Woodlawn Zn-Pb-Cu sulfide deposit, New South Wales, …

At the start of production in 1978, in situ ore reserves amenable to open-cut mining totaled 6.3 million metric tons of complex ore with an average grade of 1.7 percent Cu, 5.5 percent Pb, 14.4 percent Zn, and 89 ppm Ag, and 3.7 million metric tons of stockwork copper ore averaging 1.9 percent Cu.The deposit occurs in Middle to Upper Silurian ...

Zinc, copper, and strontium isotopic variability in the Baiyangping Cu

The Baiyangping Cu–Ag polymetallic ore district is located in the northern part of the Lanping-Simao foreland fold belt, between the Jinshajiang-Ailaoshan and Lancangjiang faults, and the ...

REE and C‐O Isotopic Geochemistry of Calcites from the …

This paper presents the rare earth element (REE) and C-O isotopic compositions of calcites in the Huize Pb-Zn deposits. From lumpy to patch to vein calcites, REE contents …

(PDF) New constraints from structural data and U-Pb calcite

New constraints from structural data and U-Pb calcite geochronology on La Collada fluorspar ore body (Asturian basin, NW Spain) ... The ore body is hosted in a fault-fill vein moderately dipping ...

Formation of the giant Maoping Mississippi Valley-type Pb–Zn …

However, the ore-forming mechanisms of the Maoping Pb–Zn deposit remain contentious; for example, (1) sulfate reduction mode: the reduced sulfur required for Pb-Zn mineralization was derived from the TSR between sulfate ions in the ore-bearing basin brine and organic matter within the strata, which then combined with metal ions to precipitate ...

Origin of epithermal Ag Au Cu Pb Zn mineralization in

Ore deposition from hydrothermal solutions occurred in structurally favorable locations in a variety of host rock types, with concentrations of precious and base metals of up to 600 g/t Ag, …

Ions release stages of Cu-Pb-Zn mine tailings waste: A …

The study focuses on the Cu-Pb-Zn tailings pond in Huili County (27°05′50″ N, 102°13′55″ E), located in the Anning River Basin of the western part of Sichuan Province, China, serving as the tailings storage facility for the Tianbaoshan Cu-Pb-Zn mine (Zhou, Gao, Chen, and Liu, 2013; Zhu, Wen, Zhang, and Fan, 2016).The deposit is rich in Cu, Pb and Zn, and the …

The genesis of the Tianbaoshan Pb Zn deposit in Sichuan, …

The Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou (SYG) Pb Zn metallogenic province is located in the western part of the Yangtze block, which is an important part of the large area of low temperature metallogenic province in southwest China (Hu and Zhou, 2012; Zhou et al., 2018).The total proven Pb + Zn reserve at the SYG Pb Zn metallogenic province reaches approximately 20 …

Genesis of the superlarge Luziyuan Zn-Pb-Fe(-Cu) distal …

The superlarge Luziyuan Zn-Pb-Fe(-Cu) polymetallic deposit is located in the southern Baoshan Block of western Yunnan (SW China). The deposit contains over 4.2 million tonnes (Mt) of contained Zn + Pb metal reserves at 5.09% Zn and 2.40% Pb, and 301 Mt of Fe ore resources at 30.02% TFe.

Origin and Evolution of Ore-Forming Fluid and Metallogenic …

The Southern Hunan area is located in the superposition of the Qin-Hang Cu-Pb-Zn polymetallic ore belt and the Nanling W-Sn-Mo polymetallic ore belt, which is an important window to study the mineralization of W-Sn-Mo and Cu-Pb-Zn polymetallic deposits. The Baoshan deposit is a large Cu-Pb-Zn polymetallic deposit in Southern Hunan Province with …

Fluid inclusion and stable isotope (O and S) constraints

Fluid inclusion analyses in calcite samples reveal that ore-bearing solutions originated from a composite source including a relatively high temperature (135–380 °C) and salinity (29.10–42.97 ...

