Sustainable assessment and synergism of ceramic powder …

Solid waste management is a critical issue worldwide. Effectively utilizing these solid waste resources presents a viable solution. This study focuses on Iron ore tailings (IOTs), a solid waste generated during iron ore processing, which can be used as supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) but have low reactivity, hindering their large-scale application …

Digitising drill and blast operations

Digitising drill and blast operations. Drill and blast operations are an important, complex, and safety-critical part of many early-stage mining projects. ... was a growing demand for innovations in this area as mining companies explore for increasingly deeper and more remote ore bodies, which present more hazardous and challenging conditions ...

Open-Pit Mining | Method and Process | Epiroc US

BenchREMOTE 2023 India Mining International Surface SmartROC D65 Surface and Exploration Drilling division Customer story. The iron ore mine at Noamundi, India, is taking productivity and sustainability to the next level with Epiroc's SmartROC D65 surface drill rig and BenchREMOTE operator station. Continue reading

Electric mining drill

The electric mining drill mines out iron ore, copper ore, uranium ore, stone and coal, and places it in front of the output tile, on a belt or in a machine or chest that covers the output tile.. The machine is 3×3, but mines in a 5×5 area, extending 1 tile away on each side. Mines copper ore, iron ore, coal, or stone at a rate of 0.5/s and uranium ore at a rate of 0.25/s.

Innovative Blasting Practices for Underground Hard Rock …

In dice 5 pattern, two holes are placed closer to the hangingwall and two holes are placed closer to the footwall, the remaining one hole is placed in the middle of the ore body. The pattern is repeated afterwards. In inline pattern, the blastholes are placed in the middle of the orebody. The schematic of these patterns is shown in Fig. 8.5.

(PDF) An empirical relation to calculate the proper burden …

The drilling pattern used in. the main pit mine is the stagger type. ... its results were compared to data obtained from six blast sites in Chadormalu iron ore mine and one in Porgera gold mine ...

Innovative Blasting Practices for Underground Hard Rock …

Authors have identified three different patterns for drilling, viz. inline, dice 5 and staggered. The concept of overbreak estimation for slot raise and drivage excavation used by the researchers …

Computer assisted drill hole data interpretation for iron …

validation for iron ore. Logged and automated classification results for BIF (green) and shale (blue) intervals for four drill holes overlay the wavelet transform results of wireline density. …

Understanding Iron Ores and Mining of Iron Ore – IspatGuru

The portion of the ore body to be removed is first drilled in a specific pattern. The drilling is conducted with large mechanized drilling rigs. The chief objective of drilling operations is to create a hole of suitable diameter, depth, and direction in rock for explosives to be placed for blasting activities. ... Iron ore of merchantable grade ...

Drilling & Blasting

Drilling patterns, blasting sequences, load weights, and knowing where the shot materials will end up after the explosions occur, all takes a great deal of skill and understanding of blasting technologies; and the earth itself.

A data mining approach to validating drill hole logging …

We introduce the auto-validation assistant (AVA) algorithm, which applies data mining methods to geologists' validation patterns recorded in a training process over hundreds of intervals of iron ore exploration drill holes. The AVA modifies the material types selected in the logged composition and their percentages according to geologic rules ...

Simulation of Orebody Geology with Multiple-Point …

Geological controls of physical-chemical properties of ore deposits are important, thus, understanding and modelling the spatial distribution of deposit geology is critical to grade estimation, as well as the modelling of any pertinent attributes of orebodies (e.g., Sinclair and Blackwell 2002; King et al. 1986).In iron ore deposits, for example, geological domains …

Reduction of Fragment Size from Mining to Mineral …

In the quarry Vrsi, when the drilling pattern decreased from 3.0 m × 4.5 m to 2.9 m × 3.0 m, while other parameters, such as borehole sizes, were constant ... For instance, for iron ore, magnesite, and limestone, around 50% weight of the material smaller than 1 mm was generated within the crushed zone of blasthole, meaning that other 50% fine ...


excavation or re-drilling of the blast area. This Code has been developed to provide practical guidance regarding those on-bench activities that must be considered as part of the risk assessment process, and during the development of a safety management plan and associated operating procedures and

Design of controlled blasting (pre-splitting) in Golegohar iron ore

Working bench 11, blast pattern no. 178 Materials to be fractured Spacing of joints and cracks Location of nearby faults Status of water Iron ore and waste rocks Minimum 0.2 and maximum 1.5 m A diagonal fault behind the pre-splitting row with a distance of at least 4 m in west of the pattern Dry Mining Technology 2015 VOL 124 NO 1 67 Dindarloo ...

