Leveraging Zimbabwe's mineral endowment for economic …

Zimbabwe has good potential for increasing mining production to achieve economic recovery, which can lead to human development through artisanal, small-scale and large-scale …

Assessing Zim's new mining royalty policy

The Zimbabwe government has implemented a policy to collect half of the mining royalties due to treasury in physical minerals, instead of foreign currency as has been the case for the past decades ...

Socio-economic Impacts of China's Mining Investments in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe Economic Policy Analysis and Research Unit (ZEPARU) (2017) Assessment of the scope and applicability of beneficiation and value addition of minerals in Zimbabwe. Study Report Submitted to the African Development Bank. Google Scholar Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation (ZMDC) (2021) Annual Report: unearthing the …

Mining Through the Ages: Unraveling Zimbabwe's Mineral …

The history of mining in Zimbabwe stretches back centuries, with the country known for its rich mineral wealth and a diverse range of mining activities. ... Over the years, Zimbabwe has introduced various mining laws, policies, and reforms aimed at attracting investment, promoting sustainable development, and ensuring equitable distribution of ...


(Management and Safety) Regulations, 1990; Mining (Health and Sanitation) Regulations, 1995 and the Zimbabwe National Occupational Health and Safety policy. The audit was motivated by the results of a pre-study that was conducted in 2015 and press reports which highlighted that there was poor occupational health and safety in mining operations in

Fiscal incentives or tax policies for Mining …

Responding to mining Zimbabwe's question "What fiscal incentives or tax policies do we have in place to encourage mining investment and ensure a competitive environment for foreign companies seeking to invest …


That Zimbabwe has a significant and diverse mineral resource base is not in doubt. With estimates that Zimbabwe has the second largest reserves of chrome and platinum after South Africa and potential to supply about 25% of the global diamond market, mining can play a catalytic role in Zimbabwe's economic revival, stabilization and eventual growth.

Transforming Zimbabwe's mining sector: A path …

With the creation of employment opportunities, increased investments, and a targeted plan to become a US$12 billion export industry by 2023, Zimbabwe's mining sector is poised to contribute...


policies and acts that made reference to fragmented environmental administration from different Government ministries and departments. Some of the acts and policies frequently cited are: the Natural Resources Act; Environmental Impact Assessment Policy; Environmental Conservation


study develops more than 50 recommendations for strengthening mining sector policies, institutions and procedures. The recommendations are summarised in the section 4 of the …

Zimbabwe and a wave of resource nationalism

In December 2022, Zimbabwe banned raw lithium ore exports to minimise the economic potential of artisanal mining and encourage investments in state-approved production facilities. Then in January 2023 another ban followed, according to the state-owned newspaper The Herald, this time covering all base mineral ores.

Transforming Zimbabwe's mining sector: A path to prosperity

To show its commitment towards ensuring the growth of the sector through the various policies implemented by the government Zimbabwe has set an ambitious goal of transforming its mining sector ...

Policy Inconsistency Bad for Mining Investments in Zimbabwe

The Chamber of Mines Zimbabwe has also emphasized that "investors require policy consistency and certainty" if Zimbabwe is to attract significant investment in its mining sector. Without stable, long-term policies, Zimbabwe risks missing out on major investment opportunities, which are essential to developing its mineral wealth.

Zimbabwe: Mineral Policy

The institutional framework for mining in Zimbabwe starts from the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development to its parastatals such as the Zimbabwean Mining …


such as Eritrea.8 In Zimbabwe, where HRIAs do not exist, mining (especially diamond mining) has caused a great deal of suffering to local communities ... 0831 - HSRC POLICY BRIEF 03 – Zimbabwe's minerals.indd 2 2018/03/07 4:20 PM. policy brief of the Environmental Management


163. Issue of special mining lease. 164. Terms and conditions of special mining lease. 165. Application of further provisions of Part VIII to special mining leases. 166. Issue of mining lease instead of special mining lease. 167. Agreement re issue of special mining lease. 168. Applications of other provisions of this Act relating to mining ...


