
Brazil: Votorantim Cimentos recorded specific CO 2 emissions per tonne of cement of 579kg/t in 2022, down by 3% year-on-year from 2021 levels and by 24% from its 1990 baseline. The group achieved an alternative fuel (AF) thermal substitution rate of 27% in 2022, compared with 22% in 2021, marking strong progress towards its 2030 target of 53%. ...


mercury emissions estimated at approximately 2220 tonnes per year1. Mercury is present in the raw materials (e.g., limestone) and/or in the fuel (e.g. coal) used in the cement manufacturing …

Central Pollution Control Board

Report on Mercury Emission From Cement Plant 2014: 30-08-2014: ZO Bhopal: 5.75 : 66: World Environment Day: Report on Mass Awareness programme on World Environment Day - 2014 ... Environmental Guidelines For Prevention And Control Of Fugitive Emissions From Cement Plants- 34.44 KB: 182: Methods & Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Of ...

Atmospheric mercury emissions from two pre-calciner cement plants …

China produces the most cement product worldwide, and cement plants (CPs) have been regarded as the largest anthropogenic sources of atmospheric mercury (Hg) emissions in China since 2009. Onsite studies of this source are scarce compare to the huge numbers of CPs in China. Hence, quantifying Hg emissions from more CPs is needed in …

Report Suggests Lower Mercury Emissions From Lafarge Cement Plant …

That's less than half the amount previously reported, but the plant remains one of the largest sources of airborne mercury in the state. "It's better than 400 pounds," Assemblyman Tim Gordon (I-108th) said Thursday afternoon following a conference call with company officials, "but it's not as though they have cut their emissions."


US: Vicat subsidiary National Cement has received a fine of US$148,000 from the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) for exceeding mercury emissions regulations over a 123-day period between May 2019 and February 2020 at its integrated Ragland plant in Alabama. The Daily Home newspaper has reported that unexpectedly high …

Prediction of inhalation health risk of mercury …

mercury particles in the air in not go very long due to the low concentrations of mercury, which were found in the stack emission samples, and due to the wind direction and speed. Keywords---AERMOD, cement industry, coal, energy source, mercury emissions, dispersion model, Hazard Quotient. Introduction

Global cement emissions standards

In the face of increasing limits on mercury emissions, cement plants can take two approaches to reduce their mercury emissions. Firstly, careful selection of input …


The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will implement new mercury emissions regulations in 2013 and many cement plants will not be able to meet the more stringent regulations. Some of these cement plants have installed powdered activated carbon (PAC) systems in an attempt to reduce mercury emissions to comply with the new ...

Cement Makers Decry Emissions Rules

Reducing emissions from the nation's cement plants will prevent between 620 and 1,600 deaths a year, and reduce health costs by between $4.4 billion and $11 billion, according to separate E.P.A. reports. The agency, which will be hearing public comments on the proposed rules for 60 days, estimates that meeting the new standards will cost ...

Guide to Air Quality Permitting for Concrete Batch Plants

a number of pollutants, including mercury and toxic acid gases. The exhaust dusts from cement kilns were defined by Congress in 1980, pending further study, not to be ... TCEQ's potential to emit calculations for concrete batch plants. Particulate emissions are a complex mixture of ex-tremely small particles and liquid droplets. Once


Section 11.12 of AP-42 (1/95) contains general information regarding concrete batch plant process descriptions, emission estimation techniques, emission factors, and control efficiencies. An ARB study published in 1987 determined an average weight fraction for the PM10 content of concrete batch plant particulate emissions. Cement, fly ash, and

Atmospheric Mercury Concentrations and Isotopic …

Coal-fired power plants (CFPPs) and cement plants (CPs) are important anthropogenic mercury (Hg) emission sources. Mercury speciation profiles in flue gas are different among these sources, leading to significant variations in local atmospheric Hg deposition. To quantify the impacts of Hg emissions …

National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants …

However, since scrubbers are uncommon in the cement industry, SCR would have little impact in reducing mercury emissions from cement kilns, unless a scrubber was also installed. Regarding D/F emissions control, the primary method of D/F control at U.S. cement plants is temperature control, which is already a requirement of the current subpart ...

