Standard Test Method for Determination of the …

to 15 % (by mass) of a portland-cement clinker; and is orthorhombic. 3.2.9 free lime, n—free calcium oxide (C); cubic (see Note 3). NOTE 3—Free lime (CaO) may be present in clinker and cement but readily hydrates to form portlandite (Ca(OH) 2). Portlandite may carbonate to form calcium carbonate, generally as calcite. Heat-treating a freshly-

Certificate of Analysis

A unit of SRM 2687a consists of five hermetically sealed vials, each containing approximately 8 g of crushed portland cement clinker [1]. Certified Mass Fraction Values: The certified mass fraction values are provided in Table 1. A NIST certified value is a value for which NIST has the highest confidence in its accuracy, in that all known or ...


These SRMs provide certified values for the abundance of major phases in cement clinkers, i.e., the percentages of alite (C3S), belite (C2S), aluminate (C3A), and ferrite (C2(A,F)). NOTE: In …

X-ray fluorescence analysis of Portland cement and clinker …

The mass percentage of sulfate in clinker sample can only determine by plotting a calibration curve for the turbidimeter. ... X-ray diffraction was applied to identify and measure the mass fractions of various crystalline phases in Portland clinker and cement [7, 8]. The sample was a compressed disc of finely ground material: pressed pellet.

Sulfate attack on portland-dolomite cement exposed to …

Concrete manufacturing is known for its high energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for about 5-7% of global CO 2 emissions [1], [2].An effective strategy for reducing the carbon footprint of concrete is the use of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) as substitutes for cement clinker [3], [4].Dolomite, a carbonate rock with rich reserves …

What is Cement Density? Definition, Formula & How to …

Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) Density. Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC), designed to enhance the durability and workability of concrete, showcases a distinctive density profile. PPC cement density range typically falls between 2.90 to 3.15 grams per cubic centimeter, PPC offers a more sustainable alternative. The incorporation of pozzolanic ...


Ordinary portland cement signifies to the hydraulic binding material ground by mixing portland cement clinker, 6% ~ 15% blended materials, and apposite amount of gypsum.(Cement, 2011) The highest amount of active blended materials mixed …

NIST2687A Portland Cement Clinker Sigma-Aldrich

Portland cement clinker standard reference material (SRM) ... The certified value of the SRM was determined by calculating the mass fraction values of alite (C 3 S), belite (C 2 S), aluminate (C 3 A), and ferrite(C 4 AF) by quantitative X-ray powder diffraction (QXRD).

mass of portland cement clinker per m3 – Grinding Mill China

mass of portland cement clinker per m3. Posted at: January 9, 2013 [ 4.8 - 4600 Ratings ] ... Part 1 first serves as a general overview or primer on hydraulic (chiefly portland) cement and, ...

Portland Cement 1 tonne (Metric) mass to cubic meters …

By standard practice, when freshly poured, Portland cement has unit volume mass of 94 lbs/cu-ft - 1506 kg/m3 (but it becomes denser as the storage time is prolonged, when it gets compressed or vibrated; in such situations its weight per volume can increase to as high as 104 lbs/cu-ft). This calculator is based on the fresh form Portland cement ...

PCA Education Foundation

The Portland Cement Association Education Foundation funds a variety of educational activities that increase public knowledge regarding appropriate uses of cement and concrete. ... including alternative fuels and raw materials in clinker manufacture, in hydraulic cements, and in concretes, to improve the CO2 footprint, improve life-cycle ...

eCFR :: 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart LLL -- National Emission …

Subpart LLL—National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants From the Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry. ... Determine, record, and maintain a record of the accuracy of the system of measuring hourly clinker production (or feed mass flow if applicable) before initial use (for new sources) or by the effective compliance date of ...

Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) Uses: Benefits

This forms a clinker. Cement Grinding: The clinker is cooled. Then they are mixed and ground with pozzolanic materials and gypsum in a cement mill. At last, they are stored in silos and packaged. Uses of Portland Pozzolana Cement. The Portland Pozzolana Cement is used in different applications. Some of the applications are as,

Portland cement clinker

Portland cement clinker is a dark grey nodular material made by heating ground limestone and clay at a temperature of about 1400 °C - 1500 °C. The nodules are ground up to a fine powder to produce cement, with a small amount of …

Determination of the Proportion of Phases in Portland …

to 15 % (by mass) of a portland-cement clinker; and is orthorhombic. 3.2.9 free lime, n—free calcium oxide (C); cubic (see Note 3). NOTE 3—Free lime (CaO) may be present in clinker and cement but readily hydrates to form portlandite (Ca(OH) 2). Portlandite may carbonate to form calcium carbonate, generally as calcite. Heat-treating a freshly-