Hydrothermal evolution and ore genesis of the Zhaiping Ag-Pb-Zn …

The South China Block hosts a great number of porphyry Cu-Mo, epithermal Au-Ag, hydrothermal vein-type Ag-Pb-Zn, skarn Cu-Pb-Zn, and granite-related U deposits (Mao et al., 2013, Li and Jiang, 2017, Zhong et al., 2017).Previous studies suggest that the formation of these deposits is related to late Mesozoic large-scale tectono-magmatic and hydrothermal events …

Fluid evolution and ore genesis of Cu–Pb–Zn veins in the …

The newly discovered Panjiaduan Cu–Pb–Zn deposit (9.3 Mt; at 1.36% Cu, 2.90% Pb, 3.80% Zn and 38.12 g/t Ag), located in the SE segment of the SGXR, is primarily hosted in fracture zones in ...

Ore-fluid geochemistry of the Hehuashan Pb–Zn deposit in …

Calcite is a common gangue mineral in hydrothermal deposit especially for the carbonate-hosted Pb–Zn deposit and incorporates Fe, Mn, Mg and trace amounts of REE because of the institution between Ca 2+ and REE 3+, the fractionation of REE can be mainly caused by several ways such as redox condition change, temperature variation and the …

How carbonate dissolution facilitates sediment-hosted Zn-Pb

We propose that carbonate-buffered fluid mixing is a critical process for forming post-sedimentary Zn ± Pb ± Ba deposits in sedimentary carbonate rocks.

Fluid Inclusions of Calcite and Sources of Ore‐forming Fluids …

Abstract The Huize Zn-Pb- (Ag-Ge) district is a typical representative of the well-known medium-to large-sized carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb- (Ag-Ge) deposits, occurring in the Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou Pb-Zn Ore-forming Zone. Generally, fluid inclusions within calcite, one of the major gangue minerals, are dominated by two kinds of small (1–10 μm) inclusions …

Origin of hydrothermal dolomitization in the Huize Zn–Pb ore …

The Huize Zn–Pb ore district has a proven Zn–Pb metal reserve of approximately 7 million tons, with an average grade of 25 wt% to 35 wt% Zn + Pb (Han et al., ... (−2.13 ± 0.24 ‰) between inorganic calcite and solution reported by Saulnier et al. (2012). 4.6. In situ U–Pb dating of the pre-ore D3o dolostone and DC ...

Separation of Sn, Sb, Bi, As, Cu, Pb and Zn from …

separation of minor metal impurities from the tin solution was in the order of Pb > Cu > Bi > Zn > Sb > As above 5.5mol/L HCl. 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Extraction(%) HCl, mol /L Pb As Bi Sb Sn Cu Zn 2 4 6 8 10 Fig. 1 Effect of HCl concentration on extraction of metals. 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 β HCl, mol /L β Sn/Pb β Sn/As β Sn/Bi β Sn/Sb β Sn ...

The Sedmochislenitsi Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag deposit, NW Bulgaria: …

The Medna-Plakalnitsa and Sedmochislenitsi mines thus operated for around 90 years until closure in 1998 with a total recorded production for Medna-Plakalnitsa (1902-1978) of 649,400 tonnes at 1.41% Pb, 1.43% Zn and 1,380,400 tonnes at 1.45% Cu and for Sedmochislenitsi (1950-1995) of 10,673,200 tonnes at 1.00% Pb, 0.63% Zn, 44 g/t Ag and ...

(PDF) Cathodoluminescence and electron microprobe …

Relatively high Pb/Zn concentrations (3.5 & 3 wt. %) were analzyed in calcite veins with cyclical growth zonations above the main ore body at Khusib Springs, suggesting a …

Relationship between Pb-Zn and Au mineralization in the …

In contrast, Pb-Zn deposits associated with I-type intrusions mainly consist of the Shuikoushan Pb-Zn-Au ore district (Li and Peng, 1996, Huang et al., 2015a), the Baoshan Pb-Zn-Cu deposit (Ding et al., 2022, Huang and Peng, 2022) and the Tongshanling Cu-Pb-Zn deposit (Zhao et al., 2016, Liu et al., 2022).

