1987, Meinhold et al., 1994, Salvador, 1992).

Clay calcination technology: state-of-the-art review by the …

Our FCB Flash Calciner can be used with a wide range of clay materials. Its advanced technology prevents the raw materials from overheating. This is essential for producing highly amorphous pozzolan (an alternative cementing …

The Calcination of Kaolin Clay

Kaolin clay sources can vary significantly, with a number of accompanying impurities possible. Similarly, chemical and physical properties of kaolin sources vary as well. As a result, varying sources of kaolin often respond to …

Properties and pozzolanic reactivity of flash calcined …

This paper investigates flash calcination as a means to activate the fine-grained clay minerals contained in the dredged sediments of the port of Antwerp. The effect of calcination on the physico-chemical characteristics and the pozzolanic reactivity of the dredged sediments is reported.

Experimental and modeling study of flash calcination of …

This paper presents a study of flash calcination of kaolinite rich clay particles in a pilot scale gas suspension calciner, with the aim to derive useful guidelines on smart calcination for obtaining products of the best pozzolanic properties. Calcination tests are performed in the calciner under six different operation conditions.

Properties and pozzolanic reactivity of flash calcined …

This paper investigates flash calcination as a means to activate the fine-grained clay minerals contained in the dredged sediments of the port of Antwerp. The effect of calcination on the physico-chemical characteristics and the pozzolanic reactivity of the dredged sediments is reported. ... Si ratio of 15:23:62, this group is assigned to ...

Calcination of kaolinite clay particles for cement production: …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Calcination of kaolinite clay particles for cement production: A modeling study" by Abraham Teklay et al. ... Flash calcination of kaolinite rich clay and impact of process conditions on the quality of the calcines: A way to reduce CO2 footprint from cement industry.

Calcination of kaolinite clay particles for cement production…

Flash calcination of the clay is performed in an industrial gas suspension calciner under different conditions and the clay samples before and after calcination are fully characterized. In the measured particle size distribution (PSD) for the raw clay sample (as shown in Fig. 2), there is only one major peak, at about 3 μm. ...

Flash calcination of kaolinite rich clay and impact of …

Flash calcination of kaolinite rich clay particles modeled using gPROMS. The model validated by calcination test results from a gas suspension calciner. Useful time–temperature-transformation ...

Concrete with Flash-Calcined Dredging Sediments as a …

Flash calcination of the clay-rich dredging sediments then took place in a gas suspension calciner and three different calcination temperatures were assessed: 820, 865 and 905 °C. The material was cooled down by a counter flow of cold gas and no crushing or grinding was applied after calcination (Teklay et al. 2015 ; Snellings et al. 2016 ).

Kiln vs flash calciner

Q: What is the process involved in flash calcination? TK: For customers dealing specifically with fine ores, we designed the Gas Suspension Calciner (GSC) technology – something we have supplied since the beginning of the 1970s. It consists of a series of preheating cyclones, a calciner vessel and a series of cooling cyclones.

Flash calcines of kaolinite: Effect of process variables on …

The physical transformation of powdered kaolinite associated with rapid dehydroxylation during flash calcination has been followed using pycnometry, thermogravimetry, electron microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction and infrared spectroscopy. 116 partially dehydroxylated kinetically-frozen calcines were produced in a laboratory flash calciner …

Flash calcination of kaolinite rich clay and impact of process

With this regard, a dynamic model of flash calcination of kaolinite rich clay particles is developed using gPROMS (general PROcess Modeling System) to predict the impacts of calcination temperature and residence time on the transformation of the clay particles and to derive a favorable production path that is able to achieve optimum amount of ...

Clay Calcination Technology: State-of-the-Art Review by …

This paper, produced by RILEM TC 282-CCL on calcined clays as supplementary cementitious materials (working group 2), focuses on the production of calcined clays, presents an overview …

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