For logical naming: common names are not adequate because they vary from country to country, even from locality to locality. Basis for CLASSIFICATION ... Biennials- plants ordinarily require 2 years or at least part of 2 growing seasons with a dormant period between growth stages to complete their life cycle eg. Carrot, cabbage, celery

What is scientific name of pea plant? Biology Q&A

Scientific name of pea-plant: The pea is the small spherical seed or seed pod of the Pisum sativum pod fruit. There are several green or yellow peas in each pod. Pea pods are herbs classified as a fruit since they contain seeds and develop from a flower's ovary. The scientific name for the pea plant is Pisum sativum.

Alagasi / Asis / Isis / Leucosyke capitellata: Philippine …

Botany Alagasi is an erect shrub or small tree, reaching a height of 2 to 4 meters. Leaves are papery, oblong or ovate, 10 to 15 centimeters long, 3 to 5 centimeters wide, felty and harsh to touch, gray or chalky white beneath and green on the other side; pointed at the apex, abruptly and broadly rounded, and 3-nerved at the base.

USDA Plants Database

United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service. PLANTS ; Home ; Topics; Team; Downloads; Partners; Related Tools; ... Click on names to expand them, and on P for PLANTS profiles. Rank Scientific Name and Common Name; Kingdom: Plantae - Plants: Subkingdom: Tracheobionta - Vascular plants: Superdivision ...

Scientific Names of Ornamental Plants

The redosier dogwood shrub (Cornus sericea) has vibrantly-red colored twigs that are outstanding in the winter, especially when framed against white drifts of snow. In fact, this is a popular ornamental plant choice among gardeners who live in cold climates, as this plant is cold-hardy to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) zone 2.

Horticulture Chapter 2 Flashcards

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Scientific names are used to a. show the chemical makeup of plants. b. avoid confusion concerning the names of plants. c. increase the number of names of plants. d. all of the above., Scientific names of plants are expressed in Latin because a. it is a dead language. b. it is easy for all nationalities to …

Sinhala Plant-names → Botany Plant names උද්භිද නම් …

Using Firefox type a slash to open a dialog box to search the site Find the botany name from this site. Then go to the Botany to sinhala site Use the Latin names in Google to locate pictures of the plant, and references to the scientific literature. The Sanskrit (or Pali) names, given in the bot2sinhala.html site, together with the Tamil names, provide clues to the etymology and ethno ...

Table: Botanical and Common Names, Families, …

The plant is cultivated for the essential oil used in perfumery, soap making, to flavour liqueurs and sauces. 74. Ocimum sanctum L. Tulsi Labiatae Old World Tropics The plant is sacred to the Hindus and is grown in front of temples; the leaves are used as a condiment. 75.

35 Scientific Names of Vegetables

There are so many vegetables in the world and it can be hard to remember their names. Here is a list of the scientific names of vegetables. The list will help you remember the vegetables and their scientific names. Vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. Each vegetable has its own unique set of nutrients. Vegetables can be eaten raw or cooked. You …

Binomial Nomenclature: Scientific Names of Plants and Animals …

The adjective used for nomenclature describes at least, the genus or the characteristics of the family to which the particular plant belongs. One of the examples of it is Spinach (common name) whose scientific name is Spinacia oleracea. Scientific Names of Common Plants. Mentioned below is the list of common plants along with their scientific ...

Paragis / Eleusine indica / wire grass: Philippine …

Scientific names : Common names : Agropyron geminatum ... Plants of the World Online: Paragis is a local common name shared by (1) Eleusine indica, wire grass (2) Paspalum scrobiculatum, kodomillet. ... Gaertn. (Goose Grass) / …

Gabi: An indigenous vegetable of the Philippines

Gabi (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott), known in English as taro, cocoyam, elephant's ear, dasheen, and eddoe, is also known in Philippine local names as natong, katnga, gaway (Bicol), aba, abalong, balong, dagmay, gaway, kimpoy, lagbay, butig (Visayan), badyan (Hanunoo), aba, awa (Ilocano), atang (Itawis), and sudi (Ivatan).In addition to the names listed …

Common and Scientific Names of Weeds / Onion and Garlic / Agriculture …

UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines: Onion and Garlic UC ANR Publication 3453. R.F. Smith (emeritus), UC Cooperative Extension Monterey County. S.A. Fennimore, Plant Sciences, UC Davis and USDA-ARS, Salinas. R.G. Wilson, Intermountain Research and Extension Center. Acknowledgement for Contributions to Weeds



