
LMEsource is the real-time and multicast market data platform from the London Metal Exchange. It provides the market with a high through put and low-latency market data feed in binary message format. Data coverage . The current version of LMEsource (v3) distributes data from the LME's electronic trading platform LMEselect.

Funds pile pressure on lead as LME stocks hit 11-year high

LONDON, April 4 (Reuters) - Funds have built up record short positions on the London Metal Exchange (LME) lead contract. This is not entirely surprising given the rapid deterioration in …

Non-ferrous metals

Designed to reflect the nature and timing of bilaterally negotiated metal trades, market participants can use the LME's non-ferrous contracts to transfer or take on risk against metal prices daily out to 3 months, weekly out to 6 months and monthly out to anything up to 123 months – that's over 10 years in the future.


Peony's exchange information service consists of 30-minute delayed prices of all nonferrous metals contracts traded on the LME (London Metal Exchange) and 10-minute delayed …

Contract specifications

Every metal traded on the LME must conform to strict specifications regarding quality, lot size and shape. Each LME tradeable contract is likewise governed by rules covering (but not limited to) …

LME Cobalt

LME Lead; LME Tin; LME Aluminium Alloy; LME NASAAC; LME Aluminium Premiums; LME Alumina (Platts) LME Aluminium UBC Scrap US (Argus) ... The LME Rulebook sets out the rules and regulations of the London Metal Exchange. The LME is embarking on a programme of work to fully rebuild its electronic trading platform, LMEselect.

LME Education | London Metal Exchange

LME Education is the training and education offering from the London Metal Exchange (LME). Designed to provide in-person and online learning opportunities for the metals and financial communities, LME Education is the only provider to offer training specifically on the LME, giving you the opportunity to learn directly from those at the heart of the market.

Contact us

Becoming an LME Listed Brand lmelistedbrands@lme: Market Development: LME products and services Incentive programmes Liquidity provider programmes sales@lme: Education: LME courses: education@lme: Events: LME events LME Metals Seminar LME Week Asia lmeevents@lme: LME Clear: Clearing LMEmercury operations SPAN Margins


LME Lead; LME Tin; LME Aluminium Alloy; LME NASAAC; LME Aluminium Premiums; LME Alumina (Platts) LME Aluminium UBC Scrap US (Argus) ... The LME Rulebook sets out the rules and regulations of the London Metal Exchange. The LME is embarking on a programme of work to fully rebuild its electronic trading platform, LMEselect.

LME Lead

The LME provides the market with three transparent and regulated platforms for trading industrial metal contracts.


On 14 December 2009, the Arbitration Regulations (PDF) contained at Part 8 of the LME Rules & Regulations were amended to establish a process to circulate a notice to members in the event that a counterparty has defaulted on an LME arbitration award.. The default notice process only applies to arbitrations where one of the parties is a Category 1, 2 or 4 member of the LME.


LME Lead; LME Tin; LME Aluminium Alloy; LME NASAAC; LME Aluminium Premiums; LME Alumina (Platts) LME Aluminium UBC Scrap US (Argus) ... The LME Rulebook sets out the rules and regulations of the London Metal Exchange. The LME is embarking on a programme of work to fully rebuild its electronic trading platform, LMEselect.

LME pricing: Demystifying LME Pricing: A Guide to London …

The London Metal Exchange (LME) is the world's leading non-ferrous metals market, and it sets the benchmark for prices of metals such as copper, aluminum, zinc, nickel, …

London Metal Exchange news | Breaking News

Read the latest London Metal Exchange headlines, on NewsNow. London Metal Exchange news, analysis and opinion from around the world.

Metals | London Metal Exchange

LME participants can trade and take or make delivery of aluminium, copper, tin, nickel, zinc, lead, aluminium alloys and premiums. Non-ferrous prices discovered on our platforms are used as the global reference price. ... The London Metal Exchange publishes, via LME, LMElive and a network of licensed vendors an extensive collection of ...

Monthly overview

LME Lead; LME Tin; LME Aluminium Alloy; LME NASAAC; LME Aluminium Premiums; LME Alumina (Platts) LME Aluminium UBC Scrap US (Argus) ... The LME Rulebook sets out the rules and regulations of the London Metal Exchange. The LME is embarking on a programme of work to fully rebuild its electronic trading platform, LMEselect.