Figure A: Portland Cement Figure B: Portland‐limestone Cement Clinker Gypsum Legend Up to 5% Limestone Up to 15% ... proportion of limestone in Portland-limestone cement shall be > 5% and ≤ 15% by mass", and performance limits are the same as for traditional Portland cement of the same type. Table 1: CSA A3000 Cement Types ...


control, the composition of the cement shall be kept within the limits specified in this British Standard. 5 Constituents 5.1 Portland cement clinker Portland cement clinker is a hydraulic material which shall consist of not less than two-thirds by mass of calcium silicates ((CaO) 3·SiO2 and (CaO)2·SiO2), the remainder containing

ASTM C1365

Determination of the proportion by mass of individual phases in portland cement or portland-cement clinker using quantitative X-ray (QXRD) analysis. Skip to content. 610-313-3227; inquiry@appliedtesting ... This test method covers direct determination of the proportion by mass of individual phases in portland cement or portland-cement ...

The ternary system Portland cement–calcium sulphoaluminate clinker

The hydration processes of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) and of calcium sulphoaluminate cement (CSA) are very well documented. The OPC clinker is mainly composed of four phases, two calcium silicates C 3 S and C 2 S, one calcium aluminate C 3 A, and ferrite C 4 AF, to which calcium sulphate is added to control setting. C 3 S and C 3 A mainly contribute …


The portland cement clinker is made by heating to a high temperature a mixture of substances such as limestone, sand, clay and shale. Portland cement is essentially hydraulic calcium silicates contained in a crystalline mass, not separable into individual components. Major compounds are: 3CaO•SiO2 Tricalcium Silicate CAS #1

Construction Tech 1 module 3 Flashcards

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Portland cement is made by mixing ground clinker with a small quantity of _____., High-strength concrete can be made from all these types of aggregate except_____?, Water used to mix concrete must_____. and more.

Portland Cement (PC)

As per specification of BDS EN 197-1: 2010, CEM-I, 52.5 N Crown Portland Cement is a cement prepared by mixing of Clinker of 95- and Gypsum 0-5%. This cement is also called Portland Cement (PC). Clinker is produced by intimate mixing together of calcareous and argillaceous materials, burning them at clinkering temperature up to about 1450-1500°C.. The …

Portland cement clinker: the Bogue calculation

The Bogue calculation is used to calculate the approximate proportions of the four main minerals in Portland cement clinker. The standard Bogue calculation refers to cement clinker, rather …

Generic Concrete Products with Portland Cement

Portland Cement Clinker Production Gypsum Production Kiln Energy Raw Material Transport Fly Ash, Slag Cement, Silica Fume, or Limestone ... Gypsum content is assumed to be added at 3.0% (by mass fraction) of portland cement. Portland cement is manufactured using one of four processes: wet, long dry, preheater, or precalciner. The wet

Portland Cement | PPT

8. • Portland cement patented by Joseph Aspdin, in 1824. • Prepared cement is the name given to a cement obtained by intimately mixing together calcareous and argillaceous, or other silica-, alumina- and iron oxide- bearing materials, burning them at a clinkering temperature, and grinding the resulting clinker • The name Portland cement---resemblance …

C1365 Standard Test Method for Determination of the …

1.1 This test method covers direct determination of the proportion by mass of individual phases in portland cement or portland-cement clinker using quantitative X-ray (QXRD) analysis. The following phases are covered by this standard: alite (tricalcium silicate), belite (dicalcium silicate), aluminate (tricalcium aluminate), ferrite (tetracalcium aluminoferrite), …

Technology verification of Portland cement clinker …

The mass flow of conventional cement production is shown in Fig. 2 [11]. It can be seen that 60 % and 40 % of fossil fuels are consumed in the calciner and kiln during the cement clinker production, respectively. ... During the sintering of Portland cement clinker driven directly by solar energy, no fossil fuel was combusted, and CO 2 emissions ...


Portland cement clinker is a partially fused mass primarily composed of hydraulic calcium silicates [4]. The calcium silicates are essentially amixture of tri calcium silicate (3CaO . Si0. …

Blast Furnace Slag Cement: Components, Uses …

Blast Furnace Slag Cement is a type of cement produced by blending ground granulated blast furnace slag with Portland cement clinker. Know its composition and uses. ... Applied in mass concreting projects like …

Cement & Concrete FAQ

Portland cement clinker is made by first heating limestone, shale, iron ore, and clay in a kiln to 2,700 to 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The resulting compound, known as clinker, is then finely …

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