Mechanistic analysis and validation of an efficient novel …

This research not only presents a novel method to improve the flotation separation efficiency and quality of scheelite, thereby reducing reagent consumption and costs but also …

Sediment capping in eutrophic lakes – efficiency of undisturbed calcite

This process is significantly enhanced by the surface roughness of the calcite grains (M2066) due to numerous micropores of <2 nm in diameter. ... An efficient calcite barrier can be adapted to specific hydrochemical. Acknowledgements.

Flotation Separation of Fluorite from Calcite using an Efficient

Fluorite and calcite were separated with nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) as a depressant. The single mineral flotation experiment confirmed that with 40 mg/L NaOL and 80 mg/L NTA, the fluorite recovery and calcite recovery were 24.37 and 94.13%, respectively, at pH 9. Meanwhile, in the fluorite-calcite binary mixed ore flotation experiment, the calcite recovery and fluorite …

Sediment capping in eutrophic lakes – efficiency of undisturbed calcite

At SI CaCO 3 > 0, the SSA of calcite mainly determines barrier efficiency, whereas at SI CaCO 3 < 0, the physico-chemical properties of calcite are less important as already discussed. A higher SSA and microporosity, however, accelerate the dissolution process and, consequently, improve the precipitation of Ca–P compounds.

Hydroxypropyl amine surfactant: A novel flotation …

In this work, N-tetradecyl-isopropanolamine (NTIA) is synthesized and used as a new collector on the flotation separation process of scheelite from calcite to further improve the efficiency of the selective flotation. The effects of NTIA on minerals are investigated through microflotation experiments.

Selective inhibition of sodium tripolyphosphate on calcite in …

Therefore, it is imperative to find efficient and economic inhibitors to increase the separation efficiency of magnesite and calcite. In the previous research, we studied the influences of sodium hexametaphosphate, sodium tripolyphosphate and dextrin for the flotation behavior of magnesite and calcite under the condition of NaOl as collector.

Clay calcination technology: state-of-the-art review by the …

Furthermore, the use of GA increases the efficiency of the dry separation process of the material . Alkanolamine-based GA can also promote the hydration of clinker aluminate phases (C 3 A and ferrite) in LC 3 -type systems, leading to an enhanced precipitation of carboaluminates [ 124 ].

Mechanical properties of aeolian sand cemented via …

The method based on the microbially induced calcite precipitation (MICP) appeared in recent years as a promising process that proved its efficiency. ... (MICP) appeared in recent years as a ...

An Overview of Calcite Recovery by Flotation

Calcite occurs in nature either as high-grade (with >75% calcite) or low-grade calcite ores (with <30% calcite). Generally other carbonate, phosphate, silicate, and iron sul-phide minerals are associated with the calcite ores. Gravity and/or magnetic separation and flotation are the beneficiation techniques most commonly applied to calcite ores ...

Mechanism of Sand Cementation with an Efficient Method …

This paper presents an efficient method of microbial-induced calcite precipitation (MICP) for cementation of sand particles. First, the influence of initial pH value of the culture medium on the growth of bacteria was discussed. Then, the compressive strength and calcium carbonate content of cemented sand columns with different sand particle sizes were …

An Overview of Calcite Recovery by Flotation

A tremendous amount of research has been performed on refining the flotation process for calcite ores and designing the reagents (specifically, collectors) to increase the efficiency of the...

Research status and development of microbial …

Microbial-induced calcium carbonate precipitation technology, as a new type of cross-process with good environmental adaptability, has developed rapidly in the past two decades due to its high efficiency, low cost, and easy …

drinking Water treatment: neutralisation and/or …

The efficiency of this type of system depends on : the reactivity of the product used (porosity, density); particle size; temperature; the raw water's initial M-alk.; contact time. Figure 45 illustrates an example of the calculation charts …

Chapter 6: Weathering and Soil Practice Flashcards

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following is/are most susceptible to chemical weathering by dissolution? A) quartz B) clay minerals C) iron oxides D) calcite, What two factors speed up rates of chemical reaction and weathering in rocks and soils? A) low temperatures; very dry B) low temperatures; very moist C) high temperatures; …

Use of Calcite Mud from Paper Factories in Phosphorus …

To use calcite mud waste generated from the paper production process, calcite mud was treated by calcination and then applied as a sorbent agent to remove phosphorus from an aqueous solution. ... The chemical precipitation technique has attracted attention due to its high removal efficiency and simple process [23–25]. Other research using ...