National Cement fined US$148,000 for mercury emissions at Ragland plant

US: Vicat subsidiary National Cement has received a fine of US$148,000 from the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) for exceeding mercury emissions regulations over a 123-day period between May 2019 and February 2020 at its integrated Ragland plant in Alabama. The Daily Home newspaper has reported that unexpectedly high …

Controlling Mercury in Cement Manufacture

The manufacture of cement may emit mercury into the atmosphere if mercury is present in the raw materials or the fuel. To reduce emissions, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established the National Emissions …

Cement Environmental Directive

• • Calibrate the continuous emission monitoring equipment once a year Mercury Holcim upholds the requirements of the UNEP Minamata Convention on Mercury and therefore manages and mitigates mercury emissions where necessary. The primary means of managing mercury emissions from cement kiln stacks is to limit the input of

Dust Monitoring Solutions For Cement Plants

Even though mercury is a naturally occuring substance it is still toxic. The health of people and the environment need to be protected from mercury exposition. Therefore, strict regulations apply in many industries, also in waste incineration. ... Bag filters are widely used as the preferred emission abatement for cement plants and there is a ...

Mercury emission characteristics and mechanism in the raw …

Mercury pollution has attracted worldwide attention due to its toxicity, bioaccumulation and persistence. Cement clinker production is the top emitter of atmospheric mercury in China and the emissions from raw mill systems account for about 85% of all emissions. However, the mercury emission characteristics and mechanisms as a function of …

Mercury releases from the cement industry

The production of cement accounts for about 11% of the global anthropogenic mercury emissions estimated at approximately 2220 tonnes per year1. Mercury is present in the raw materials (e.g., limestone) and/or in the fuel (e.g. coal) used in the cement manufacturing process. The major …

Mercury Monitoring in a Cement Kiln

Sources of variation in mercury emissions There are multiple potential sources of mercury emissions from cement kilns. The primary source is limestone, the main constituent of the raw material. Coal, which is often used to heat the raw material, also contains mercury which becomes a part of the plant's emissions.1 Mercury is also a part of

Mercury emissions of the German cement industry | ENVEA

Biogenic CO 2 is playing an increasingly important role for operators of incineration and co-incineration plants. With the rising costs of emitted CO 2 and the expansion of emissions trading, the determination of biogenic CO 2 can reduce the costs for allowances and thus the costs of the plant.

8 b 8.1

3. Mercury Emissions in US by Source (metric tons per year) Source Air Water Soil Mercury from cement production 2.31 0 1.16 Mercury from large combustion plants 43.46 0.17 33.06 TOTAL EMISSIONS (tpy) 109.2 46 2658.2 Cement as % of Total 2.1% 0% 0.04% Large Combustors as % of Total 39.8% 0.4% 1.2% Source: The US Mercury Emission …

UN publishes update on cement sector mercury emissions …

The sector currently emits 2220t/yr of mercury, 11% of global anthropogenic mercury emissions. The UNEP's Cement Partnership Area aims to ensure 'globally significant' …

The Silicon Valley Librarian: Shasta Dam, Cement Plants and …

Petroleum coke used to fuel lime production (since 2007), which along with limestone, off-gasses mercury emissions during processing, has led some to believe that the Cupertino Lehigh Cement plant allegedly is responsible for 29% of all Bay Area airborne mercury emissions, perhaps impacting Calero Reservoir, 20 miles away, as well as local ...

How is Mercury Monitored in a Cement Kiln?

Other smaller sources of mercury emissions include sand and iron ore. Coal, which is often used to heat the raw material, contains mercury which becomes a part of the plant's emissions. Mercury is also a part of …

Cement Production

In cement plants, the flue gas generally includes carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxides (NOx), sulphur dioxide (SO2), mercury and dust. SO2 emissions are mostly derived from the raw material, whereas more than half of the CO2 emissions are coming from the limestone calcination process and the rest are related to the used fuel and efficiency of ...

Cement Plants: Hg Monitoring for Peace of Mind

The NESHAP rule for mercury emissions monitoring in cement plants, also known as the Cement MACT, has undergone more makeovers than a fashion model at a photo shoot. …

Mercury Pollution from Cement Kilns Double Previous …

Mercury emissions from cement kilns are almost twice as high as the agency has previously acknowledged, and in many states kilns are among the worst mercury polluters. ... These kilns collectively reported emitting 360 pounds of mercury in 2006. The Alpena cement plant is of particular concern because it sits on the banks of Lake Huron and in ...

Cement plant mercury emissions spur concern – Daily …

STUYVESANT – After federal data recently showed that Lafarge Cement's plant across the Hudson River in Ravena was the state's largest source of mercury emissions in the state in 2…

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