In its endeavour to advocate and promote the growth and development of the mining industry the Chamber is currently engaging the Government on a number of outstanding policies and …

Important changes to Zimbabwe's mining regulatory …

Here, Selina Zhuwarara, mining law expert and Consultant at Alliott Global Alliance law firm member Muvingi & Mugadza explains why Zimbabwe is re-structuring its policies and …

Mining Zimbabwe

Mining Zimbabwe is a leading publication and online platform that covers the mining industry in Zimbabwe. We provide up-to-date news, insights, and analysis on the country's mining sector, focusing on developments in mineral …

Zimbabwe: Reviving and Growing Mining Industry

The mining industry in Zimbabwe presents significant opportunities for national growth and prosperity. ... Mining and administration costs. Fiscal policies ie taxes.

Ten Strategies Employed by the Ministry of Mines to

The Ministry of Mines and Mining Development, in its quest to achieve the targets set under the National Development Strategy-1 (NDS1) and ultimately Vision 2030, has outlined several strategies aimed at elevating Zimbabwe's mining sector to world-class standards.. By Rudairo Mapuranga. Zimbabwe is confident that, supported by NDS1, it will achieve an upper …

Zimbabwe to Boost Economy with Lithium …

Some of the notable projects include the US$422 million deal where Zhejiang Huayou, the world's biggest producer of cobalt, acquired controlling rights to Zimbabwe's Arcadia mine, and the potential acquisition of …

Zimbabwe gives first details of new mining royalty policy

Zimbabwe provided the first details of how a new mineral royalty policy will be enforced, as the country considers more than doubling spending in 2023 to help revive an economy that exited a ...

Mineral policy in Zimbabwe: Its evolution, achievements …

According to Hollaway (1997), mineral policy from Rhodesia to Zimbabwe has largely been ad-hoc and driven by the desire to take fullest advantage of whatever was economically profitable to mine. The mining laws have a historical reputation of allowing easy acquisition of mineral property rights and sale (Zwane et al., 2006; Spiegel 2009).

Security of Mining Rights in Zimbabwe: The Mining Lease …

Mining Zimbabwe is a leading publication and online platform that covers the mining industry in Zimbabwe. We provide up-to-date news, insights, and analysis on the country's mining sector, focusing on developments in mineral exploration, production, legislation, and market trends. The publication serves as a key source of information for ...

Mines and Mining Development

To promote sustainable exploration, mining, processing, marketing and management of mineral resources for the benefit of all Zimbabweans. OVERALL FUNCTIONS. Formulate mining development policies; Monitor and evaluate the implementation of mining policies; Maintain an up to date data base of Exploration and Mining Titles in Zimbabwe

Promoting sustainable mining in Zimbabwe

Brief overview of mining activities in Zimbabwe. Mining projects vary according to the type of metals or minerals to be extracted from the earth. This ultimately defines the structural phases of a mining project which typically begin with the exploration phase and ending with the post-closure period after commercial production.

Crisis, Mbingas and Artisanal Small-Scale Mining in …

Policy Brief 16 JUN 2023 Crisis, Mbingas and Artisanal Small-Scale Mining in Zimbabwe ... 19 Mining Zimbabwe, "Gold Delivery 2020 and 2021 to Fidelity Gold Refinery", Mining Zimbabwe, n.d. 20 Melusi Nkomo, "The anatomy of a gold-rush: Politics, ...

Mining Sector

Zimbabwe boasts a rich and diverse geological landscape that has earned it a prominent place on the global mining map. With close to 40 different minerals including abundant deposits of gold, platinum, diamonds, lithium, coal, chrome, nickel, and a host of other valuable minerals the country stands as an attractive location for investors seeking emerging opportunities in the …

Mining Law Zimbabwe

The Mines and Minerals Act Chapter 21:05 is the law for the mining industry in Zimbabwe. There are other Acts and Regulations that draw their existence from this Mines and Minerals Act. The Act has been acknowledged as a good piece of legislation by both local and

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