The coconut palm's mini-me is popular among …

By Patricia Bianca S. Taculao Lubi-lubi (Ficus pseudopalma) is a shrub or small tree that might as well be considered the miniature version of the coconut palm. Its scientific name means "fake palm" while its local names …

Vines by Scientific Name

Plant Health Clinic. What's wrong with my plants? The clinic can help. Plant of the Week. Featured trees, vines, shrubs and flowers. Ask the Pest Crew. Ask our experts plant, animal, or insect questions. Fruits & Nuts. Enjoying the sweet fruits of your labor. In the Garden. Herbs, native plants, & reference desk QA.

1.4: Introduction to Binomial Nomenclature

A plant name or binomial is made up of two names: a genus name and a (usually) descriptive specific epithet (species name), both commonly of Latin or Greek origin. …

Caveat: Common Plant Names

Common plant names or common names of plants, also called vernacular names, local names, and country names, ... Scientific plant names. Retrieved May 21, 2010, ... "Every day is Earth Day when you work in agriculture."

Scientific and Local Name of Tree Species found in Nepal

Nepal is rich in biodiversity. Nepal has various plants, animal and ecological variations. The different ecological region like tropical zone, sub-tropical zone, temperate zone, sub-alpine and alpine helps to grows up different vegetation types in respective ecological zone. The altitude from low plain warmer region to Cold high mountain with temperate region neither …

20 types of grass and their scientific names

The botanical name for St. Augustine grass is Stenotaphrum secundatum. Its local names in Australia and South Africa are buffalo turf and buffalo grass, respectively. It is one of the most common lawn grasses and is commonly grown in warm temperature areas like the tropical and subtropical regions.

Scientific and Common Plant Names

People use common names or scientific names when referring to particular plants (and animals). Both naming conventions serve a purpose. Common names for plants and animals are used by local peoplemon names may be totally different from one country to another, from one state to another, and even from one county to another.

Botanical Names For Plants: Common Name

You should write plant scientific name in a specific way to help scientists & botanists understand and categorize plants. It consists of two parts: the first part is the name of the plant's genus (a group of closely related …

Botany Chapter- 16 Classification Flashcards

all of the above [based on unique, recognizable features of the plant, in the local language, often different in different regions of the country, often used for different plants] ... Scientific names consist of two parts and the method of naming is known as. binomial system of nomenclature. Linnaeus developed the first taxonomic key a tool ...

[List] Scientific Name of Fruits: Botanical Names …

Scientific names come from Latin or Greek language. A scientific name is a name which is used by scientist, consists of the genus and species. Taxonomic name of an organism is a scientific name of that …

Common and Scientific Names of Weeds

Agriculture: Turfgrass Pest Management Guidelines Common and Scientific Names of Weeds. Weeds Pages – Common and Scientific Names of Weeds; ... D.W. Cudney (emeritus), Botany and Plant Sciences, UC Riverside. C.L. Elmore (emeritus), Weed …

Plant Names: Scientific And Common Nomenclature Explained

The scientific name of a plant or animal is called its taxonomic name. This system of nomenclature was developed in the 1700s by Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus to …


- scientific name Bakbaka, kawad-kawad - local names commonly used by Filipino farmers Poaceae (Graminae)- family name. ... species on growth and development of rice plants in the fields as well as on the quality and quantity of harvested grains. Weed species lacking this …


2010. The oldest illustrated and most valuable document in the history of pharmaceutical and herbal writing is De materia medica, i.e. materials of medicine, a precursor to the modern pharmacopoeia and one of the most influential herbal books in history of sciences; this work was written by Dioscorides in his native Greek, during the first century AD.

Scientific Name of All Plants & Trees in English PDF …

A binomial name, also known as a scientific name, is used to identify and classify organisms. The first part of the name indicates the genus to which the organism belongs, while the second part, known as the specific name, specifies the exact species within that genus.

List of Scientific Names of Animals and Plants

Scientific names of animals and plants are frequently used for categorizing animals and plants based on their genus and species. The Binomial Nomenclature are generally derived from Latin words. Binomial Nomenclature consists of two names – genus and species.. As the local names vary from place to place and can not be learned easily, scientific names …

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