Geometrical specifications of a drilling pattern considered …

An unsuitable drilling pattern may lead to undesirable results such as poor fragmentation, back break and fly rock... | Iron Ore, Multiple-Attribute Decision Making and Mining | ResearchGate, the ...

An empirical relation to calculate the proper burden in blast …

The drilling pattern used in the main pit mine is the stagger type. Respectively, burden and spacing in iron ore drill are 6 m and 7 m for 251 mm diameter with spacing to burden (S/B) ratio of 1.17. Sub-drilling in iron ore varies from 1.5 m to 2 m with an average of 1.7 m. Drilling pattern in the waste rock is also stagger type.

Drilling, Charging, Blasting Productivity

Reduce drill and blast costs. Advanced blasting technology and clever blast design can improve the utilisation of the drilling fleet and reduce capital and operating costs without compromising productivity. Matching explosive energy to geology enables …

Ring Blasting Design Modeling and Optimization

Ore recovery/dilution control, fragmentation and drift integrity all have to be taken into account when selecting parameters such as burden, spacing, linear explosive density and ... One of the most important parameters to consider in blast designs, as well as drill pattern, explosive, etc., is the geotechnical characteristics of the rock ...

Iron Ore

Iron ore generates in three batches. The first batch attempts to generate 90 times per chunk in blobs of 0-13‌ [JE only] or 0-16‌ [BE only], from levels 80 to 384, being most common around level 232 and becoming less common toward either end of the range.The second batch attempts to generate 10 times per chunk in blobs of 0-13‌ [JE only] or 0-16‌ [BE only], from …

Selection of the most proper drilling and blasting …

The results of this study show that the drilling pattern with a spacing of 5 m, burden 4 m, hole depth 10 m, and hole diameter 15 cm is the most suitable one. The stemming length and powder factor of the sug-gested pattern are 2.3 m and 2.6 gr/cm3, respectively. Keywords: Drilling and blasting pattern; Sangan Iron Ore Mine; AHP; TOPSIS ...

Drilling and Blasting in Mining | Solutions for the Mining …

Drilling and blasting are commonly adopted techniques for overburden removal and ore excavation in opencast as well as underground mining operations. Blast hole drilling also constitutes the simplest and the most economical solution for discovering and accessing underground mineral deposits.

An empirical relation to calculate the proper burden in blast …

The drilling pattern used in the main pit mine is the stagger type. Respectively, burden and spacing in iron ore drill are 6 m and 7 m for 251 mm diameter with spacing to …

Drivage Excavation Using Drilling and Blasting | SpringerLink

Drivage excavation in Indian condition is done using burn-cut drilling and blasting pattern. II. The cut hole pattern in burn-cut influences the induced pull significantly. Hence, the optimization of cut portion including the dimensions of relief and blastholes is necessary. Such optimization may be carried out using numerical simulation and ...


The IronDrill is a tier 2 extractor that takes the appearance of a gray, compact drill, with the power input and item output on the front. As the name suggests, the IronDrill mines raw iron, which can be smelted then used for a plethora of …

An empirical relation to calculate the proper burden in …

for drilling pattern design in most open pit mines. The burden ... spacing in iron ore drill are 6 m and 7 m for 251 mm diameter with spacing to burden (S/B) ratio of 1.17. Sub-drilling in iron ore


the shot will allow for an expansion of the drilling pattern, with resultant decrease in overall drilling costs. Improved production rates and consequent cost reduction in digging, hauling, crushing, or moving rock are the major benefits obtained from the efficient application of explosive energy. There are other benefits from

How to Drill Cast Iron | Perfect Ways | Machine Handyman

Conversely, many professional enthusiasts recommend using lubricant for drilling plenty of holes on cast iron. It helps prevent heat build-up in the bit and allows drilling holes in cart iron successfully. Safety tips to remember while drilling through cast iron. Safety is vital and a must for convenient drilling tasks.

Blasting Principles

Drilling. The act or process of creating holes in rock mass for later filling with explosive and blasting. Drill and Blast. The combined cycle of drilling and blasting, often classified as a discrete process and cost centre in most mines. Drill …

A Data Mining Approach to Validating Drill Hole Logging Data …

A Data Mining Approach to Validating Drill Hole Logging Data in Pilbara Iron Ore Exploration ... (AVA) algorithm, which applies data mining methods to geologists' validation patterns recorded in a training process over hundreds of intervals of iron ore exploration drill holes. The AVA modifies the material types selected in the logged ...

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