This paper discusses the usage of these materials as a alternative of fine and coarse aggregates with replacement dosages varying from 5% to 20% by weight. The result proved that the usage of coconut shell and baggase ash certified an increase in the compressive strength of concrete without affecting its hardened properties.
The properties of concrete using coconut shell as coarse aggregate were investigated in an experimental study. Compressive, flexural, splitting tensile strengths, impact resistance and bond ...
In this study, coconut shell was used as recycled lightweight aggregate in concrete. For coconut shell aggregate concrete (CSAC) to be used in realistic situations, its strength, durability and its temperature resistance need to be examined. Therefore, this study investigated the durability performance of CSAC in three curing conditions and resistance at …
Performance of Light Weight Concrete with Coconut Shell and Fly Ash International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology . 10.22214/ijraset.2021.38138 . 2021 . Vol 9 (9) . pp. 1119-1127. Author(s): Vani Kulkarni. Keyword(s): Fly Ash .
Therefore, this study examined the effect of coconut shell as fine and coarse aggregate replacement in concrete with respect to the mechanical properties. The coconut shell concrete was designed for the characteristic strength of 30 MPa with the incorporation of coconut shell as a replacement for fine and coarse aggregate at 10%, 20% and 30% by ...
The maximum compressive strength was attained at an aspect ratio of 83.33 and volume fraction of 3% for conventional concrete, and aspect ratio 66.67 and volume fraction 3% for coconut shell concrete. Flexural strength increased by 30.63% (conventional concrete) and 53.66% (coconut shell concrete) on the addition of coconut fibers.
Physical, chemical and microstructural properties of coconut shell ash and concrete. •. Structural performance evaluation and environmental impact assessment of …
This study focuses on the mechanical properties of CSP as a filler in concrete due to the gap identified in the literature. 2. Coconut shell properties A coconut shell refers to the non-food part of a coconut which is considered as a type of hard, lignocellulosic agro-waste.
Besides, bonding between cement paste and coconut shell shows that the bond appears to be better [15]. In addition, the use of coconut shell in the production of concrete has better workability, compressive strength, flexural strength, slip tensile strength, impact resistance, bonding property of coconut shell have been studies, discussed
In this experimental study, M30 grade of cement concrete is adopted and the mix was designed as per IS 10262 (2019) [27]. 72 cubes were cast to investigate workability, compressive strength, density, and micro-structural characteristics of the concrete.Initially, twelve cubes were cast confirming to M30 grade nominal mix (i.e., 0% coconut shell) with a w/c of …
Coconut shells in reinforced concrete beams are essential in earthquake-prone areas because of their ductility properties, which contribute to enhancing earthquake …
The dataset, comprising 483 laboratory experimental samples from reputable literature, encompasses key parameters such as coarse aggregate, coconut shell, water, cement, fine aggregate, and age of ...
Coconut shell and fiber The union of the shell and the coconut fiber as part of the pavement mix allows impressive results in terms of resistance, stability, and porosity. (Ting et al. 2015, Ting et al. 2017, Limantara et al. 2018, Ting et al. 2018, Haryati et al. 2019, Norhidayah et al. 2019, Castro Jerónimo et al. 2020) Coconut shell and ...
Owing to the high-water absorption of coconut shells, presoaked coconut shells were replaced as coarse aggregate with 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25% in M30 grade concrete. …
Coconut shell possesses remarkable properties such as carbon-rich and environmentally friendly solid fuel to other biomass and coal materials; hence, it is possible to produce alternative energy ...
furnace from C to C for four hours to produce coconut shell ash (CSA), after XRF analysis was carried out to determine its pozzolanic property, which was used as partial replacement of cement in concrete production. Concrete cubes were produced using graded levels of 0, 10, 15, and 20 percent replacement of CSA for Ordinary Portland Cement.
Therefore, this study examined the effect of coconut shell as fine and coarse aggregate replacement in concrete with respect to the mechanical properties. The coconut shell concrete was designed for the characteristic strength of 30 MPa with the incorporation of coconut shell as a replacement for fine and coarse aggregate at 10%, 20% and 30% by ...
The data article provides information on the properties of Coconut Shell Ash that are indicative of pozzolanic activity as stated in ASTM C618-15 (2015) [1], BS EN 197-1 (2011) [2] and Joshua et al. (2018) [3]. The data are the physical property of the sand used in determining the binder strengths and the chemical and physical properties (oxide ...
The coconut shell concrete is a light weight solid which may decrease the self-heap of a structure. The under taken project depends on inspecting attributes of coconut shell concrete when contrasted with conventional concrete. Coconut shells going from 10mm strainer and held on 6.3mm were considered to utilize for this study.
The absorption capacity of coconut shell (CS) aggregates is 20–25% absorption due to their inherent porosity. Hence, if CS is treated, there are chances of reducing its …
Adebakin et al. [12] studied the fresh properties of self-compacting lightweight concrete (SCLWC) made with various amounts of cement combined with fly ash (0% to 25% by weight) and coconut shell ...
The properties of concrete using coconut shell as coarse aggregate were investigated in an experimental study. Compressive, flexural, splitting tensile strengths, impact resistance and bond ...
This study investigates the predictive capacity of machine learning models for the compressive, flexural, and split tensile strengths of concrete incorporating coconut shell as a partial replacement for coarse aggregate. The dataset, comprising 483 laboratory experimental samples from reputable literature, encompasses key parameters such as coarse aggregate, …
This study focuses on the mechanical properties of CSP as a filler in concrete due to the gap identified in the literature. 2. Coconut shell properties A coconut shell refers to the non-food part of a coconut which is considered as a type of hard, lignocellulosic agro-waste. Comparative studies on concrete properties using coconut shells and oil
The properties tested include the physical properties of the shell, the compressive, flexural and tensile splitting strengths of the concrete.
The characteristic properties of coconut shell concrete such as workability, bulk density, compressive strength, flexural tensile, water absorption and thermal performance were reviewed in this paper. This paper attempts to answer whether coconut shell is suitable to be used in concrete to produce a concrete cool wall panel in order to reduce ...
The study focuses on substituting cement in concrete hollow blocks with coconut shell ash at 0, 10, 20, and 30 percent replacement. ... The data article provides information on the properties of ...
Strength Properties of Coconut Shell as Coarse Aggregate In Concrete. M Agnisha, . K. Navatha, Department of CSE, St. Martin's Engineering College, Secunderabad. Abstract: …
Therefore, this study examined the effect of coconut shell as fine and coarse aggregate replacement in concrete with respect to the mechanical properties. The coconut shell concrete was designed for the characteristic strength of 30 MPa with the incorporation of coconut shell as a replacement for fine and coarse aggregate at 10%, 20% and 30% by ...
Materials. The Portland cement (PC), groundnut shell ash (GSA), and coconut shell ash (CSA) were used as binding material for this research work, and the chemical compositions of binders are presented in Table 1.The experimental test was conducted on cement, as given in Table 2.Coconut shells were processed to produce the CSA used in this …