PVC Plastic Conveyor Rollers

Small-Diameter Abrasion-Resistant Conveyor Rollers These nonmarring, nonmarking PVC plastic rollers protect material better than all-metal rollers. For technical drawings and 3-D models, click on a part number.

Heavy Duty Rollers

The small-diameter rollers rotate like a conveyor belt around a center plate to distribute weight evenly and provide a smooth ride.

Conveyor Rollers

Choose from our selection of 1.9" diameter conveyor rollers, large-diameter conveyor rollers, small-diameter conveyor rollers, and more. In stock and ready to ship.

Micro Rollers

Small-Diameter Corrosion-Resistant Conveyor Rollers Made from stainless steel, these rollers are suitable for washdown applications. For technical drawings and 3-D models, click on a part number.

Small Rollers

Small-Diameter Corrosion-Resistant Conveyor Rollers Made from stainless steel, these rollers are suitable for washdown applications. Rollers with stainless steel bearings are more durable than rollers with plastic bearings.

21" Between Frame Width Conveyor Rollers | McMaster-Carr

Small-Diameter Corrosion-Resistant Conveyor Rollers Made from stainless steel, these rollers are suitable for washdown applications. Rollers with stainless steel bearings are more durable than rollers with plastic bearings.

Roller Conveyors

Bench-top, hanging, floor, and conveyor scales. 7 products. Choose from our selection of roller conveyors, including over 2,100 products in a wide range of styles and sizes. In stock and ready to ship.

Shaft Rollers

Choose from our selection of shaft rollers, including 1.9" diameter conveyor rollers, large-diameter conveyor rollers, and more. In stock and ready to ship.

Spring-Loaded Rollers

Add mounting feet and casters to T-slotted framing structures to level equipment, anchor legs to the floor, or add mobility. Choose from our selection of spring-loaded rollers, including 1.9" diameter conveyor rollers, large-diameter conveyor rollers, and more. In stock and ready to ship.

Conveyor Drive Rollers

The most versatile system, attach fittings along the continuous slots to build virtually anything. 3 products. Choose from our selection of conveyor drive rollers, including over 750 products in a wide range of styles and sizes. In stock and ready to ship.

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