Ore genesis of skarn mineralization in continental collision orogens…

The Pusangguo skarn deposit is located in the Gangdese porphyry copper belt, southern Tibet, and has reserves of 113,992.0 t Cu, 79,867.7 t Pb, 144,399.5 t Zn, and 285.8 t Co with average grades of 1.42 wt% Cu, 1.01 wt% Pb, 1.82 wt% Zn, and 140 g/t Co (Li et al., 2018a, Li et al., 2018b) (Fig. 1 b).The major lithostratigraphic unit is the Lower Cretaceous Takena …

Rare earth elements and carbon-oxygen isotopes of calcite …

As a major gangue mineral in many types of hydrothermal deposits, calcite hosts a suite of rare earth elements and yttrium (REYs) via the substitution of Ca 2+ by the trivalent REY ions into the crystal lattice (Shannon, 1976, Bau, 1991, Bau and Möller, 1992, Zhong and Mucci, 1995). Because of the elemental behavioral change with increasing atomic number (i.e., …

Dating of the Giant Huize Zn‐Pb Ore Field of Yunnan …

Zhou et al. considered the mineralization in the Huize Zn-Pb ore field is related to the closure of the paleo-Tethys ocean, so they supported an Eocene age. We report here on the first Sm-Nd dating of the Huize Zn-Pb ore deposits, using samples of hydrothermal calcite from the Huize ore field in southwest China. 2. Geology

Prediction of ore fluid metal concentrations from solid solution …

Prediction of ore fluid metal concentrations from solid solution concentrations in ore-stage calcite: Application to the Illinois-Kentucky and Central Tennessee Mississippi Valley-type districts

Thrust-controlled, sediment-hosted, Himalayan Zn–Pb–Cu…

The Lanping-Simao foreland fold belt (Fig. 1), in which the Himalayan Zn–Pb–Cu–Ag ore-forming systems were developed, is tectonically located in the eastern Indo-Asian collision zone (EIACZ), the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau (Fig. 1).The EIACZ, characterized by high topographic relief, is bounded by a series of NW-striking Cenozoic strike …

Genesis of the Huangshaping W–Mo–Cu–Pb–Zn polymetallic …

The Huangshaping polymetallic deposit is located in southeastern Hunan Province, China. It is a world-class W–Mo–Pb–Zn–Cu skarn deposit in the Nanling Range Metallogenic Belt, with estimated reserves of 74.31 Mt of W–Mo ore at 0.28% WO 3 and 0.07% Mo, 22.43 Mt of Pb–Zn ore at 3.6% Pb and 8.00% Zn, and 20.35 Mt of Cu ore at 1.12% Cu. The ore district …

Prediction of ore fluid metal concentrations from solid solution …

The most direct attempts to determine the concentrations of Zn and Pb in MVT ore fluids have come from studies of fluid inclusions. Czamanske et al. (1963) and Pinckney and Haffty (1970) used neutron activation and atomic absorption to analyze bulk leachates of fluorite-hosted fluid inclusions from the Illinois-Kentucky district (Fig. 1 A) and reported Zn …

Fluid Inclusions of Calcite and Sources of Ore‐forming …

Abstract The Huize Zn-Pb- (Ag-Ge) district is a typical representative of the well-known medium-to large-sized carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb- (Ag-Ge) deposits, occurring in the Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou Pb-Zn Ore-forming Zone. Generally, fluid inclusions within calcite, one of the major gangue minerals, are dominated by two kinds of small (1–10 μm) inclusions …

(PDF) Genesis of the Wutuogou Ag-Pb-Zn deposit in the

In addition, the Fe/Zn mass ratios (0.025-0.075) of sphalerite estimate the fluid temperature for substage II-1 of 246-284°C, whereas the Ag/(Ag + Cu) and Zn/(Zn + Fe) mole ratios of freibergite ...

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