Walleye fishing minnesota

July 18, 2022 at 9:03 am #2135965. You could always follow all of the other NE and IA plates up 29 and then hang a left on 12 to go to Webster, SD. 5 hour drive, and you'll have a lot easier time finding walleyes vs the Alex or Willmar areas. But both of those areas are great weekend destinations with plenty of lakes to try out.

Electric Pressure washer (good/bad, etc)?

As B-Man says, if you're used to a gas 3000+ psi machine, electric won't compare. I've been trying to talk myself into going with a gas unit, but it's just so nice to just plug in and go. No gas, no engine noise, and the only maintainance is making …

Clean a fishy cooler

Pour some bleach in, fill with water, and let it sit for a day. Done this with Engel bait coolers that somebody forgot to empty a few times and gets all the smell out.

Fish · Hunt · Ice | In-Depth Outdoors

Early Ice Mille Lacs 2017. Easily one of my favorite weekends of the year is the 1st weekend with ice thick enough for fishing shoreline breaks on Mille Lacs. There's just something special about early…. Walleye Will Roseberg.

Sand in my washing machine-any help?

Sand in my washing machine-any help? walleyebuster5. Central MN. Posts: 3916. May 2, 2011 at 7:52 pm ...

Washing Frogg Toggs

Tweet. Ralph Wiggum. Maple Grove, MN. Posts: 11756. September 15, 2006 at 12:33 pm #1234499. Okay, the time has come to wash my Frogg Toggs. The smell of sturgeon slime is nauseating. It says they can be machine washed. Just wondering if anyone has had any problems or tips for me.

Best ATV/UTV Shine and Protectant I've ever seen

I have 2 Polaris Sportsman ATVs. 2011 and 2012. They get trail ridden mostly. I don't wash them as frequently as I should, and when I do, I've had a hard time getting the black plastic storage compartments and luggage racks to look as clean and "like new" as I'd like.

Mille Lacs Lake

September 2, 2024 at 4:35 pm #2287715. We had a good day Friday on the West side trolling crankbaits in 15-20'. There is sand grass floating in the water so we intentionally fished a smaller stretch that was cleaner and cleaned our baits often. We had 5 in the old 21-23" slot and one in the current 18-20".

Auger Question (2 stroke vs. 4 stroke vs. electric)

Ice ripping machine. 6. Bought 4 1/2″ Nils for early ice. Love it, pan fish bite better in small hole, and can't turn around as easily if they come unhooked in the hole. 7. Ice Gator burnt up again, no customer service, none, Ice Gator goes in scrap pile. 8. Bought Tanaka power head at end of season sale Spring of 2013. Why oh why did I ...

Help! I've got sand in my Morels

Many times when morels come from really sandy soil the sand becomes embedded right in the meat of the mushroom and cannot be removed. Many years ago my father and I found a large mess of morels on an island north of Guttenburg. Every one had sand embedded in it making them pretty much inedible. Eyehunter

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