Biofilm Characterization and Establishing Microbial-Induced Calcite …

AbstractBiocementation using the microbial-induced calcite precipitation (MICP) technique is an environmentally friendly method that imitates the natural cementation phenomenon to improve the behavior of soils. Urea hydrolysis performed by ureolytic ...Practical ApplicationsMICP is a natural method of soil improvement. The microorganisms used for this …

Study on synergistic inhibition and mechanism of flotation …

It can be seen from Table 6 that the absolute values of adsorption energy of calcite adsorbing tannin and sodium humate at the same time are higher than those of calcite adsorbing tannin alone and ...

Calcite : Properties, Formation, Occurrence and Uses Areas

In summary, calcite formation is a complex process influenced by geological conditions such as temperature, pressure, and fluid composition. Its role in the formation of limestone, marble, and various mineral deposits showcases its significance in understanding Earth's history and the processes that shape the planet's crust.

Effect of treatment process on consolidation efficiency of …

As a new green and environmental material, bio-activated cementitious material is attracting extensive attention. This study confirmed that the bio-activated cementitious material could mineralize and cement fugitive dust into the calcite- consolidation-layer based on CO2 capture and utilization. The results illustrated that treatment processes (non-pressure …

Sediment capping in eutrophic lakes

PurposeThe main aim of this work was to determine the efficiency and mechanism of iron (Fe)-modified calcite (FMCA) capping for preventing the release of phosphorus (P) from sediments.Methods The ...

Optimization of pilot-scale re-mineralization by calcite …

As a result, the calcite bed system under the acidified feed at pH 4 and the empty bed contact time (EBCT) at 12.7 min exhibited the most efficient calcite dissolution with …

Application of Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation …

Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation (MICP) through ureolytic bacteria has been considered as the most straightforward and energy-efficient process for engineering applications. In this paper, the potential of utilizing the waste stream technology along with MICP was discussed. This detailed study concluded that waste streams could ...

Efficient selective flotation separation of fluorite from calcite …

It is known that the flotation separation of fluorite/calcite is extremely difficult because of their similar surface features. In this research, the combination of FeSO 4 ·7H 2 O and Fe 2 (SO 4) 3 (FF) as depressant for possible flotation separation of calcite/fluorite was systematically investigated, with sodium oleate (NaOL) as collector. Besides large gap …

Efficiency and Morphology of Calcium Carbonate

Economic and efficient application of enzyme induced calcium carbonate precipitation (EICP) requires optimisation of the process and understanding of the precipitate microstructure.

Calcite: A Key Ingredient in Efficient Cement Manufacturing

Calcite: A Key Ingredient in Efficient Cement Manufacturing. The primary use of calcite lies in construction materials, particularly as a raw material for manufacturing cement …

Effect of Operating Parameters on the Breakage Process of Calcite …

One of the most energy-intensive processes for producing submicron range calcite is stirred media mill. In the present work, numerous operating parameters such as solid mass fraction, grinding media size, media filling ratio, and grinding time have been investigated using a vertical type stirred media mill. The results are evaluated on the basis of mean particle …

Mechanistic analysis and validation of an efficient novel …

Flotation is widely employed as a technique for separating scheelite from calcite [4], [5]. Sodium oleate is frequently utilized as a collector in scheelite flotation [6], [7], yet its selectivity is limited [8], [9]. Consequently, the selection of suitable depressants during the flotation process is essential for enhancing separation efficiency.

[PDF] Mechanism of Sand Cementation with an Efficient …

An efficient method of microbial-induced calcite precipitation (MICP) for cementation of sand particles and the influence of initial pH value of the culture medium on the growth of bacteria was discussed and results showed that the urease-producing bacteria S. pasteurii can be cultured at the initial pH values of 7–10, while a higher pH would hinder its …

Query Optimization via Apache Calcite | by Apurva Kumar

Apache Calcite is a dynamic data management framework that provides a standard SQL parser, validator, and JDBC driver. ... which is the process of finding the most efficient way to execute a query.

Flotation Separation of Fluorite from Calcite using an …

Fluorite and calcite were separated with nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) as a depressant. The single mineral flotation experiment confirmed that with 40 mg/L NaOL and 80 mg/L NTA, …

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