Contract specifications

The LME Rulebook sets out the rules and regulations of the London Metal Exchange. The LME is embarking on a programme of work to fully rebuild its electronic trading platform, LMEselect. ... LME Lead futures - the average of the cash prompts for each business day of the contract month: Price quotation: US dollars per tonne: Clearable currencies:

3rd Wednesday monthly futures quotes | London Metal Exchange

The LME Rulebook sets out the rules and regulations of the London Metal Exchange. The LME is embarking on a programme of work to fully rebuild its electronic trading platform, LMEselect. ... Non-ferrous LME Aluminium LME Copper LME Zinc LME Lead LME Tin. View monthly (3W) futures quotes from LMEselect. The 15-minute delayed data covers the ...

westmetall . market data . prices/lme stocks . copper, tin, …

Month LME Lead Cash-Settlement LME Lead 3-month LME Lead stock; December: 1,899.25: 1,915.80: 67,098: November: 2,031.90: 2,035.45: 68,088: October: 2,184.30: 2,176.54

Documents and specifications | London Metal Exchange

LME Lead; LME Tin; LME Aluminium Alloy; LME NASAAC; LME Aluminium Premiums; LME Alumina (Platts) LME Aluminium UBC Scrap US (Argus) ... The LME Rulebook sets out the rules and regulations of the London Metal Exchange. The LME is embarking on a programme of work to fully rebuild its electronic trading platform, LMEselect.

Trading symbols guide | London Metal Exchange

LME Lead; LME Tin; LME Aluminium Alloy; LME NASAAC; LME Aluminium Premiums; LME Alumina (Platts) LME Aluminium UBC Scrap US (Argus) ... The LME Rulebook sets out the rules and regulations of the London Metal Exchange. The LME is embarking on a programme of work to fully rebuild its electronic trading platform, LMEselect.

Modernising the market | London Metal Exchange

On 4 September 2024 we issued a white paper which sets out a package of measures designed to modernise the LME's market structure and boost transparency and price competition, at the same time as protecting the LME's unique features that serve the physical metal communities.

LME Lead

Current and historical Lead prices, stocks and monthly averages.

Advisory committees

LME Lead; LME Tin; LME Aluminium Alloy; LME NASAAC; LME Aluminium Premiums; LME Alumina (Platts) LME Aluminium UBC Scrap US (Argus) Ferrous Back All ferrous. Our ferrous contracts are tradable on LMEselect and via the inter-office market out to 15 months. ... The London Metal Exchange: User Committee Terms of Reference - January 2024 (PDF ...

The Board of Directors

Nicholas Allen was appointed as a non-executive director of the London Metal Exchange in February 2023. Mr Allen is also been an independent non-executive director of HKEX since 2021 where he hold the positions of HKEX Audit and Risk Committee member, and deputy chairman of Listing Appeals Committee at the The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.

Margin information

LME Lead; LME Tin; LME Aluminium Alloy; LME NASAAC; LME Aluminium Premiums; LME Alumina (Platts) LME Aluminium UBC Scrap US (Argus) ... The LME Rulebook sets out the rules and regulations of the London Metal Exchange. The LME is embarking on a programme of work to fully rebuild its electronic trading platform, LMEselect.

Home | London Metal Exchange

The London Metal Exchange (LME) is the world centre for industrial metals trading.

About Lithium

July 2021 saw the launch of LME Lithium Hydroxide CIF (Fast Markets ), the latest in our line of electric vehicle (EV) and minor metals futures.. We partnered with price reporting agency Fastmarkets to bring greater transparency to …


LME Lead; LME Tin; LME Aluminium Alloy; LME NASAAC; LME Aluminium Premiums; LME Alumina (Platts) LME Aluminium UBC Scrap US (Argus) ... The LME Rulebook sets out the rules and regulations of the London Metal Exchange. The LME is embarking on a programme of work to fully rebuild its electronic trading platform, LMEselect.

Rules and regulations | London Metal Exchange

LME Lead; LME Tin; LME Aluminium Alloy; LME NASAAC; LME Aluminium Premiums; LME Alumina (Platts) LME Aluminium UBC Scrap US (Argus) ... The LME Rulebook sets out the rules and regulations of the London Metal Exchange. The LME is embarking on a programme of work to fully rebuild its electronic trading platform, LMEselect.

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